Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 953 - Julian Vs Yesh, The Finals (4)

Yesh "You are playing with me!"

Yesh said. ​​

Julian "Of course, it's good to have fun on the battlefield"

Julian said.

Yesh "I need you to take this serious"

He said with a slight tone of anger which Julian definitely picked up.

Julian "Oh, what's this? Getting angry, then I should get a little serious then"

He said and chuckled.

Julian 'Would you look at that, I am glad that he is not just an empty shell because he was one when I first met him'

He thought to himself and he was quite happy with Yesh's current development in character.

Yesh "Don't hold back, Swampert, use Hammer Arm"

Yesh didn't want to play around and neither did he want Julian to as well, so he went for big hits, there is no way Julian will risk playing around and get hit by these powerful moves.

Julian "Counter with Hammer Arm as well"

Darmanitan beat his chest excitedly and charged at Swampert using Hammer Arm, everytime his arms touched the ground, they would leave his knuckle prints behind as the ground was starting to get damp, as they were about to collide with each other...

Yesh "Dodge and hit from the side"

Hearing Yesh Swampert used its powerful legs to move direction and dodged the Hammer Arm from Darmanitan and got to his side and was about to bring down its own Hammer Arm when Julian made his call as well.

Julian "On the ground, explosion"

Darmanitan didn't stop his Hammer Arm and aimed it at the ground to waste no time, he used his head and combust the attack on impact creating a very powerful explosion, Swampert who was about to land its own Hammer Arm on Darmanitan got swept by the powerful force of the explosion and was sent flying through the air and crashing into the ground.

This explosion of course caused the stadium's defense to be activated again, as the explosion died down along with the smoke, Swampert could be seen on the ground struggling to get up.

Yesh looked at the battlefield and realized that the battlefield is completely dry now and his effort to damp it was useless.

Julian "Finish it, Brick Break"

Darmanitan didn't wait around and rushed towards the fallen Swampert and landed the Brick Break and on contact, he made it explode sending Swampert flying through the air again and then crashing into the ground but this time it couldn't get back to its feet.

It got knocked out.

Referee "Swampert is unable to battle, Darmanitan wins"

The referee called the result and the crowd cheered, they have never seen a move like this, they heard Julian call for a Brick Break and it ended in an explosion, only in a Julian match can they see stuff like this.

Yesh seemed frustrated and he realized what he did wrong, his Swampert could have easily lasted longer in the battle if he hadn't gotten angry and made a dumb decision by engaging Darmanitan in a close combat fight.

Julian on the other hand was happy for Yesh, he could tell Yesh was frustrated but this was the start of his journey, if one doesn't get angry, one won't feel motivated to do better and not get into such frustrating situations.

Julian could already tell from now on, Yesh's improvement will skyrocket, but for that Yesh will also have to realize this and this is where Julian will have to step in as his teacher.

Julian "Feels frustrating doesn't it, losing a battle because you let your anger get the better of you?"

Julian asked. Yesh looked Julian in his eyes and agreed by nodding his head.

Julian "Then make sure to channel this anger in the right way, don't let it get to your head and blind your thoughts"

Yesh didn't say anything and kept his thoughts to himself and sent Swampert back to its Pokeball.

Since Swampert didn't work, he needs to choose a pokemon that can keep its distance from Darumaka and deal damage as well, something that is fast and hits hard.

After thinking for a while, Yesh sends out his second pokemon to the battlefield, a Chandelure.

Julian looks at Yesh choice and is surprised by it but he soon thinks of something, the only reason someone would send a Chandelure against another fire type pokemon is that the Chandelure's ability might be Flash Fire, this ability allows a pokemon to increase its own fire type moves power by 50% and it is immune to fire.

Rising a move's damage by fifty percent is similar to removing a pokemon's resistance to that move, so if Darmanitan gets hit by a fire-type move, it would be similar to getting hit by moves that do normal damage to him.

And if Julian knows one thing about Chandelures is that they are one of the most powerful special attackers in the pokemon world, their special attacks can deal massive damage.

Yesh's choice is indeed excellent, it doesn't always have to be a pokemon that has resistance or advantage over their opponent, sometimes a pokemon that can completely remove their opponent's resistance can also be a great choice.

But will it be able to take on Darmanitan's explosion? Yes an explosion is fire and Chandelure can absorb the fire and increase its own powers but an explosion is not just fire, it's pure energy being released at such high speed and power, it takes only a few microseconds for the energy to travel.

As such high speeds, no matter how good one's defense is, they will get blasted and Chandelure's defense is not bad but it's not too good either, if the energy from the explosions makes contact, it will be rattled.

Julian wondered what Yesh is thinking and how he will tackle this obstacle that is Julian's Darmanitan.

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