With Julian's order, Gengar quickly took out all the grunts from the headquarters and brought them outside, and tied them all up, Julian also walked out of the headquarters and looked around, just as he had instructed, the grunts were put some distance away from the headquarters' space.

Once everyone was thrown out, Julian gave the final order. ​​

Julian "Destroy it"

As soon as Julian's said those words, the ground started to shake and dust blew out of the entrance followed by hot flames with massive boulders, Julian quickly isolated the blast into a closed area so that it won't damage the surrounding.

The ground above the headquarter started to shatter as bursts of flames came out of it, the ground then completely shattered and a massive mushroom of fire rose up, this caused a massive earthquake which traveled to Icirrus city as well.

People who were living in the city panicked and quickly took shelter to protect themselves from the earthquake but it soon calmed down.

All of them got off their position and looked outside to see the damage done by the earthquake and saw something completely different from their expectation, they saw a massive black cloud rising high in the sky.

'An explosion'

They all thought and it was also clear that it happened near Dragonspiral tower, the police also noticed this and quickly gathered up to leave and check out the explosion.


Back to Julian, he looked at the massive hole on the ground Gengar has left behind, the headquarters was indeed very big and it went very deep as well and now only rubbles are left behind.

Julian was not into senseless destruction but he wanted to warn Team Plasma and indirectly telling them to stop whatever they are up to, the amount of destruction that Gengar has caused is massive and whoever sees this should be scared out of their lives.

If Team Plasma doesn't take this message they are idiots or they are just overconfident in their ability or whatever they are planning.

Julian "Let's go"

Julian said and walked away as a black silhouette went into his shadow and Julian disappeared into the woods, he got what he came for, soon the police will arrive and arrest every Team Plasma member and put them in jail.


As Julian had expected the police soon arrived at the location of the explosion, when they arrived there they were shocked by what they saw, a massive number of Team Plasma members tied up, some of them are knocked out cold while others are trying to struggle and get out of those ropes that have their hands and legs bound.

No matter how hard they tried they couldn't free themselves, soon their hopes were lost as they heard sirens, they looked in the direction of the sound and saw multiple police cars coming towards them.

Officer Jenny got off her bike and looked at the Team Plasma grunts, more than a hundred of them, all beaten up and tied against each other.

Jenny "Who did this?"

She questioned and looked around, she finally came in front of the massive hole on the ground, she looked down the hole and her eyes constricted as it was very deep. If her legs slip and she falls down, she might die.

She then noticed a familiar face tied up half-naked, last time she saw this man he was commanding the Team Plasma grunts.

She walked towards him and asked her colleague for some water, she then poured it on top of the man's face and forced him to wake up, the leader grunt took a deep breath and woke up as he coughed to remove the water that just entered his throat.

Leader Grunt "*CHOUG* WHAT THE FUCK"

He shouted and looked at Officer Jenny, he was suddenly stunned and remembered what just happened a few minutes ago.

Leader "How did I get here?"

He said and looked around and when he saw the massive hole on the ground, that was previously their headquarters, his face turned white from fright.

Jenny "Hey, who did this to you guys?"

She asked him while looking at him with disgust, she clearly remembered this guy, he tried to force himself on her when she lost a battle against him when the Team Plasma attacked the city. If it was not for the gym leader of the city, he might have had his way with her.

Leader Grunt "Some guy in green jacket and mask walked in and did this, you have to arrest him"

He said.

Jenny didn't say anything and signaled her men to bring all of them away, since they have limited vehicles, they had to call multiple vans to transfer all of them to prison.

Jenny didn't know who was this person, but she thanked him from her heart, with this Icirrus city will go back to how it was and the police will have some free time for themselves as well.


Soon the news about Team Plasma being captured and their base destroyed was spread all across the city and this took the people by surprise, they also realized that explosion and earthquake they felt was actually from someone destroying Team Plasma headquarters.

They all praised their person for doing this, they didn't know who it was but they all were really happy, Team Plasma has been causing so much trouble in the past few months and it was getting very depressing and this made the people fear them a lot.

Now that they have been eliminated, the fear in their mind disappeared and they all took a breath of relief.

This was great news and people decided to celebrate this event.

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