Loser System and Berserker Me

Chapter 139: Path of White Bones

Skeletons rushed at Shule’s city walls like roaring waves.

Even though their relentless charge often only left shattered bones behind, they still showed no inclination to retreat.

The soldiers and the mages on the city walls were so frantic that one could almost see the afterimages of their movements. They were afraid that one misstep would result in the sea of skeletons crashing down on them.

“Say, my grandson…” Miazova watched the scene speechlessly. “Are you intending to use those skeleton soldiers to forge a path ahead?”

The Tibetans had claimed the upper hand thus far, having destroyed tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers without suffering a single casualty, but…

One could tell from how the remains of the defeated skeleton soldiers gradually formed a slope before the city walls that the Tibetans were in for a tough time.

Miazova could imagine the skeletons pouring into Shule once the ashes stack up to the height of the city walls. Once the dam began to leak, more holes would appear, faster than they could be plugged up, until the blockade was finally torn down.

“That’s why I told you that nothing can stop an undead army once it reaches a certain scale!” Shu Yichao said gleefully. “No race can rival the undead in the late game.”

“That’s because the enemy hero fled,” Miazova scoffed, pouring a bucket of cold water on Shu Yichao. “If the enemy hero was still around, your undead army would have struggled quite a bit.”

Miazova could tell even from a distance away that Asudo was a hero-class mage.

Hero-class warriors, due to their lack of large-scale AOE attacks, struggled against players who spammed low-cost, weak troops like Shu Yichao. Chances were that they would be worn down before they could bring down all the enemies.

However, the same couldn’t be said about hero-class mages, who could easily obliterate an entire field of them with a single spell. They were the perfect counter against such a play style.

“It’s weird now that I think about it. Why did that mage suddenly flee?” Miazova murmured contemplatively. “There’s no need for him to run away so early in the battle. Given his means, he could have escaped whenever he needed to.”

On the other hand, Shu Yichao was used to seeing all kinds of weird AI maneuvers.

“What’s weird about it? He probably fled because he doesn’t see any hope, though I really shouldn’t let him slip away…”

Shu Yichao tapped into his minimap to see where the mage had escaped to, and to decide whether it was convenient for him to give chase.

“…Hold on! Those green dots are…”

Shu Yichao widened his eyes.

“…Tangs? And they are decreasing?! Bloody hell! Those are my people! These bastards!”

Shu Yichao nearly fainted from anger. This can’t be tolerated!

So, he furiously raised his modao and roared, “Brothers of the Anxi army, charge with me!”

Seeing that Shu Yichao was planning to charge headfirst into the enemy base yet again, Miazova trembled with anger. It wanted to grab Shu Yichao by his collar and give him a piece of its mind, but it was a step too late…

What is wrong with this grandson of mine?! The slope of ashes hasn’t even fully stacked up yet! Are you planning to fly across the walls?

…Okay, fine. I know he’s an excellent rider, and he might be able to leap across the city wall on horseback.

But so what if he succeeds? He’ll be alone on the other side! There are heavy-armored soldiers and powerful mages on the other side… A single misstep, and it’ll spell the end of him!

Miazova was thinking of casting a Freeze spell on Shu Yichao when it suddenly heard his howl.

“Our brethren are bleeding as I speak. Proud warriors of Great Tang, accompany me in taking down Shule! There shall be no mercy for those who dare to hurt our people!”

“…” Miazova finally understood what was going on.

That explains the sudden departure of that hero-class mage. Something must have happened in the city. But even if it’s to save his brethren, charging in recklessly is still…

Hold on! How did Shu Yichao know what’s happening inside the city? If he can see what’s happening inside the city…

“Grandson!” Miazova shouted. “Are you able to tell the location of their mana cores?”

Be it the lightning defense towers, the barriers, or other defensive means employed by the Tibetans, they needed to be powered with mana via mana cores. These mana cores were usually placed in obscure locations, but if they could locate these mana cores and focus their firepower on them…

“Let me see…” Shu Yichao studied his minimap.

…He could really see them.

Furthermore, these mana cores were tagged with baffling lines of text, saying that these were discreet locations where people hardly visited, so it was suitable for blah blah blah.

Too long; didn’t read.

In any case, Shu Yichao marked out the locations of the mana cores for Miazova.

Miazova was scared out of its wits.

Why are there marks in my vision?! Is my grandson capable of Mental Transmission too? But I didn’t sense any telepathic waves! Miazova was bewildered, but he knew this wasn’t the time to harp on that.

I have to act fast, or else my grandson is going to get himself killed.

With a wave of Miazova’s hands, a furious gale brewed within Shule.

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It swept up not just yellow sand but a huge number of skeleton soldiers too into the sky. A human might have still been able to withstand the gale, but these skeletons were simply too light.

They crashed down on the city walls like a tsunami, inducing panic among the Tibetans.

While the Tibetan soldiers and mages were busy dealing with the skeletons, Miazova made use of this opening to gather all its mana to blast the locations Shu Yichao had marked in its vision.

Mana Reflux!

The one thing that a mana core functioning at full throttle feared the most was a sudden fault in its circuit. To draw an analogy, it was similar to having a screw smashed into a delicate CPU.

In the worst-case scenario, the entire mana core might suffer from a short circuit and explode. The entire system might even be crippled.

Not to mention the mana Miazova pumped into the mana cores were nowhere as benign as a simple screw. The mana around the mana cores was first thrown into disarray, then it formed an unstable vortex that flickered dangerously.

The mages guarding the mana cores were dumbstruck.

They specialized in facilitating the mana cores, so they knew what this phenomenon was. The mana cores were going to explode!


They scattered like beasts fleeing from a forest fire.

“The mana cores have short-circuited! It’s going to explode!”

The mages anxiously stacked protection spells on themselves, activated their protection artifacts, and drank their potions, all in hopes of boosting their chances of surviving this ordeal. However, their defenses were as flimsy as a sheet of paper compared to the crumbling mana cores.


Massive explosions followed. Devastating shockwaves rippled outward with intense heat, vaporizing the mages facilitating the mana cores. Brilliant flames gushed into the sky, making the night sky look as bright as day.

“Hahaha! Thanks a lot, my son!”

Shu Yichao charged forth, and using the flying skeletons as stepping stones, he soon landed on the city wall, which had half-collapsed as a result of the explosion.

Till now, there were still a number of Tibetans who hadn’t snapped out of their daze.

Some of them were sent flying by the shockwave, and they crashed heavily into the ground with splitting headaches. They couldn’t climb up even if they wanted to.

Others suffered a backlash in the midst of their spellcasting and sustained severe internal injuries. They felt like a thousand flies had slipped into their heads, and all they could hear was a persistent buzz.

There were also some who witnessed Shu Yichao descending from the sky like a heavenly god. They struggled to comprehend how anyone could gallop on the flying bones as though galloping on flat ground.

Shu Yichao was not kind enough to wait for them to recover.

His modao raised a bloody storm on the city walls, plunging the Tibetans into utter despair!

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