Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 970 - A Reporter From Kalos

South of Kanto on a massive island, Julian is sitting under a massive tree looking at his pokemons running around and having fun, there is not just his pokemon here, it looks like new pokemons found their way to this island, and settled down here.

With so many of Julian's pokemons around, the weaker new pokemons felt safe. ​​

Julian's Unova team also got along very well with his older pokemons, at first they did get a little intimidated when they entered the island but they soon calmed down when they realized that all the powerful pokemons living here belong to Julian.

Their first ever encounter with one of Julian's pokemon scared the shit out of them, even Kyurem got a little intimidated.

When Julian brought his pokemon here on a boat, his Gyarados suddenly popped out of the water to greet Julian, and doing so, he scared all his pokemons, Gyarados is the emperor of this sea right now, just his size intimidates anyone around him so Julian's Unova team were affected by it.

Julian also found out that a few pokemons follow Gyarados around like his soldiers or guards, and those pokemons seem very strong as well.

After having a terrifying encounter with Gyarados, meeting his other pokemons was not that intimidating afterward.

While Julian's Unova team didn't find it hard to blend in, Kyurem was having a little trouble, its whole world view changed, when it lived in Unova, it thought itself to be one of the strongest pokemon in the world alongside Zekrom and Reshiram but after coming to this island, it realized that there are monsters at every corner.

It was not just Infernape, Gengar, and Snorlax, that were the monsters Julian was carrying, he had a whole army of them on this massive island.

It had to realize that it's not the strongest one here, it is not even in the top 10, it realized that it has to become a lot stronger to be on top which is a very hard goal to achieve.

But he is up for it, his goal is to reach levels similar to Gengar, the monster that hides in its master's shadow.


Julian just watched and wondered about his visit to Kalos, he will be going to Kalos tomorrow, he will also be able to meet his fiancées as they work there, he will be able to spend more time with them, he also wants to catch many different pokemons from Kalos.

Kalos is a very special region, the region is divided into three parts, Central Kalos, Coastal Kalos, and Mountain Kalos, and no pokemon of the same species can be found in two different parts in the wild, except if they were brought there by trainers.

Every part of Kalos is filled with different species of pokemon and if he wants to catch a particular one, he will have to visit the specific part to catch one.

He is excited to visit Kalos.

He then started to wonder which two pokemons, he should take with him, Infernape, Gengar, and Snorlax, and Crystal will always be with him, after thinking for a while, he decided to take Kyurem and Darmanitan with him to Kalos.

Crystal is still in its deep slumber and Julian has no idea when it will wake up, but he cannot wait around for Crystal to wake up, the system suspects Crystal to wake up in two months or so, as it took the same amount of time previously.

It was time to leave, he called his pokemons and picked up Darmanitan and Kyurem, he then told the others to stay behind and train under their seniors and learn more about themselves and their energy.

After bidding farewell to all his pokemons, he returned back to Pallet Town, as he made his way towards Professor Oak's lab, he was greeted by the people of Pallet Town, Julian was very well received here, even though he super popular, people of this town never treated him indifferently so he liked being around them.

He made his way to the laboratory on foot. When he got there, he heard explosions coming from the back, he got a little worried and rushed towards the backyard and was surprised to see someone familiar.

It was Ash and his pokemon and he seems to have brought someone along with him, he didn't remember who this lady standing next to Professor Oak was.

He approached them with a smile.

Julian "Ash, you are back!"

He said.

Ash turned around and saw Julian which made his smile widely.

Ash "Julian, yes, I just returned today?"

Julian "How was the Pokemon Sumo Tournament?"

He asked.

Though Ash lost at the league, he continued to stay behind and attended some kind of Pokemon Sumo Tournament, Julian didn't bother with it as he didn't know what the competition was about.

Ash "Hehe, I won the tournament"

He said and rubbed his hair, embarrassed.

Julian "Good for you!"

He said and looked at the woman who seems to be staring at him with her big eyes, completely fangirling right now.

Julian "And who is this?"

He asked.

The woman snapped out of her dazed state and suddenly introduced herself to Julian.

"Hellooo, my name is Alexa, I am a reporter from Kalos, I came here to interview Professor Oak!" She said with a high-pitched excited voice.

Julian "Oh, I see, welcome to Pallet town then!"

His attention was then caught by the massive pokemon with big wings standing there, he had never seen this pokemon in real life but he was still impressed by how majestic it looks, A Noivern.

He got closer to examine Noivern as it is his first time seeing this pokemon, he has heard a lot about this pokemon, it's a very fast flying/dragon pokemon and a good special attacker of a pokemon.

Alexa "Be careful, he doesn't like to interact with strangers!"

Alexa warned him as she is worried about her Noivern causing Julian any harm.

Julian "Don't worry, it will be fine!"

He said and approached Noivern, the Noivern growled at him and tried to scare him away but Julian just looked straight into its eyes.

Julian "Now ease up, no need to be tense around me!"

Julian said and rubbed Noivern's big head, Noivern suddenly calmed down and looked much docile than before.

Alexa "Amazing, my Noivern never lets its guard down around anyone other than me!"

She said surprised.

Professor Oak "Hahaha, this is expected from Julian, it's like he and pokemons can understand each other, I am quite jealous of him, I wish I could do that!"

Professor Oak said and laughed.

Alexa "Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She said while admiring Julian.

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