Lord of the Truth

Chapter 798: Schizophrenia -2

"Enough is enough! We gave him a chance to live for a few days, but he's too stupid to take it. Let's kill that bastard!!" One of the Six Emperors shouted angrily and began to control the purple mist around him

"..Dammit, alright kill him!!" The mid-level Martial Emperor gave the order with difficulty...

Reporting the presence of the Third Truth Chosen's son here and bringing the Marshal to capture him alive would have greatly increased his status, but if he killed him now, his importance would be over. No, if he told the Marshal that he had killed the Third Truth Chosen's son so simply, he would be angry with him and might even kill him!

The rest of the Martial Emperors knew this as well, but since Richard had declared that he wanted to kill them, he left them no choice but to eliminate him...


The six of them transformed the purple mist around them into blades, arrowheads, and nets. Although they were feeble initial shapes as if drawn by a child, they were still powerful techniques that increased the effectiveness of the purple mist a step... They were all now ready to take on Richard, if any of these tools managed to touch Richard, he would inevitably turn to dust.

"Today we will feed your corpse to the dogs, today we will finally get your father a taste of what he did to us!!" Even the lieutenant and the rest of the humans took out their weapons, happy with the situation.

When Richard saw what was happening, he became even more angry and showed his fangs, "How insulting! Do you want to stop the life fire with this nonsense? Hmph!!"

Then, before it could reach them, the green flame extended to Richard's arm, and he waved it forward *swoosh*

The flame moved forward with great momentum, but whenever it touched one of the purple mist tools, it would explode and scatter everywhere before dissipating!

"Hahaha your games won't work against the Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion, now we'll show you the-- Eh?" The Mid-level Emperor burst out laughing, almost unable to believe that he was afraid of him for a moment, but he quickly fell silent when he tried to attack.

"What is happening?!" The rest of the Emperors also noticed... The blades, arrows, nets, and clouds, everything made of purple mist no longer responded to their control.

Even worse...


All the purple tools just disintegrated and each mist returned to surround its owner, then the purple mist began to transform and took the form of weapons and beasts that looked as if they were real!

"What's going on here-- Aghhh!!!" The Mid-level Martial Emperor's shout was interrupted midway by a purple snake wrapped around his neck!



Although their bodies had the blood of Durger the Devourer and the Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion would not easily harm them, this did not mean that it would not harm them at all. The necks of the Six Emperors began to crack and disintegrate, although this was happening at a weak rate, it was still painful enough!


And if that wasn't enough, Richard had already arrived and extended his hand to hold the mid-level Martial Emperor by the neck, and shouted at his face, "A moment ago you said that you would go and contribute to the siege, What siege?"

"Ugggh.. aghghgg..."

"WHAT SIEGE?!" Richard shouted again, this time relaxing the pressure on his grip and the purple snake a little

"Haa.. haa.. the capital.. The Imperial Capital!!" Even the mid-level Emperor didn't know why he was answering so truthfully, it might only hasten his death, but Richard's aura and crazy appearance frightened him greatly.

"What?! Who is besieging them? How many are there?!" Unintentionally, Richard squeezed his neck again

"Ugh... Three, three fleets, and two marshals with their own forces..." At this point, the mid- level Emperor found a chance to smile, "If we take away... people like me who attack the five continents... there are at least 400 Martial Emperors around the Imperial Capital right now.. the siege began two days ago... Perhaps your imperial city has already... been destroyed. Haha.. Ha.. Ugggh!!"

"DAMMIT, I knew it was the imperial capital when I heard the word siege!" Richard pushed the mid-level Emperor back, "I told you to inquire more, you hateful bastard!!"

The mid-level emperor and the rest looked around, trying to determine who Richard was talking to

But suddenly, the green flame on Richard's head went out and his eyes returned to calm, "I thought so too, but what if it was the Imperial Capital? What does this have to do with us? As usual, my father found a way to bring us and himself into trouble because of his endless ambition... There is no shelter for me other than here, There is no need to amuse myself with anything else."

"Foolish!!" The green flame burned in his head again and his anger intensified, "When you were young, you could not prevent what happened to the Jura city. Now that we have the power, won't we go to prevent the disaster from happening again? We will let another Jura happen before our eyes? Didn't these people show you love and recognize you as one of their own? Do you intend to abandon them and let them burn while sitting on your ass here?!"

The green flame went out and Richard clenched his hands tightly, "...Maybe they are all dead already, you heard it yourself, what can we do against 400 Martial Emperors? If I die, who will take care of Jura City?!"

*Shwalaaa~* The green flames in his head burned brighter than ever before, even his eyes began to emit an intense glow and his aura became agitated. His facial expression looked like someone who had just emerged from a massacre, and a thick killing intent that shook the space around him was released without limit, "If we live after this, we will return to your beloved cemetery and live like street dogs all you want, and if we die, so be it. Rest now, I will

Take care of this one!"

"Keeeh!!" Even a mid-level Emperor was terrified when he saw the true appearance of the person who had slaughtered more than 60 million giants with his own hands.

"Hmph, annoying!" The giant's frightened shout drew his attention towards him, so he looked back at him and clenched his hands tightly.



The purple tools and beasts that were flying around rushed out and stabbed all six Emperors, the feeling of eroding their internal organs was indescribably terrible but the rope was so tight that they couldn't scream.

And if that wasn't enough, the green flame inside the purple gear extended to their bodies and burned intensely *Shaa*

"Aghgh! Ughgh!!!!..." The six emperors tried to scream as they felt their lives being snatched away from them, but it was no use. Within a few seconds, they all collapsed to the ground, looking like thousands of years old corpses *Paa* *Paa*

"Now how do I get rid of you..." Richard looked at the purple mist, this damned mist would definitely not go away without destroying something in its path, if Big Brother Caesar were here, he would have killed him using Death Fire, but he had to think of something else.

After a few moments of thought, he used the Life Fire to control the purple mist and make it land on the corpses of the demi-humans outside the city. They quickly all vanished, and the

Mist vanished with them.

Then he looked towards the humans.

The person they called Lieutenant took a few steps back as he shook, he had thought up until this moment that he was ready to die for the cause, even in front of six foreign Martial Emperors he was speaking strongly and demanding respect for himself and his followers, but in front of that monster...

"I- I'll speak! I'll tell you everything!!" From behind the lieutenant, someone came out


"Traitor!!" The lieutenant looked around and shouted at that person, but he did not dare to


"Hahaha, is he the traitor? And I was the one who was wondering who would sell his homeland to invaders who are neither humans nor snakes, now I know." The lieutenant's shout forced a sarcastic smile on Richard's face, "I don't need to listen to your words, I was

Just thinking of a decent death for you and I thought of one... Let this holy land cleanse you of your sins!"

*Swoosh* Richard then turned around and left towards the north, towards the Central


"...Hah... hah... hah... Looks like we survived, I can't believe that crazy bastard left us after

Those words, he must be--"

*crack* *crack*


At that moment, the ground split open and skeletons burst from it, burning with intense

Green flames.

"What the--?! No! Nooooo!!"

The traitors tried to escape, but the skeletons were faster.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of skeletons embraced them and unfortunately pulled them

Towards the burning pit from which they emerged.

"Mmm!! Mmmmm!!!!"

Their lives were not sucked out and the skeletons did not kill them, they just pulled them underground alive, then the pit was closed again as if nothing had happened.

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