Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 182: The Reason Behind Their Eagerness

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--- Chapter 179 ---

In the pavilion, two sides stared at each other calmly. 

The waitress poured tea for everyone and then excused herself from the place. She could tell the atmosphere was too tense for someone her level to stay.

'But to think that madam's companies are the Previous Emperor, Emperor, and Snow Princess. Her background can't be normal.' The waitress thought as she exited the garden. 

Yu Long sipped the tea and kept staring at Feng Xue'er. 

Feng Xue'er is a beauty. One that deserves her title and not just a simple talk of the town. 

However, she's two years younger than Yu Long. Although her beauty is budding wonderfully, Yu Long could only helplessly raise his hand in defeat. 

Well, there shouldn't be a problem for them to get engaged first. 

That's the point of this meeting anyway. 

At the same time, Feng Xue'er also observed Yu Long from top to bottom and couldn't help but marvel at his extraordinaryness. He placed a layer of mist so that not many could sense it. 

But Feng Xue'er is a complete inheritor of the Phoenix God. She could see much more. Unknown to Feng Xue'er, even what she saw is only the tip of the iceberg that Yu Long revealed purposely to her.

"What's with this tense mood?" Xu Nannan finally opened her mouth.

"Tianwei, how are your bones? Does it rattle these days?" 

Feng Tianwei's mouth twitched as he responded, "I might be old, but I'm not that old." 

"Hehe, I can see that." Xu Nannan smiled a little.

Xu Nannan moved her gaze to Feng Hengkong and casually asked, "What about you, Little Hengkong? I heard that the Divine Phoenix Empire is closing the southern border." 

Even though the 'Little Hengkong.' nickname is irking, Xu Nannan is someone of his father's generation. So, Feng Hengkong could only answer. 

Feng Hengkong raised his brow and replied, "The situation on that border is rather bad these days. Just recently, a large chunk of land got wiped and replaced with a misty domain." 

"I believe a sect called Heavenly Sword Villa used to stand there, but I don't think they are around now. I've asked some survivors, yet they answered like they've seen Gods..." 

Yu Long and his companions have an awkward expression when hearing Feng Hengkong's replies. 

"If you wanted to know more, shouldn't you ask your grandson?" Feng Hengkong redirects the conversation by glancing at Yu Long. "The Lost Heaven Sect should have some information about the Heavenly Sword Villa's disappearance and the recent situation... Right, young man?" 

'Young man, huh?' Yu Long faced Feng Hengkong with a polite look. 

He nodded and then sighed, "That's right, Grandma. Ah, where is my manner." 

"Nice to meet you, Your Majesty, Elder Tianwei, and Feng Xue'er. I'm sure you know about me already, but I will introduce myself." 

"My name is Yu Long." 

Feng Tianwei and Feng Hengkong were surprised to find a young man like Yu Long this humble. After all, Yu Long didn't mention he was the young leader of the Lost Heaven Sect, unlike other young masters who like to boast about their backgrounds. 

They have a fair share of experience with young generations, and Yu Long isn't like others.

Just this one point alone makes them like Yu Long more. 

"Nice to meet you as well. I've heard many good things about you." Feng Tianwei was the first one to respond.

"Oh, like?" Yu Long smiled calmly.

Feng Hengkong choked on his tea because his father stopped his in-door cultivation recently and barely knew about Yu Long's feats. In the end, Feng Hengkong has to relay some information to his father. 

Feng Tianwei maintained an easygoing expression and answered, "Like how you reached the Earth Profound Realm at twelve. Such talent, I've only seen something like this in Xue'er." 

'You really become old, Tianwei.' Xu Nannan sneered internally. 

"I see..." Yu Long gave them an amusing look. 

Feng Hengkong coughed and said, "Yu Long, why don't you talk with Xue'er somewhere in the garden?" 

"We, adults, have to talk with your grandmother." 

Yu Long nodded and extended his hand to Feng Xue'er, "Let's go." 

Under Feng Tianwei and Feng Hengkong's shocked gazes, Feng Xue'er smiled and took Yu Long's hand happily. After that, Yu Long and Feng Xue'er went to another part of the garden. 

Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli stayed on Xu Nannan's side to ensure nothing horrible happened. Meanwhile, Lily is following Yu Long from behind silently. 

Feng Tianwei and Feng Hengkong glanced at each other again. 

They are sure this is the first time Yu Long and Feng Xue'er get to know each other, so why does their little treasure act so happily around that boy?

'What happened? I thought this was Xue'er's first time meeting him?' Feng Tianwei questioned his son. 

'I don't know, father! Xue'er never gets close to any boys, not even her brothers. For her to act like this means Yu Long possesses special qualities!' Feng Hengkong responded quickly. 

Xu Nannan noticed their mental conversation and could guess what they had in mind. "Okay, let's get the young closer, and the adults talk." 

"Once I mentioned my grandson is the Lost Heaven Sect's young leader, you brought up the Engagement Agreement so quickly. Did something bad happen to your empire?" 

Feng Hengkong laughed, "I don't know what you're talking about, Auntie..." 

"Come on, you're a few hundred too young to keep me in the dark." Xu Nannan rolled her eyes. "Tianwei, just tell me your motive..." 

Feng Tianwei frowned and glanced at Chu Sisters, "Are they trustworthy?" 

Xu Nannan chuckled, "They are Yu Long's and quite tight-lipped. Don't worry about getting your dark history revealed." 

"Tsk, you're always like this." Feng Tianwei's expression darkened. 

Ultimately, Feng Tianwei huffed and continued, "The Divine Phoenix Empire lost its protector a while ago..." 

"As much as we tried to hide it, many should have noticed that Phoenix God's presence has gone. Xue'er has become the Phoenix God's complete inheritor, but she's too young." 

"Her potential and strength have yet to mature." 

"This Engagement will cost the Lost Heaven Sect something, but I think it's fair. Your grandson got my only beautiful granddaughter, the treasure of the Divine Phoenix Empire, as his wife, and we got the Lost Heaven Sect's protection for at least one hundred years!" 

"You went straight to the point, huh?" Xu Nannan was a little speechless.

Well, she expected this from someone like Feng Tianwei. He's an arrogant man. But he knows what to do for his Divine Phoenix Empire's best interest.

It might look like he was sacrificing his granddaughter. However, Feng Tianwei was wise with it because not many young men could catch his attention, and Yu Long fit all the criteria!

Feng Tianwei felt better knowing someone as capable as Yu Long took his granddaughter's hand in marriage later. It's a win-win situation for him and the Divine Phoenix Empire.

'Nannan should think so as well.' He gazed at his old friend. He could still feel radiating vitality from her. 

Xu Nannan rubbed her forehead and mumbled, "Phoenix God..." 

Since Xu Nannan came to know Yuyan personally, she knew the history of the Phoenix Sect. 'Well, I can't possibly tell them that the other half of Phoenix God is my grandson's servant, no?' 

'That would mess things up. And that girl, Xue'er, she's not bad.' 


"Let's say the Lost Heaven Sect is willing to give the Divine Phoenix Empire its protection. You should have noticed we are on bad terms with the Four Great Sacred Grounds. So, this Engagement is no different than making more enemies." 

"Auntie, I believed in Lost Heaven Sect's strength." Feng Hengkong suddenly chimed in. "Rumour says the Lost Heaven Master is the closest person who could reach the Profound God Realm, and I don't think that's just a rumor!"

"So what if we are making enemies with the Four Great Sacred Grounds? I don't think they could rival Yu Long's teacher."

'Obviously! That Lost Heaven Master is merely my grandson's profound incarnation!' Xu Nannan doesn't know whether she should laugh or cry in this situation. 

People really fell for Yu Long's tricks. No, even Yu Long himself might not expect his trick to be this effective. 

Even Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli found this situation funny. 


Yu Long and Feng Xue'er strolled in the garden. Flower petals descended upon them, stuck at her hair. 

Yu Long picked the petal and asked, "What do you think of this meeting, Feng Xue'er?" 

"You can call me Xue'er, Big Brother Yu Long. I don't mind." Feng Xue'er giggled. "As for your answer..." 

"Hehe, Xue'er is happy to meet you." 

"After all, you're Phoenix God's inheritor, just like me!" She excitedly added. 

Far, far away, Yuyan comically sneezed. 


The Emerald Spiritual Phoenix rubbed her nose and whispered, "My master's sense is tingling." 

"Did Master or someone close to him mention me somehow?" 

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