Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 181: A Gift, and Finally Meeting Another Heroine

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--- Chapter 178 ---

"Where are we going? It is not the direction of the Divine Phoenix Empire, Grandma." As the group of five traveled across the sky, Yu Long noticed something weird.

Xu Nannan let out a hearty laughter as she responded, "I have to get something for my new granddaughter-in-law first, no?"

"We are going to an old home of mine. The gift for her is there."

She glanced at Yu Long's partners and added, "Don't worry, I will give you three gifts when the time is right."

"No, you don't have to trouble yourself, Ma'am!" They responded quickly in return.

"Hehe, you can't refuse." Xu Nannan adamantly said. "Since my grandson is the inheritor of the Eternal Night Royal Family, the least I can do is treat his partners right."

"Remember, we are family."

"And family is strong together."

Lily, Chu Yueli, and Chu Yuechan felt touched by Xu Nannan's words.

Yu Long watched this conversation happen and smiled inwardly because his grandmother was thoughtful despite her stubbornness. The giant bird decreased its speed and descended to the desolate-looking plain.

'Hmm, why did Grandma bring us here...' Yu Long didn't sense anything unique about this place. That's until Xu Nannan waved her hand and unsealed endless vitality from underground.

In Yu Long's vision, the desolate plains look like a field of vitality. Green rays burst out from cracks in the ground, creating pillars of energy.

'Wood Element, Treant!' He was stunned.

The giant bird landed near a cliff, and Xu Nannan jumped down, "Follow me."

Yu Long and his companions glanced at each other before following Xu Nannan into the cliff. They landed on the bottom and saw lush vegetation of wildflowers, grasses, vines, and thick roots.

Yet all this vegetation pulsated with vitality from a massive green crystal ahead. The green crystal's size is that of ten adults, and there is a human-shaped hole on the bottom of it.

"Grandma, this cliff..." Yu Long finally connected the dots and realized what this place was.

"Yes, this is the cliff I fell into years ago. This place is also where Xu Sanshan found and awakened me from a deep slumber." Xu Nannan nodded calmly. "I call this place Evergreen Cliff."

"Feel free to pick some vegetation here. These are excellent for the artifact's material and Alchemy's ingredients."

Lily was the first to move, with a cat-like glow in her eyes. She went to random bushes and began digging. She truly lived up to her role of money-loving woman.

A change happened in Lily when staying in this area. Her [Grass Dragon's Bloodline] grows more potent with the thick yet pure Wood Elements.

"Go pick those thick roots. I can make something of them." Yu Long gives Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan an amusing look. They were startled but caught on to his idea pretty quickly.

Yu Long's gaze returned to his grandma as he saw her breaking some green crystal with her bare hands.

The green crystal emitted intense vitality, which Xu Nannan sealed with his profound energy. She also carved the crystal into a hairpin with aesthetic carving.

Blowing the hairpin, Xu Nannan returned a clump of dust to its origin.

"Do you want this?" She felt Yu Long's gaze on the crystal.

"Will you give it to me?" Yu Long returned with a smile.

Xu Nannan found Yu Long's response dumb and snorted, "What kind of Grandma wouldn't give her grandson some pretty rocks?"

With a flick of Xu Nannan's finger, a head-sized rock landed on Yu Long's arm.

"Thanks, Grandma." Yu Long could tell this green crystal has a deep history. He can ask Shizu for information later.

"Well, let's go to the Divine Phoenix Empire now." Xu Nannan said after putting her gift in a box.

She turned around and spotted Lily with three giant pouches. Her lips twitched slightly, "You really took my words for granted, huh?"

"Err..." Lily scratched her cheeks shamelessly. "I can return one of the pouches if you want."

"Never mind, keep them." Xu Nannan brushed it off. "We are late anyway."


Sealing the desolate land back, Xu Nannan ordered the giant bird to take them to the Divine Phoenix Empire. She rubbed the bird's feather and mumbled, "It's been a long time since I visited the Divine Phoenix Empire."

"Let's see if Feng Tianwei is healthy enough to meet me."

Three hours later.

The giant bird gradually approached the Divine Phoenix City.

Yu Long saw the bustling city he visited before and commented, "Well, nothing changed."

"Oh, you visited the Divine Phoenix City before?" Xu Nannan was intrigued.

"For business, yes." Yu Long answered honestly. He makes it sound casual and doesn't bother to explain that the Shadow Realm's branch wanted to rebel.

Lily and Chu Yueli also knew about the rebellion as they were there. Still, they kept their lips sealed tight.

They stopped by a tree on a hill and walked to the Divine Phoenix Empire on foot. Upon reaching the gate, Xu Nannan pulled a wooden plaque, which made the guards kneel in horror before her.

Yu Long was interested in what was so special about the wooden plaque but only saw two words carved into it.

Ninth Asura!

'Imposing title.' Yu Long rubbed his chin as they entered the city.

Xu Nannan slowly leads them into several alleyways before stopping at an ordinary-looking teahouse.

"Welcome to Elegant Fire Teahouse." A waitress greeted them with a professional smile.

Xu Nannan opened her mouth, "Three moons, two jade cups, and sun-kissed tea..."

The waitress's eyes couldn't help but widen in shock when hearing the codes. However, she quickly regained her composure because Xu Nannan was actually a prominent guest!

She nodded at Xu Nannan without uttering a thing, escorting them to the grandest yet quietest place in the Elegant Fire Teahouse. They entered an open area surrounded by a beautiful garden of various plants and an artificial river.

A pavilion made of mahogany woods entered their vision, standing firmly in the garden's center. Yu Long noticed several arrays of formations placed in this place, hiding the garden from the outside world.

If one's sense is not keen enough, one wouldn't find such a place behind the ordinary-looking teahouse. It included Yu Long a few months ago as he was busy recruiting Hua Minghai rather than scouting the area.

'Lily, does Shadow Realm have information about this place?' Yu Long finally asked Lily.

Lily gave Yu Long a nod and telepathically responded, 'Yes, our agents did notice some influx of influential people around this teahouse, but I don't think we know about this secret garden.'

'It looks like a secret gathering place inside another secret gathering place.'

"Haha." Yu Long chuckled a little at Lily's last line.

"Did you find something amusing, Yu Long?" Xu Nannan asked in puzzlement.

Yu Long coughed, "It's nothing."

They finally arrived at the pavilion, and the waitress brewed tea for them.

As they enjoyed tea and snacks from the teahouse, Yu Long heard some footsteps. He tilted his head and spotted a group of three approaching with this noble yet fiery aura.

For 'your ordinary' cultivators, this aura is menacing. But Yu Long found it weak and unrefined.

Of course, there is an exception.

Behind two elderly, a young lady who looked like a fairy walked with gentle steps. Her petite body excluded youthfulness and endless vitality. Wearing a slightly revealing red dress makes her even more beautiful.

She looks like a doll. Her white snow-like hair flowed down her back like a waterfall. Innocent blue eyes, a small nose, and enticing lips made her face charming. 

Lastly, she have this golden-red flame mark on her forehead, indicating her as the Complete Inheritor of Phoenix. 

"Tianwei!" Xu Nannan called out an elderly with a stern, grudging expression.

"Nannan." The elder finally smiled.

Even then, the smile looks forced.

Yu Long didn't bother to look at Feng Tianwei or other elderly. His golden eyes always focused on the white-haired girl behind them.

At the same time, the white-haired girl also stared at Yu Long.

The world seemingly froze as Divine Phoenix's Essence, Origin Energy, and Bloodline inside them cried in happiness because of this reunion.

Yu Long smiled, "May I know your name, young lady?"

"Xue'er. Feng Xue'er." The young lady responded with her sweet voice.

"Lovely name."

"What's your name, big brother?" She asked in return.

"Yu Long."

"Ah, you're... Nice to meet you, Big Brother Yu Long~!" Feng Xue'er recognized the name and giggled in joy.

Many people called her the number one beauty in the Profound Sky Continent due to her appearance. She's also given the title Princess Snow.

She's the princess of the Divine Phoenix Empire, the sole disciple and heir of the Phoenix God.

She's also one of this world's heroines.

Feng Xue'er!

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