Minami Yuuki felt Asano Nao was acting a bit strange.

Today’s breakfast was more Western-style, with sliced bread as the main dish, along with a vegetable salad, grilled bacon, and sausages, plus a box of juice.

At first, he thought Asano Nao was worried whether he would like a Western breakfast.

But even after he had finished all the breakfast on the table, showing his enjoyment, Asano Nao still kept glancing at him cautiously out of the corner of her eye, with a strange smile on her face.

Normally, Asano Nao didn’t look at him so often, nor did she show such an infatuated smile.

Leaning back in his chair, Minami Yuuki inserted a straw into the juice box and sipped, staring at the woman in front of him.

Noticing his gaze, Asano Nao lowered her head, eating intently like a hamster.

“Did Sister put some kind of aphrodisiac in the breakfast?” Minami Yuuki scrutinized her as if examining a suspect.

“Cough, cough, cough!” Asano Nao covered her mouth, startled by the boy’s sudden and explicit words, choking on her rice.

Her cheeks were flushed, partly from coughing, partly from embarrassment.

“I did not,” she explained softly.

“Then why does Sister look like an infatuated woman? Like a bride about to spend her wedding night, sneaking glances at her husband and smiling happily at the thought of the intimacy to come?” Minami Yuuki pressed on.

“I did not.”

As soon as she spoke, Asano Nao felt the temperature of her face rise significantly. She didn’t need to look to know her cheeks were even redder.

That was practically an admission!

She wanted to pinch her own face for betraying her and revealing her inner thoughts.

Strictly speaking, what Minami Yuuki said wasn’t exactly what she was thinking, but broadly speaking, his words did reflect her inner feelings.

She looked at Minami Yuuki and thought about last night’s dream, about the happiness and joy in the dream, and couldn’t help but smile. Indeed, she was thinking about the upcoming intimacy and feeling happy, smiling at the thought.

Last night’s dream was too vivid, too detailed, the images were still fresh in her mind, the emotions still in her heart. In the dream, she truly married Minami Yuuki and had two adorable daughters, living a happy life.

She believed it was a prophecy, a revelation from the gods.

Soon, she and the boy would fall in love.

This time, she would face it bravely, at least she wouldn’t walk away like she did in the dream. They would certainly be happier than in the dream.

“Sister’s denial with such a red face is really unconvincing,” Minami Yuuki continued.

Asano Nao couldn’t tell the boy in front of her the truth. If she said she dreamt of their future, he would definitely be scared, right?

He might even doubt her mental state, although her mental state was already not quite normal.

“The origami cranes are finished!”

Her attempt to change the subject was very clumsy, but as long as the topic was interesting enough, the rough transition wouldn’t be noticeable.

The origami cranes were currently Minami Yuuki’s biggest concern, and she succeeded.

Watching Asano Nao go upstairs to get the origami cranes, Minami Yuuki felt a bit worried, wondering if the origami cranes that worked for Minami Airi would still be effective for Asano Nao.

After finishing his juice, Asano Nao came down holding a white storage box.

Taking the box, Minami Yuuki opened the lid, and inside, various colored origami cranes were neatly arranged. The plain box set off the colorful cranes, making them eye-catching and lifting his spirits.

[You received a heartfelt gift from [Asano Nao]]

[Simulation attempts +3]

Three simulation attempts!

Minami Yuuki took out one crane; it was neatly folded, comparable to the ones made by Airi.

In terms of quantity, this set didn’t differ much from Airi’s.

“How long did it take you to fold these?” Minami Yuuki asked, looking up.

Asano Nao hadn’t expected this question. She thought for a moment and gave an estimated time, “A little over three hours.”

The time wasn’t much different from Airi’s.

So the main difference was in the intention? Airi’s intention was only a third of Asano Nao’s?

“I really like it,” Minami Yuuki said, closing the lid of the storage box.

Receiving affirmation from the boy she adored made Asano Nao overjoyed.

“Well then, I’ll be relying on you again, Sister,” Minami Yuuki said. “In two days, it will be our one-week anniversary since we met. Please prepare some more origami cranes as commemorative gifts!”


The word “anniversary” implied bonds and long-term companionship. Just hearing these words made Asano Nao feel happiness and joy.

Come to think of it, has it already been so long since she met Yuuki-kun? It’s incredible that their anniversary is just a few days away. Is it their first anniversary or the tenth anniversary?

Her mind suddenly cleared.

No matter how she thought about it, she and Yuuki-kun hadn’t known each other for a year!

She recalled what Minami Yuuki had just said. This anniversary is… the one-week anniversary of their meeting?

Why would even a week be commemorated?

Could this be a current trend? Thinking about it carefully, in today’s increasingly indifferent society, where people are becoming more atomized, a week of knowing each other is indeed a long time. It’s a rare fate that deserves an anniversary!

“Is just folding origami cranes enough?” Asano Nao’s gaze was serious. She decided to acknowledge and seriously treat this holiday.

“That’s enough. I really like origami cranes,” Minami Yuuki didn’t expect it would be so easy to deceive Asano Nao.

Having achieved his goal, he stood up with the origami cranes. “Well then, I’ll leave now and take the origami cranes back to the apartment. See you tonight, Nao-nee.”

Minami Yuuki had already left the house, but Asano Nao stayed where she was, covering her face, unable to stop a silly smile from spreading across her lips.

Yuuki-kun called my name!

Lying on the sofa, Asano Nao hugged a pillow, her chest filled with happiness.

It turns out the dream was right; her relationship with Yuuki-kun was developing smoothly!

Next, it’s the part where Yuuki-kun borrows money from me to study music, right? He will even vow to give me a gift every month.

By the end of this year, Yuuki-kun will move into my house and live with me!

Chitose Kazumi will be just a minor episode, but it won’t be a big deal. Yuuki-kun and I will build a strong bond, and he won’t pay any attention to other women!

When Yuuki-kun goes to university, Miu can be born!

She hugged the pillow tighter, her face burning red, a naughty thought arising in her mind.

Could Miu… be born earlier?

She buried her face in the pillow, curling up into a ball, feeling intensely embarrassed, her body hot with anticipation.

Putting down the pillow, she closed all the windows in the living room and drew the curtains tightly. She took the camera from the cabinet opposite the dining table, grabbed a pack of tissues, and sat in the chair where Yuuki-kun had sat.

At that moment, the Minami Yuuki, whom she believed would ignore any woman but her, was walking with Ibuki Yuko on the way to school.

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