Lord of the Truth

Chapter 797: Schizophrenia

These eyes... If someone were to describe them, he would say that they are darker than a night without a moon and deeper than a well without a bottom.

The Mid-level Martial Emperor was summoned from the war on the planet Gudah. He endured the ravages of war there for hundreds of years, and before that, he followed Pythor in his epic battles and was one of the first to receive drops of Durger The Devourer's blood.

But in front of this calm face like a summer pond and the eyes that seemed to be looking directly into his soul, the words escaped him, "Y-You... Are you behind the skeleton attack? Who are you?!"

Although the Mid-level Martial Emperor had already burned off a large portion of his blood and produced the purple mist, he acted very cautiously in front of Richard even though he had not shown any of his aura yet. Until this moment, he did not know how strong the boy in front of him was, but there was something inside him that warned him of great danger.

Richard smiled slightly, "I am the protector of this city."

"The protector of this city? Haha... HAHAHA!!" The Mid-level Martial Emperor clutched his stomach as he pointed toward the three mountains, "Is this what you call protection, you idiot? It seems I have overestimated you too much!"

The war spaceships are built to be gigantic, each one can transport 10,000 soldiers and tons of weapons and raw materials, so for the small city of Jura, it already covered half the city.

So those three mountains that Richard used indeed managed to destroy the ship, but they also destroyed the city. There is no intact shrine left, and there is no longer a stone in its place! "Oh, this mess? It's a simple thing." Richard laughed, then snapped his finger

*Vroom~~*The three mountain peaks began to take the shape of a hand, then the three giant hands raised the ship high and threw it away like a kid's toy *Swoosh!!* The ship landed several kilometers outside the city.

"What the hell?!" The Six Martial Emperors shouted, shocked.

But the shock did not end there, the three mountains quickly began to descend and merge into the city again, the broken shrines found their missing parts and joined together, and the skeletons searched for their graves and lay back in with their broken pieces coming back to them, and even the random walls that were shattered from the effects of the battle with the Flame Empire, returned to their original half-broken form!

After the movement ended, only two things remained out of place... The first was the few hundred skeletons currently besieging the six Martial Emperors, and the second was the corpses of several thousand demi-humans that looked like mummy's after the life energy had been sucked out of them.

But as if the soil of the city refused to have any more bodies in it, the dust grains under the bodies began to roll gently and carry the bodies with them. Little by little, all of them were thrown outside the city as garbage bags!

"This... this..." The Mid-level Martial Emperor retreated tremblingly and returned to look at Richard's face, this was not something a human should do!!

"So... You intended to destroy the city?" Richard scratched his head gently

"No! Who dares? We have no previous enmity, brother, we don't even know each other. Why would we want to provoke you?" The Mid-level Martial Emperor forced an ugly smile on his face, "If my guess is not wrong, the brother just wants peace of mind, right? We are just drops compared to the rain, and even if we perish, more will come, but I will make a deal with you... I will forget that you killed my men and put a ban around this city so that no one else can come close, No, I will do better, I will just say that I have completed my mission. What do you think?

Then the Mid-level Martial Emperor's facial expression changed slightly and made the purple mist swirl around him, "...But if brother insists on fighting to the end, I'm afraid this might harm your beloved city a little. No one wants this to happen, right? hehe."


The other five Martial Emperors could no longer bear the attacks of the skeletons and burned part of their beast blood, "HYAAA!!!" Purple matter began to ooze out of their bodies, and they all formed a light purple mist field around them.

"..." The Mid-level Martial Emperor smiled as he sensed what was happening around him, what those five of them were doing strengthened his position... Even though he still did not know the applications or limits of his opponent's strength, they could not lose if the six of them attacked him together using the Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion!

"Tsk~" Richard showed his annoyance and waved his hand, and all the skeletons withdrew and returned to their graves again.

Now only Richard and the Emperors remained, they stared at each other for a few seconds, all waiting for the other party to act, until finally, Richard sighed, "Heh~ You said you wouldn't come back? Well, I believe you, you may leave."

The Six Emperors sent each other laughing glances from the corners of their eyes and began to step back cautiously, "Of course, generous Master, this place has an owner, so why would we return? We ask your permission to leave for now."

Richard turned his back and started to leave towards the two graves already, "Good, if I find someone else here, I won't hold myself back any longer."

"WAIT!!" This was one of the human *rebels* who shouted. Richard spared all of their lives and did not send any skeletons towards them.

That human pointed towards Richard and shouted forcefully, "A young man and you use a green flame that has the properties of the fire of life... I know you, you are Richard, the Butcher's son!"

"Argh..." The Mid-level Martial Emperor almost choked because of that human's stupidity, couldn't he just wait a little while for them to leave and then speak? If what they say is true, this young man will not allow them to leave after they know his identity!

Richard actually stopped, "...Does it matter whose son I am? It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to protect what's left of this city. Is that too much to ask? Please leave... I don't want to see anyone." Then *swoosh* he disappeared from their sight.

"...Phew~" The Middle Emperor let out a long exhale, "We actually survived."

"What's wrong with this boy, why is he so tamed? Does he really trust us that we won't come back? that we won't tell out superriors?!" One of the other Emperors muttered in a low voice

The mid-level Martial Emperor looked towards the direction Richard had departed, "No, he wants us to talk, but he also wants us to pass on the news about how impossible it is to mess with this land. That's why he deliberately showed us his majestic abilities, and then let whatever happens happen. In his eyes, it doesn't matter if we come again or not- In his view, if we bring support, he will kill us all, and if we go and do not return as promised, he will be relieved of our headache, he simply trusts his own strength blindly... That person is dangerous."

"Hmph, he thinks he can lift the sky if it falls, his arrogance knows no bounds, just like his father!"

The mid-level Martial Emperor laughed. As soon as he left, he would inform the marshal to come with his special forces to act. They definitely couldn't keep this Portal intact, and now this place had become more valuable after they found Robin's son. There were many surprises waiting for him, "Hehe, let's go."


"Hmm?" The mid-level Martial Emperor heard the sound of someone coming fast from the direction Richard had left from

When he looked around for a while, he found a person coming towards him at a crazy speed, with his hair thrown up, burning with green flame, and eyes blazing with madness. He looked like a demon coming from the depths of hell, and he did not leave them guessing much either. As he was flying, this newcomer shouted at them at the top of his lungs: "Stand the FUCK where you are, no one will leave today alive!!"

"R-.. Ri--... Richard?!"

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