Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 895 - Further Training

Things are looking great for Julian, he has all his eight badges, his team is full, he caught a first-rate legendary pokemon, now the only thing waiting for him is to participate in the league and become a league champion again.

Now, the only thing left of Julian is to train a little more and evolve his final remaining pokemons, Larvesta and Zweilous, both of them are very close to evolving and they are just a battle away from evolving. ​​

Julian looked at the clock on the wall and realized that it's already 1 AM, he went to sleep to wake up early the next morning.


Julian woke up and looked around, he stretched his body and got off it, walked into the shower, and cleaned himself up before walking out and putting on a new pair of clothes.

Julian 'It's time to train'

He thought and walked out of his room and made his way towards the nearest forest, after reaching the forest, he had to walk around to find a large patch of open land to train his pokemons, he then called out all his pokemons including Kyurem.

Kyurem was a new addition to the team but it didn't like being about all these pokemons, it also noticed Gengar, it realized that the aura in its layer that day was one of Julian's pokemon, Kyurem thought that Garchomp was strong but then it realized how scary Gengar really is.

It couldn't believe a pokemon that is not even legendary is stronger than any legendary pokemon in this world.

But Kyurem also noticed the other two in the group that seemed even more dangerous than Gengar, the sleeping Snorlax, and Infernape, these two didn't release any aura but Kyurem could tell that they were the strongest here.

Infernape being the most intimidating, it also noticed the same aura around Infernape as it did around Julian, another surprise to Kyurem was Victini.

It had seen a powerful Victini in the past and knew how powerful it was, it was the reason behind its two other counterparts stopping their battle and this Victini is as strong as that one, maybe slightly weaker but not by a huge margin.

Kyurem realized that its new master might be able to give it something that it is searching for.

Julian let his other pokemons train on their own, he asked Larvesta and Zweilous to practice as they will be battling each other very soon, he then focused on training Kyurem.

Julian knows he has to start from the start and teaching old pokemon new ways to control its energy, but Julian took this challenge, and he is not going to back off.

It was very hard for Julian to make Kyurem understand how to start controlling his energy, it took him hours before Kyurem finally got the hang of it, Gengar's assistance was also needed, but it worked anyway.

Julian was done training Kyurem for the day, now his attention is on Larvesta and Zweilous, they have practiced enough, now its time for them to battle, Julian expects them to evolve, either one or both of them.

Julian "Now, both of you take your positions"

He said and waited for both of them to take their positions. He then walked towards the middle to referee the match, this is a real battle, and he won't be helping them, they will have to put everything into this battle if they want to win against the other.


Somewhere else in Unova, inside a weird-looking forest, three people were sitting under a tree surrounded by pokemons, these three are none other than N and his two sisters.

N "I like this, spending time with you guys and these pokemon"

He said while petting a pokemon in front of him.

Anthea "It is indeed great, I like us spending our time like this"

The girl with pink hair said with a smile on her face, he looked at N with parental love in her eyes.

Concordia "Yes, N, think about it again, this can never return to you once you decide to do it"

The blonde-haired girl said.

N "I know, I will miss this but don't worry, I will return, but I need to do what father started. Capture one of the legendary pokemons and defeat the person who took him down"

Anthea "N, Ghetsis was not a good person, he manipulated all of us, humans cannot be trusted, and even if you capture one of the legendary pokemons, it might get captured by those humans and become experiment subjects"

She said.

N "No, I have to do this, to liberate pokemons from their trainers, this is the path I have to follow, I have to stick to my ideals"

He said.

Concordia "Ok, but you are not doing this alone, we will help you"

Anthea "Yes, we will help you, we will not let you get separated from us ever again"

She said.

N "Thank you, I love you guys"

He said and hugged them, once he was done he started to plan on how to capture one of the two legendary pokemons.

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