Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 918 - Kelly Vs Dhrago

Kelly soon found herself struggling against Dhrago, her Alakazam tried to land hits, but the Hitmonlee was too agile, she knew that this cannot continue for long and she needs to get a little closer to deliver a much faster and harder hit.

Kelly "Use Teleport and then Psybeam" ​​

Her Alakazam teleported from its spot and appeared right behind Hitmonlee and tried to blast a powerful Psybeam but Dhrago was ready for that and so was his Hitmonlee.

Dhrago "Now, Aura Sphere"

Hitmonlee suddenly turned around while creating a ball made out of Aura and shot it straight at Alakazam's Psybeam, as the two moves collided, it created an explosion and blocked everyone's vision but this was just a cover for Dhrago to attack.

Dhrago "Now, High Jump Kick"

Hitmonlee used its powerful legs to jump up high and went through the smoke and crashed right into Alakazam who was caught off-guard by it, Alakazam crashed into the ground.

Dhrago "Hahaha, Brick Break"

Before Alakazam even got the chance to get back to its feet, Hitmonlee got on top and stomped down hard on Alakazam's stomach using Brick Break, Alakazam's eyes went wide as the air out of its stomach was blown out from its mouth, it soon followed up by excruciating pain.

Alakazam rolled around on the ground in pain, trying to catch a breath.

Dhrago "Finish it, Close Combat"

Dhrago decided to put this to an end and called for his last move.

Kelly "Alakazam, get up, use Teleport"

She tried to warn Alakazam but it was useless, it was in too much pain to process anything, as Hitmonlee was about to end it all, suddenly a pinkish purple eye appeared on top of its head and blasted psychic beam straight on Hitmonlee's head and sent it rolling on the ground.

The Future Sight that she had set up came into effect just at the right time for her and her Alakazam, she quickly took out a Pokeball and sent her Alakazam back to its Pokeball to rest.

Julian watched all this with a frown, Dhrago was indeed merciless, his Hitmonlee didn't seem to hold back when making its move, every move that it performed could easily kill other pokemon but Dhrago was making sure to hold back just a little so that he doesn't get disqualified for the death of a pokemon in a league conference.

Julian could tell if someone was trained to kill and this Hitmonlee was trained to kill and it's trying very hard not to kill.

Julian 'To use such a dangerous pokemon, this Dhrago is not some random trainer, he has killed before'

He thought while trying to figure out where Dhrago is from and what is his intention to participate in the league, from what Julian knows, these types of trainers make sure to stay out of the public eye.

Julian 'It's this idiot a little too confident, come


Kelly gritted her teeth and looked at Dhrago in anger, if she had not made a move on time, her Alakazam would have been hospitalized for permanent.

She then took out another Pokeball and sent out her next pokemon, a Noctowl, another good choice but does it even matter.

Her Alakazam was a great choice but it couldn't do anything against Hitmonlee, so what does this Noctowl can do.

Kelly "Noctowl, use Wing Attack"

Noctowl charged down with its wings spread, glowing with energy.

Dhrago "Hahaha, foolish"

Dhrago laughed seeing Kelly's choice.

Dhrago "Use Counter"

Hitmonlee waited for Noctowl to get closer but Kelly had something else in her mind, as soon as Noctowl got close, Kelly made her move.

Kelly "Now, use Hypnosis"

Noctowl suddenly blasted a wave of psychic, they were slow in speed but since Noctowl was so close, Hitmonlee couldn't dodge it, it got hit by the psychic wave and put under Hypnosis, it started to feel light-headed and fell asleep on the ground.

Dhrago "What?"

He exclaimed in shock.

Kelly "Hmph, you think that I will go down so easily, you were just too overconfident"

She said and went for the finishing blow.

Kelly "Use Hurricane"

Noctowl started to flap its wings and a powerful tornado rose up, it grew massive in size within seconds and swept of Hitmonlee, spinning it inside bashing it everywhere, as the tornado disappeared, Hitmonlee was revealed.

On the ground knocked out cold, Kelly got the first knock out of this battle, everyone was surprised by this, the crowd went silent as they didn't expect Dhrago to lose like this but it didn't matter, they soon started to cheer for Kelly.

She suddenly became an unexpected rising dark horse by taking out Dhrago's Hitmonlee.

Dhrago, on the other hand, looked at his Hitmonlee with a serious expression, and then suddenly a smile crept onto his face and he started to laugh.

Dhrago "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that, I should have been a little more serious with you, I think I have played enough."

He said and suddenly went quiet and sent the Hitmonlee back to its Pokeball and sent out his next pokemon.

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