Wait, it’s over? I haven’t even used my free simulation chances yet!

Minami Yuuki was heartbroken. Those were chances to experience simulated life, to feel what it’s like to have his own wife and daughter!

During this simulation, there were many moments perfect for using free simulations, but Minami Yuuki, thinking it might be even happier later, had missed the opportunity.

Never mind.

Compared to the simulations he could redo, the free simulation chances were more precious.

Experiencing life first, then picking a favorite moment to load and using the free simulation was the best approach.

Just like this life simulation—if he had hastily used a free simulation, he would only have experienced Asano Nao and Miu, missing out on his second daughter, Rikka.

He emerged from the thin blanket and reached for the bedside table. The slight chill of the spring night dispersed the lingering warmth from his body, stimulating his skin and waking him up.

He picked up the cup of tea from the table and drank the slightly cold water. The memory scenes and quick review mode had left his brain a bit groggy, but now he felt refreshed.

Leaning against the headboard, he continued to look at the simulator screen.

[Summary of this Simulation]

[Score: 95]

[Stages Experienced: Pursuit, Romance, Affection]

[Comment: After many attempts, you found the best way to get along with her. She is like a wild cat; your care should be measured, or it will burden her.]

[Final Settlement: You have received an attribute point [Physique +1]]

“A wild cat, huh? Getting too close would burden her.” Minami Yuuki sighed.

Indeed, Asano Nao was best kept outside, not suitable for being kept at home.

If only he could keep one affectionate cat at home and another occasionally affectionate one outside, just like cats.

He patted his face, stopping his unrealistic thoughts. Lovers are not cats; you can’t keep many.

Looking back at the simulation screen, his gaze skipped over the comments and looked at the final settlement.

This settlement granted him a Physique attribute point. He had spent his life playing music without doing anything particularly related to physique… could it be because he lived to 98?

To live to 98, his physique must have been extraordinary, so receiving physique as a reward made sense.

Minami Yuuki added the Physique point and glanced at his attribute panel.

[Name: Minami Yuuki]

[Gender: Male]

[Title: None]

[Physique: 9]

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 7]

[Charm: 9]

[Spirit: 9]

[Skills: Instrumental LV3, Composition LV1, Vocal LV1]

[Unused Rewards: Free Simulation Chance *1, Skill Extraction Opportunity *1, Skill Point *1]

The skills in his skill column were acquired from the last life simulation, earning a bit of music experience.

The unused rewards also came from the previous life simulation.

In the last simulation, he got 80 points. This time, he got 95 points—would there be other rewards?

His heart quickened. He extended his finger and swiped down on the simulation interface.

[You have completed a fulfilling life (Score ≥ 90)]

[You have earned [Skill Point *1]]

[You have received a mysterious reward]

Indeed, a score of 90 or above also comes with extra rewards.

Among them, the skill point had been received once before, and its exact function was still unknown. He would try it out later. What intrigued Minami Yuuki more was the other reward.

What was this mysterious reward? Minami Yuuki was very curious.

He extended his hand and clicked on the mysterious reward.

[Would you like to claim a mysterious reward?]

[Please note, the mysterious reward will activate in your sleep.]

Does this reward get delivered only when you sleep?

Minami Yuuki switched from sitting to lying down, covered himself with a blanket, and clicked to claim the reward.

[Claim successful.]

[Mysterious reward has been delivered.]

[Mysterious reward has been delivered.]

Why did it notify twice? Are there two mysterious rewards?

Minami Yuuki looked at the simulator screen, speculating in his mind.

He examined himself but didn’t feel anything different. Recalling the previous notification, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The night was deep, and the moonlight spilled through the gap in the curtains, drawing a line of light on his blanket. Outside the window, the moonlight was bright, and a few clouds drifted across the dark blue sky.

Asano Nao stood by the window in the study. The study was pitch dark, making the moon over Minami Yuuki’s apartment building appear even clearer. The hazy moonlight enveloped everything, making the world seem like a dream.

She reflected on the events of the past few days. Wasn’t it like a dream? Suddenly meeting a boy she liked, and then that boy unexpectedly intruding into her home, was something she wouldn’t dare to dream of.

But what would happen next? Would her feelings develop smoothly? How long would the boy stay by her side?

She found the moonlight particularly glaring and quickly drew the curtains tightly shut.

Leaving the dark study, she returned to her dark bedroom and lay on the bed.

Closing her eyes and opening them again, it was all darkness, which brought her peace.

She fell into a deep sleep in this tranquility.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a dim room.

She was sitting on the only leather chair in the room, with a large screen in front of her, emitting a soft light.

What is this? Is it going to show a movie? Is this the so-called mysterious reward?

Minami Yuuki looked around and then stared at the screen in front of him.

On the black screen, four lines of white text appeared.

[“Yuuki and Nao”]

[Directors: Minami Yuuki, Asano Nao]

[Starring: Minami Yuuki, Asano Nao, Minami Miu]

[Rating: 95]

The text slowly faded, and the images and sounds emerged.

It was the scene of their meeting.

So it’s turning this simulation into a dream movie? Minami Yuuki rubbed his chin.

From a purely rational perspective, he thought this had no practical value since it was just scenes he had simulated.

But considering his emotions, he was very pleased with this reward. This movie would help him relive his story with Asano Nao.

More importantly, he could see Miu again.

If he missed Asano Nao, he could find her in reality, but if he missed Miu, he could only sift through his fading memories. Now, finally, there was a new way to ease his longing.

He hoped this movie wasn’t a one-time view but could be revisited indefinitely.

He lay back in his seat, quietly watching the screen.

To his surprise, the movie not only had images and sounds but also conveyed emotions and feelings.

It was like a weakened version of a memory scene, an immersive experience.

He was engrossed, smiling constantly.

When the movie reached the post-wedding part, his smile grew even brighter.

It was wonderful. Besides Asano Nao, Miu and Rikka were also adorable.

The movie ended with the piano piece “Nao,” and as the screen darkened, Minami Yuuki wanted to watch it again, but his consciousness fell into darkness.

The morning alarm woke him up. He sat up, with the dream movie still in his mind.

[You have obtained the dream movie”Yuuki and Nao”]

[You can rewatch it in your sleep, once per day.]

Being able to rewatch would be nice. Minami Yuuki switched off the simulator interface and sat on the bed, pondering.

How about, for the sake of Miu and Rikka, he just goes along with Asano Nao?

This idea was quickly dismissed by himself.

Who knows, he might meet even cuter daughters in the future! How could he make such a hasty decision!

When Asano Nao sends over the thousand paper cranes and he gets the simulation attempts, he’ll see what kind of daughter Ibuki Yuko upstairs can bring.

Patting his cheeks, he got out of bed.

Asano residence.

Sunlight filtered through the curtains, lighting up the bedroom. Asano Nao on the bed suddenly woke up.

She sat up, stretched out her arms, trying to grasp something but couldn’t catch anything.

“Miu, Rikka…”

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

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