Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 952 - Julian Vs Yesh, The Finals (3)

Yesh realized that things are much different now, this time Julian won't hold back and he doesn't want Julian to hold back either, he wants to really see how much he has improved during all this time he has spent with Julian and after that training on his own.

Yesh "Swampert, on the attack, use Hydro Pump" ​​

Yesh knew that playing defensive right now is not the best option, he has to take a big risk to get a bigger reward and that reward will be damaging Darmanitan and if he gets knocked out, it will be a miracle.

Swampert did as Yesh asked it to do and shot a powerful Hydro Pump at Darmanitan.

Julian "Use Protect"

Julian smiled seeing that Yesh changed strategy so he decided to do the same as well, since Yesh is his personal student, he decided to go very hard on Yesh, harder than any opponent he has ever come across.

Darmanitan doesn't like to play defensive but since Julian ordered so, he will do as he is told, he set up a force field in front of him and protected himself from the powerful Hydro Pump.

Yesh "Now charge forward, use Rock Throw"

Swampert charged towards Darmanitan and on its way, it started to hurl massive rocks at Darmanitan.

Julian "Dodge them"

Darmanitan started to move around and dodge these massive rocks thrown at him but soon Julian noticed something, Darmanitan's movements are a little slow, he soon realized that the grown is little wet due to that Hydro Pump and these rocks crashing into them is making them even softer, making it hard for Darmanitan to move around.

Julian noticed this very early, or it would have been very troublesome afterward, this is indeed a very good way to set up a battlefield for your pokemon's advantage, Swampert will thrive on lands that are damp and muddy, turning the battlefield into a huge mud pond would severely hinder Darmanitan's performance.

Too bad for Yesh, Julian already caught onto his plan but he decided to let Yesh set up this a little more before he makes a move.

Once Darmanitan dodged all the rocks, Yesh asked for another Hydro Pump and Julian told Darmanitan to use Protect again.

Just as Julian expected, those rocks caused the ground to soften up allowing it to absorb water much better and making the battlefield a little damp than before.

Julian 'That's a good plan but it won't do him much favor if the terrain suddenly takes a drastic change!'

Julian thought to himself and smiled.

Yesh, on the other hand, was already thinking of several ways to pin down Julian's Darmanitan, his plan right now is what Julian has in mind, and Yesh is not stupid, he knows not to rely on just one plan, he knows Julian better than anyone, so he also knows Julian has already figured out his first plan.

Now the real game is who is going to make the first mistake, Yesh is better at calculating probabilities and how Julian might react in every scenario but at the end of the day they are just simulations and Yesh cannot come up with infinite of them at the same time.

Julian has more experience, he isn't much calculative as Yesh on the battlefield but no one can read the battlefield better than him, while Yesh calculates the probability of Julian's moves and how he might react, Julian would already have a rough idea of how the terrain might change.

Julian noticed that Yesh is thinking a lot and suddenly decided to have some fun with Yesh, Yesh thinks that Julian is very calculative with his moves and he is right, but Julian can also be stupid and make stupid decisions.

Julian "Use Rollout"

Julian called for a Rollout and Darmanitan didn't wait for a second, he excitedly rolled up his body and charged at Yesh's Swampert, rock energy covered him as he made his way towards Swampert, the battlefield is still not damp enough to slow him down, instead, it's giving him a better grip right now which helped Darmanitan increase his Rollout speed.

Yesh "Dodge it"

Yesh became confused, he expected Julian to play defensive as he went for the attack but now he is suddenly playing aggressive again.

Swampert dodged the Rollout, and Darmanitan rolled right past it before coming to a full stop, Darmanitan looked at Swampert angrily and beat his chest, he wanted to make explosions and since Swampert didn't block him, he couldn't make one, this pissed of Darmanitan as he started to breathe fire out of his nose.

Julian "Use Rollout again"

Julian decided to play a little longer and completely confuse Yesh, Darmanitan once again charged at Swampert with full speed.

Yesh "Dodge it"

Yesh once again asked Swampert to dodge as he has no idea what Julian is thinking.

This continued for a while before Yesh finally realized it, he saw Julian was smiling and it was not a smile that one does when they are happy, Yesh realized that Julian is just messing with him and he has no intentions to attack at all, he is just playing around right now.

For some reason, Yesh felt a completely new emotion inside him, anger, he was angry because Julian was treating this as a play while a few seconds ago he looked very serious, Yesh couldn't figure out what Julian really wants.

Does he want to have a serious battle or is it just a play for him?

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