Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 971 - Manmade Pokemons

Julian was happy with Noivern reactions, a bit grump pokemon but with little training, this one can become a very strong pokemon, too bad it has already evolved so its potential is limited.

He then turned towards Professor Oak. ​​

Julian "Professor Oak, I will be leaving for Kalos tomorrow, you said you had something to tell me. What is it?"

He asked.

Oak "Oh, I completely forgot, come with me, Miss Alexa too two, we can continue the interview inside if you want!"

Alexa "Ya, sure, I have no problem with it!"

She said and followed Julian and Professor Oak into the lab, Ash stayed behind to talk to his pokemons as he just got here.

On their way, Alexa continued to ask Professor Oak some questions about how he takes care of pokemons left behind by the trainers.

Soon they arrived inside the lab, Professor Oak guided Julian towards the office and they stood in front of Professor Oak's computer screen.

Julian "What did you want to talk about?"

Julian asked as he's still confused about what Professor Oak wants.

Oak "Do you know about a pokemon called Porygon?"

Julian "I do know about it, a pokemon created through programing, I read that it can also travel inside the cyberspace"

Oak "Oh, so you do know a little about it!"

Julian "But what about it, I heard that there are only two in this world because its program cannot be copied!"

Oak "Indeed, it was created twenty years ago by Dr. Akihabara, one of the greatest if not the greatest mind in the current world, too bad he is a little eccentric and thought to be slightly insane so he never got himself a huge name in the scientific community.

Well anyways, the Porygons were to the scientific and pokemon community so they can be used for the further development of man and pokemon kind."

Julian "I see, but where do I come in here?"

Oak "Well since there are two of them, the community decided to give away one of them to a trainer and see how it will develop under a trainer, compared to the one developed under the eyes of pokemon professors and scientists, so I recommended your name and no one objected it!"

Julian "Oh, but are you sure, from what I know, it doesn't need to eat or breathe, so how do I raise it!"

Oak "Well, it's for you to figure out!"

Julian "I see!"

Oak "Among the two Porygons, one is a prototype called Porygon Zero and the other is a complete one which is Porygon, you will be getting Porygon Zero!"

Julian "What's the difference?"

Oak "Well Porygon Zero being the prototype version is inferior to Porygon, the scientific and pokemon community didn't want to hand over the better version!"

Julian "One question?"

Oak "What is it?"

Julian "Do I have to return it after some time?"

Oak "No, it will be yours to keep, you just need to give updates on its performance on a monthly basis!"

Julian "What happens if I don't?"

Oak "Well the community cannot force you to do anything and the league has authorized Porygon Zero under your ownership so if you want to deny giving updates, they can't do anything!"

Julian "I see"

He said and nodded and started to think about it.

Julian 'The league is being very careful, they trust me but they don't trust the scientific community so they handed full ownership of Porygon Zero to me, if I find something interesting about it, they would highly like to keep that a secret from the world'

He knew how the league thought but he needs to confirm his suspicion, he decided to call Cynthia and inquire about it later.

Julian "So where can I get this Porygon?"

Oak "Kalos, Professor Sycamore's Laboratory, has Porygon Zero with him, he will hand it over to you once you get there!"

Julian "So that's it?"

Oak "Well, I would like you to talk to Professor Sycamore for now"

He said and called Professor Sycamore and let Julian talk with him, he then took Alexa with him and walked out of the room leaving Julian alone.

Julian and Professor Sycamore talked for a while about the Porygon Zero, Professor gave some rough explanations to Julian about Porygon Zero and its abilities, he then told Julian that he will get a full picture once he visits him in Lumiose City.

As he was talking he heard more explosions coming from outside, he ended the call and walked out to see a Meowth hot air balloon and the three idiots standing inside.

Julian "It's those three idiots again!"

He said while looking at them, he decided not to take action as he could see Ash was there with most of his pokemon, even his Charizard was present so there is no way those three can do anything.

Ash then told all his pokemons to attack, all of them attacked the balloon without holding back and sent Team Rocket flying again.

Julian "I should get ready to go to Kalos!"

He said and walked back to his own house, he has to catch a flight to Kalos tomorrow.

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