Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 984 - Kalos's First Gym

Julian was surprised as he figured out that the gym leader of Santalune gym.

Julian "Did you already challenge the gym?" ​​

Julian asked Ash.

Ash "Yes, I did but I lost"

He said embarrassed.

Julian "I see"

He was not disappointed by Ash's loss, it was common for trainers to lose their very first battle with their new pokemon as they need to build a very strong relationship and have better communication during their battle.

Julian "You used your Fletchling?"

Ash "Yes, too bad I couldn't do anything, I lost pretty badly"

Ash said. It seemed like he had a one on one battle and he lost.

Julian is not worried about Ash building his relationship with his pokemons as he is the best at it.

Julian "It doesn't matter, a loss is just another step you take to become stronger"

Julian said and comforted Ash, Ash seems to have cheered up, for now, Julian noticed that he made another new friend, a girl with honey-brown hair, she is wearing a pink cap and red dress.

The girl is looking at him with her big blue eyes, she couldn't hide her excitement at all, it was very clear that she is a fan.

Julian just smiled at her and decided to head towards the gym, Ash and his friends followed Julian to the gym as they wanted to see him battle.

Julian and the rest arrived at the gym, Julian didn't even have to enter when he saw a woman with blond hair clicking pictures through her camera.

She turned around and noticed Julian walking towards her, she didn't even ask for his permission and clicked a photo of him, she didn't know it was Julian as his face was covered but she felt that there was something special about this man in the mask.

She then noticed her sister with Ash and his friends right behind the young man, she got curious and wondered who this person is.

She approached him with curiousness all over her face.

Viola "Alexa, what are you doing here?"

She asked and then glanced at Ash and his friends as well "You guys too?"

Alexa "We are here to see you battle"

She said with a smile on her face.

Viola "Ash wants a rematch so soon?"

She asked.

Alexa "Not Ash, it's him"

She said and pointed at Julian.

Julian finally removed his mask and smiled at her, Viola was stunned for a second as she saw his face, she didn't expect this at all, Julian is right in front of her eyes, she soon snapped out of her frozen state and finally took a deep breath before collecting her thoughts and finally talked to him.

Viola "Oh my Arceus, I can't believe I am seeing you right now, please come in!"

She said excitedly and guided Julian inside the gym, the rest of them soon followed as they headed towards the battlefield.

Julian stood on his side of the battlefield and on the opposite end is Viola who seems to be a little nervous right now.

Ash and his friends are sitting in the audience area and are tensed up as they wait for the battle to start.

Julian looked at Viola and noticed that she was determined to give her all, this was what Julian liked about Gym leaders, even though they might be his fans, they have their priorities straight, she will full fill her duty as a gym leader.

Julian "I hope you give it your all"

Julian said.

Viola "You don't have to worry, I won't be an easy opponent to take down"

She said and waited for the referee to step in and start explaining the rules of this battle.

Referee "This will be a two vs two pokemon battle between gym leader Viola and challenger Julian, during the battle only the challenger is allowed to switch pokemon, the person with no pokemon at the end of the battle loses"

The referee explained the rules and looked at both trainers and asked them to select their first pokemon.

Viola went first and sent out her Surskit, Julian didn't wait around and sent his first pokemon as well, his choice, Flabébé.

Julian's Flabébé looked around and noticed another pokemon in front of her, she realized that she is in a battle right now, Julian told her about this and she knew that if she does as Julian says, she will be treated with a lot of sweet syrup, she liked it very much and she will do anything for it.

Referee "Since both trainers are ready, let the battle being"

The referee waved his flag and started the battle.

Viola didn't wait around and quickly set up the battlefield to her advantage, black clouds covered the top of the gym as the rain started to pour down.

As Surskit has the ability Swift Swim, its speed has doubled right now, Viola knows that Flabébé is a special attacker and she needs her pokemons to be fast to dodge those attacks.

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