Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 923 - Julian Vs Glen (1)

Both Julian and Glen are ready to battle and they are only waiting for the referee to make his call, seeing that both trainers are ready, the referee started the battle by first explaining the rules of the battle.

Referee "This battle is a six vs six pokemon battle, both trainers are allowed to switch pokemon during the battle, the trainer with no pokemon at the end of the battle loses, am I clear?" ​​

Once the referee got a nod from both trainers, he asked them to choose their pokemon.

Julian decided to do another favor and sent out his pokemon first, he sent out his Golurk as his first pokemon, this is Golurk's first time entering a battle in the league and he will be facing one of the big names.

Julian's Golurk is massive in size, standing at the height of 3.2 meters tall, compared to a normal Golurk he is 0.4 meters tall and he is still not fully grown, Julian estimates him to stop ground at 3.5 meters tall.

Seeing Julian's massive pokemon standing in front of him, Glen got excited and sent out a flying ice-type pokemon which Julian is seeing for the first time in his life.

Glen "Let's go, Frosmoth"

He sent out his Frosmoth, Julian looked at this flying ice pokemon and was surprised by how beautiful this pokemon looks, he could see snowflakes falling out its wings as they sparked under the sunlight.

He heard Glen calling it Frosmoth, he remembered seeing this pokemon on the internet but he has no idea about its moves and abilities, but he still has a rough idea, he is expecting a lot of ice and bug type moves and maybe some flying type moves, and if it is a bug type pokemon, it might also know one or two grass type moves.

Frosmoth is indeed a great choice against Golurk but from what Julian can see and understand, this Frosmoth won't be able to survive even one hit from his Golurk, and with his Golurk having No Guard as an ability, he can easily smash through any barriers that will be put in front of him.

Julian now already has a very rough idea of how this battle will come to be but he needs this battle to start before he can finally see through it.

Seeing that both of them have chosen their pokemon, the referee didn't wait any longer and waved off his flags starting the battle.

Glen made the move first, having a big slow pokemon as an opponent was a big advantage to Glen and his pokemon, Frosmoth.

Glen "Aurora Beam"

Frosmoth shot a shining beam at Golurk which had a very cold aura.

Julian "Fire Punch"

Golurk pulled his hand back as fire surrounded it and punched the Aurora Beam, as his hand touched the beam, it shattered into pieces and ice went flying everywhere.

Julian "Use Fire Punch"

Golurk then moved towards Frosmoth and swung at it with its big massive arm, Frosmoth saw this coming from a mile away and dodged it.

Glen "Now Aurora Beam"

As it dodged and was about to use another Aurora beam, Golurk suddenly turned around with used the back of his arm using Fire Punch.

Golurk might be slow while moving forward, but using his body weight to spin a little faster was not hard for him, seeing that it couldn't be dodged, Glen quickly called out a Protect.

Glen "Use Protect"

Frosmoth quickly set up a Protect and tried to protect itself but, surprise, Golurk's arm shattered right through the Protect Barrier and landed the firey backhand slap and sent Frosmoth crashing into the ground leaving being a trail of smoke.

The dust cleared up and Frosmoth could be seen on the ground knocked out, since Frosmoth is four times weak to fire type moves, it has a terrible defense, and Julian's Golurk is built like a tank, he is slow but the hits that he can dish out will one-shot any opponent.

Glen was shocked by this, he then realized that Julian's Golurk might have No Guard ability.

Julian "This is your very first warning, let me tell you, this will not be a normal battle for you, don't even think for a second that you have an advantage, don't expect things from my pokemon, don't expect them to behave and act like normal pokemons that you have battled before.

They are my pokemons and each and every one of them is not something you can compare with normal pokemon of their species, if you are here to really defeat me, show me what you can really do or you will be just like any other opponent, who came and did knowing but play into my trap and lost miserably"

He told to Glen with a smile on his face.

Glen frowned, he realized that the stakes are even higher than he thought, when he saw Julian battle the last time, he didn't see anything special but he couldn't be blamed, Julian didn't train his pokemon to their fullest potential yet, but now they are at their fullest potential, they are deadlier than they ever were.

Glen will have no chance against Julian if he thinks this is just a hard battle, he needs to treat this battle as a life and death situation and even then he might lose, Julian is like that hidden boss of the game which is 100 times harder to defeat than the main boss.

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