Gengar's aura was shaking the Pinsir leader to its core, it tried to take a step back but it couldn't it was frozen from fear.

Gengar "Gegege, you ruined my business and now you will pay for it, gegegege" ​​

Gengar's laugh echoed all over the area as ever pokemon heard it, they didn't expect this creepy but friendly Gengar to be so scary, the Pinsirs have no idea what is happening but they know one thing and that is, they are getting fucked.

Gengar "Heracross, move aside, I will deal with this bug myself"

Gengar said and pushed Heracross aside as if he didn't way anything, Heracross struggled to keep his balance as he got pushed to the side but he couldn't do anything except try his best to keep his balance.

After placing both his foot on the ground, Heracross looked at Gengar in surprise, and then at the Pinsir leader, he realized that the Pinsir is going to get destroyed.

Gengar "Hey little bug, come here, let be beat the shit out of you"

Gengar said while pointing at the Pinsir across him, the Pinsir didn't know what to do in this situation but it cannot back down. If it backs down it will be considered as a weak leader and it can be disastrous for its future as a leader.

Gengar "Come on, are you a pussy, look your whole gang is watching you, you cannot just back of now"

He said and taunted the Pinsir to charge at him.

The Pinsir is in a dilemma but it knows that it cannot back of now, its whole gang is watching, without thinking much it let out a war cry snapping its horns and exposing its mandibles, it charged at Gengar using Mega Horn.

Gengar smiled at the futile attempt, he extended his arms and welcomed Pinsir with open arms, as soon as Pinsir got closer with its massive glowing horns, Gengar grabbed them and stopped Pinsir right on its spot.

The energy around Pinsir's horn shattered in an instant and disappeared into thin air, Pinsir is shocked, it looked at Gengar with wide eyes, it tried to push back and use its immense strength but it was no use, Gengar didn't budge an inch.

Gengar "Gegege, and here I thought you will be somewhat strong, you are just mediocre"

Gengar said and lifted Pinsir by its horn and hung its whole body horizontal to the ground, Pinsir screamed and tried to free itself but it couldn't, it shook its arms and legs to no avail.

Gengar "Gegege, let's end this"

He said and slammed the Pinsir face-first on the ground, the slam shook the whole area and caused a small tremor to travel across the area, Gengar let go of the horn and looked at the Pinsir which was planted on the ground.

Gengar "Gegege, did I hit too hard?"

He laughed and asked.

Every pokemon in the area was shocked by this, they didn't expect the biggest rival of the current king to get destroyed so easily, it didn't even last a few seconds in that battle, they looked at Gengar as if he was something completely different, they didn't view him as a pokemon.

The Heracross children who brought Gengar here are as shocked as every other pokemon, they didn't expect that the weird creepy pokemon they brought here was so strong.

Gengar then looked at the Pinsir gang who looked at him with fear and smiled.

Gengar "Let me introduce myself, I am a businessmon who was a postmon a few hours ago but that doesn't matter now, now I am a businessmon and I do business, so let's do some business, gegegegege"

He said while looking at the Pinsir gang, with so many potential customers, how could he just miss the chance to earn more (scam more).


Gengar spends a whole night in the forest doing "business" and leaves after gaining a lot, he used his dimension and traveled through space, and appeared right in front of the hotel Julian is staying at.

He returned back to Julian's room and saw Julian looking at the TV.

Julian [Where were you?]

Julian asked.

He got the news of Ghetsis being delivered to the league hours ago and with Gengar's speed he should have been back before evening but it's 12 am right now.

Gengar [Gegege, I got distracted]

Gengar said and laughed.

Julian "*sighs* anyways, you can go back"

Gengar went back into Julian's shadow leaving Julian all alone in the room.

Julian went back on the couch and turned on to TV, he just finished watching one of Chloe's movies, he changed the channel and switched on the news to find if the league has informed the public about Team Plasma and Ghetsis.

As he has expected, the league worked fast, it is all over the news, he watched as the TV anchor told the news about Ghetsis being captured by the league agents, the anchor then informed that the league is working on bringing down every remaining member of Team Plasma.

Along with this, the public was also informed about every illegal thing that Ghetsis is a part of and was working on, this caused public outrage, people started to destroy every product that was made by Ghetsis's company.

The stocks of Ghetsis's company crumbled in a single day, there is no escape for Ghetsis's company as it will go bankrupt.

Julian 'I would never want to be in the receiving end of the public outrage'

He thought and chewed down on his chips.

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