Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 919 - Kelly Vs Dhrago (2)

Julian saw what just happened and wondered why Dhrago would make such a stupid mistake but he then saw Dhrago laugh at his loss and Julian finally realized that Dhrago is a madman.

He is treating this as a game and nothing else, this caused Julian to be angrier, hurting pokemon in such a brutal manner just for his little games, it sickened Julian. ​​

Referee "Hitmonlee is unable to battle, Noctowl wins"

The referee called out the first result

Dhrago stopped laughing and took out another Pokeball and sent out his next pokemon, a Medicham.

The Medicham landed on the battlefield and looked at the Noctowl with its cold eyes, this one was very different from the Hitmonlee, the Hitmonlee looked tough but this Medicham has a very different aura, menacing and cold in nature.

Dhrago "Come on little girl, show me what you got, hehahaha"

He taunted Kelly into making her move.

Kelly gritted her teeth and called out a Sky Attack, one of the most powerful Flying-type moves, Noctowl flew high up in the sky and then came shooting down towards Medicham.

Dhrago "Hehe, nice but do you think this will work?"

He asked and looked straight into Kelly's eyes, Kelly froze for a second as she felt danger, this Dhrago was clearly not simple but she was not backing down now, she has an edge over him and she is not going to lose it.

Kelly "Full power"

Noctowl increased his descending speed as the energy around it expanded.

Dhrago waited for a while before he thought that it was the right time to make his move, as Noctowl got closer, Dhrago made his move.

Dhrago "High Jump Kick"

Kelly "Ha, you fell for it again, now Hypnos..."

Before she could finish her word, she froze as she saw the Medicham's knee smashing into Noctowl's face, she was shocked, she didn't even see what happened.

Noctowl was then sent flying up in the air, it reached very high in the air and then came crashing on the ground, Kelly was shocked, she looked at Noctowl and noticed that there was a crack on its beak.

Julian was also surprised, others couldn't see it but he could, the speed that Medicham moved was incredibly fast, he didn't think he would ever see a pokemon as fast as that Medicham other than his pokemons who are focused on speed.

The most interesting thing about this Medicham was that it's fast, Medicham's are not known for their speed so seeing this one move so fast was really surprising, Julian wondered how Dhrago trainer this one.

Referee "Noctowl is unable to battle, Medicham wins"

The referee called for another result.


She shouted and rushed towards Noctowl and carried it up to check it, she sighed as it was just knocked out but the crack on its beak was very concerning and it seems like it is suffering from a very deep concussion.

She gritted her teeth in anger and sent Noctowl back to its Pokeball, she then headed back to her position and looked at Dhrago very angrily, and sent out her third pokemon Donphan.

The Donphan landed on the battlefield and rubbed its feet on the ground.

Kelly "Get ready to destroy, use Giga Impact"

Kelly is angry right now and she could only see red, she sent her strongest pokemon and made it use its strongest move.

Dhrago "Hahaha, do you think that will work? Use Dynamic Punch"

As Donphan went charging into Medicham, Medicham jumped and straight at Donphan and used Dynamic Punch, just like before, nobody could see Medicham's movement, the only thing they saw is Medicham appearing right in front of Donphan with a glowing right hand and punching right into the Giga Impact.

A blinding light broke out which followed by a massive explosion, Medicham flipped out of the smoke landed on the ground with no effort, on top of that there doesn't seem to be even a single scratch on it.

As the smoke cleared up, Donphan could be seen on the ground knocked out with a dent on its head, another massive injury.


She rushed towards Donphan and looked at its head, the dent on its head looks very serious, another one of her pokemon is now put in a deep confused state.

Referee "Donphan is unable to battle, Medicham wins"

He called out the result.

Things didn't look good for Kelly, two of her pokemons are seriously injured and he cannot afford another big injury, her last pokemon, Alakazam has already suffered through enough pain, she looks at Dhrago angrily before looking at Referee

Kelly "I forfeit"

She says.

Referee "Are you sure?"

Kelly "Yes"

Referee "Trainer Kelly has forfeited the battle, hence the winner of this battle is Dhrago."

The referee announced the final result, some people booed while others cheered, some didn't like how Dhrago battled while others loved the way he battled, from far away they couldn't see the damage he did to those pokemons, they just seemed to have been knocked out, they just liked his aggressive and brutal battle style.

Julian frowned as he saw another pokemon of Kelly's got hurt bad, he was also glad that Kelly forfeited the battle, her Alakazam is in no shape to battle that Medicham.

Julian frowned, he has seen enough of Dhrago and understands how to deal with this nuisance.

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