Loser System and Berserker Me

Chapter 140: Your Grandpa Tang Is Here

The onslaught of the terrifying inferno threatened to char Zeng Lu into cinders, but Abbot Palkyi stepped in just then.


A golden light shrouded Zeng Lu.

Despite the inferno tearing and biting at the golden light, it failed to claim Zeng Lu’s life. The latter was able to escape with some injuries.

Cough cough!

Watching as Zeng Lu’s nephews supported him back into the crowd, Asudo couldn’t help but feel a tinge of regret.

It would have been great if I brought down that fellow with my earlier attack. That would have eroded at least half of the rebels’ morale, making it much easier to deal with them. What a pity.

But Asudo didn’t let his thoughts show on his face. He remained composed as if his earlier attack was just a casual swat at a noisy fly.

It would be best if he killed Zeng Lu, but failure wasn’t a problem either.


Abbot Palkyi wiped off the blood seeping from the corner of his lips. His continuous casting of spells had taken a toll on him.

Asudo took that into sight.

That mage is formidable. He isn’t at my level yet, but it’ll take me some effort to bring him down. I shouldn’t make a move anymore. It’ll ruin my image as an unfathomable expert if I fail to take him down quickly.

For the time being, I should focus on the psychological attacks.

“Tsk, Tang slaves.” Asudo smirked. “Look at your faces. It has been so many years, but you’re still dreaming?”

His words were dripping with contempt.

“You’re still hoping that your army will return? What a joke. They would have come a long time ago if they could. Give up! Stop daydreaming. You have been abandoned! No one is coming to save you! You are destined to spend your lives as a bunch of slaves!”

As Asudo said those words, unbeknownst to anyone, the beholder hiding in his neck quietly cast Mind Control.

Zeng Lu’s sword-wielding hand trembled, his heart swelling with bitterness. How could he not know that?

They could tell as much from Great Tang’s many years of silence that the Tang army wasn’t coming. Their efforts were futile.


Asudo’s eyes gleamed. His spell was working well. If he pushed a bit further, he might just be able to crush their morale and convince them to surrender.

Of course, there was no way he would show mercy to them after they surrendered, especially not when there were a bunch of monsters lurking outside. He couldn’t let anything shake Shule’s inner stability at this juncture, or else it might prove to be fatal.

“Hah!” Abbot Palkyi had no idea why the rebel army’s morale was plummeting, but he could guess as much that it was Asudo’s doing. He quickly interjected with a shout to salvage the situation. “You tyrants are not one to speak. How much injustice has the other races living under your rule suffered over the years…”

But there was no way Asudo would let Abbot Palkyi finish his piece. “Aren’t you Abbot Palkyi? You are awfully unenlightened for a scholar of our empire. Shouldn’t you know that everything is already decided by fate?”

He pointed at the rebel army and scoffed, “You’re suffering in this life because of the sins you have committed in your previous life. If you accrue good karma, you’ll enjoy abundance in your next life. If you continue brandishing your weapons to willfully take the lives of others, you’ll only end up suffering eternally in hell.”


A powerful gale suddenly enveloped Shule, raising sands and sediments that made it difficult to open one’s eyes. Something weird was drifting along with the roaring wind…

“Black lotuses?!”

Someone recognized the flower petals.

That jolted the hearts of the rebel army.

“HAHAHAHA!” Asudo was overjoyed.

Even heaven is helping me! The sight of black lotuses at this juncture is bound to crush the rebel army’s morale!

“Do you see that, Abbot Palkyi?” Asudo laughed as he channeled Mind Control via his beholder once more. “Even Buddha acknowledges my words. He has sent these black lotuses down to guide you, so that you can tell right from wrong. Turn back right now, or else you are courting your own doom!”

The samaneras panicked. They nervously stared at Abbot Palkyi, hoping that he could explain this phenomenon.

However, even Abbot Palkyi was shaken as well.

Could this mage be right? Could these black lotus petals be Buddha’s revelation, telling us not to resist the Tibetans? Why else would black lotuses symbolizing death suddenly appear right now?

It’s working!

Asudo could tell that Abbot Palkyi was wavering. The latter was crumbling under his psychological pressure. As long as one person put down his weapon right now, the others would blindly follow him.

He could almost hear the clanging sounds as the rebels dropped their weapons to the ground. Those crisp sounds would be a euphonious melody to the ears…


Deafening explosions that sounded like an avalanche suddenly shook the city.

What’s going on?!

Asudo and the others instinctively looked in the direction where the sound had come from.

Wait! That direction… the east gate?!

A crimson fireball reminiscent of the brilliant sun rose up the night sky before abruptly exploding. The blinding light that was released as a result dyed the night into day.

At the same time, something could be spotted flying in the air. They were neither rocks nor sand, but countless white bones. There were so many bones that they swiftly drowned Shule’s city walls.

But that still wasn’t the most striking thing of all.

What shocked the crowd the most was a single cavalryman using the flying white bones as stepping stones to leap onto the city wall.


Shu Yichao landed on the city wall and began his massacre.

His modao sliced all the Tibetans within its reach, causing their bodies to spurt bloody mists. Those almost looked like ominous roses blossoming beneath the night sky.

It only took moments for Shu Yichao to purge the east gate’s city wall. He proceeded to plant a dark red flag on the city wall, which fluttered to the night wind.

After decades, the imposing Tang flag had finally returned to Shule.

Following that, a thunderous roar echoed, “Fighting against adversity, infallible like a mountain. I, Shu Yichao, have come to claim this city! Barbarians, open your eyes wide and look closely. Your Grandpa Tang is here!”

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