Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 922 - Last Battle Of The Quarterfinals

Glen Vs Julian is the big match everyone is waiting for, one is a fresh face who has proven himself to be a worthy opponent while the other is an old face who has dominated the battlefield like no other.

People's faith in Glen winning this battle is very low but some do still believe it, while on the other hand, Julian's fans are being Julian fans, they are shitting on Glen's credibility to win this battle and they also made sure to tell every person who supports Glen that they are a retard and they should eat shit and drink piss. ​​

This happened all over the internet from morning till now, now everything stopped because it was time for the battle.

The announcer got inside his room and welcomed everyone and hyped them up for the battle that is about to take place, the crowd is restless and they are singing songs about Julian, yes his fans have a special song just dedicated to him.

The song echoed throughout the grand stadium and they waited for the participants to arrive, the announcer didn't waste any time and introduced the first challenger.

Announcer "All the way from Galar, this trainer has dominated the battlefield every time he stepped on it, his opponents never stood a chance against him, the speed and power that his pokemons have displayed have impressed everyone.

And now he is up against his greatest challenge, can Glen overcome the mountain that stands in front of him, will the power and speed that his pokemon possess will be able to overcome this mountain that nobody ever overcome?"

Glen walked in and the crowd cheered for him, with a crowd of over 200000, even though the cheer was coming from a smaller audience it sounded loud to him.

Glen was not bothered by the few cheers and more boos, he was here to battle and defeat Julian, not to show himself and entertain thousands of people.

Glen has a big smile on his face, he has been waiting for this moment for quite a while now, he met Julian before and asked for a battle but he never could, he believed that Julian didn't want to battle him because he was scared but now, it's different, he knows that Julian cannot run away from him and this will be his time to shine and show the world that he is a better trainer than Julian.

He also wants the title of the undefeated, which only two people had in the whole world, the first one is Leon, the champion of Galar, and second in none other than Julian.

Glen had planned to challenge Leon when he was in Galar but when he heard Julian's challenge to the world, he decided to take down Julian first, then go for Leon, his dream is to be the strongest trainer like every other trainer, but Glen wants to take it beyond than just being the strongest, he wants to take down the strongest ones that people have crowned.

He wants to travel the world and find the strongest and defeat them so he can finally claim that he is the strongest, he doesn't want to be crowned by the people, he wants to crown himself by proving to himself.

And who is a better target than Julian, he is the crowned strongest trainer in the world by the people and Glen wants to prove them wrong, even Julian hasn't claimed that he is the strongest so Glen is bothered by this.

Now he waits as the announcer continues to hype up the next opponent.

Announcer "Our next contender doesn't need any introduction but I will do it anyway, he is the greatest trainer that has ever entered the league, he has never faced a single defeat in his whole career, he has conquered everyone that ever stood across him, he is also the winner of three different leagues making him the only person to do so.

He is also the greatest champion to ever be crowned in Kanto (for controversial reasons he cannot say the world), it's none other than Juliaaannnnnn"

He made a big deal out of Julian as he introduced him but Julian does deserve it, Julian then walked out of the entrance into the stadium.

He could hear his name being shouted throughout the whole stadium, two hundred thousand people cheering for him and it was thunderous.

People watching this through their television felt goosebumps running down their body, this was the grandest welcome anyone could ever receive.

Even Julian is surprised by this, this is the biggest stadium he has ever battled in, and seeing two hundred thousand people cheering for him, they came here just to see him battle, their energy made Julian feel more excited about this battle than he was before.

He waved at the crowd and took his position on the battlefield, he then looked at his opponent, Glen, he could see the smug smile and confident smile on his face.

Julian could tell that Glen is very excited about this battle, he avoided Glen in the past but now Glen will have his wish come true.

Glen "I have been waiting for this moment for quite a while now, you will not get away from me this time"

He said with his arms crossed.

Julian "I didn't battle you before because I didn't want to shatter your confidence before you even reach the league, you can think of our past interaction as a favor I did for you"

Julian said and smiled.

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