Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 815 - Planning Something?

As Julian entered the room, he was stunned by what he saw, he saw this leader grunt having sex with a female grunt while his headquarters is getting raided by an intruder.

Julian 'What the fuck is wrong with this idiot?' ​​

Julian thought as he looked at the naked man on the floor and by mistake, he saw the guy's penis.

Julian 'Fuck, I need to bleach my eyes, and can he even satisfy anyone with that thing?'

Julian thought.

Leader Grunt "Who...Who are you?"

Julian "You don't need to know, and put on some pants"

He said with a straight face.

The female grunt got up while still covering her body, she looked at Julian in horror and fainted, seeing the destruction he caused to that thick door, she had reasons to fear him, that door couldn't be destroyed by an elite level pokemon so destroying it completely with one hit was too much.

Julian looked at the female grunt that just fainted and looked at the leader grunt again.

Julian 'This guy was fucking some beautiful woman'

He thought as he saw the female grunt, she was indeed beautiful, short blond hair, blue eyes and a very fit body.

Leader Grunt "Do you even know who I am?"

Julian "Ya, ya, I have heard enough, put on some pants or I will beat you till your head caves in"

Julian said with a cold tone which caused the Leader to feel fear that he never felt before.

Leader Grunt "YES"

He shouted out and quickly put on his pants and then realized that he just did that in fear, he backed of scared after seeing the intruder walk towards him but as he tried to run away, he couldn't move his legs, he looked down and noticed two black hands grabbing onto his legs and not letting him move even one bit.

Leader Grunt "What's going on?"

He asked as fear filled his eyes.

Julian "Nothing, just answer me some questions and I will not do anything to you"

Julian and comforted him like a very nice guy.

The Leader Grunt didn't believe him but he had no choice as well, it was clear from the start that he is not going to win, this guy came into their headquarters, destroyed all the grunts, destroyed a very thick metal door in one shot, he had no chance of escaping and he knows about it.

Leader Grunt "Ok"

Julian "See, you look like an intelligent person, no need to get injured at all, so let's get started"

He said and pulled a chair and sat down while the leader grunt was still standing, his legs locked up by Gengar's hands.

Julian "Why did your higher-ups promoted you into power?"

Julian got straight to the point as he only had few questions, that's it.

Leader Grunt "I don't know, they just told me I am in charge from now on and left"

He said without hesitation, hearing this Julian's eyes became cold and suddenly the Leader grunt screamed as he felt his legs being twisted.

He looked down and saw chains surround his leg above his knee to stabilize him while the black hands from the shadow started to move, rotating his legs.

Leader Grunt "No, no, no, stop, stop, I will tell, I will tell, please stop"

He got scared as he heard popping sounds coming from his legs, Julian signaled Gengar to stop, he still hasn't broken this guys legs, he just applied enough pressure to make his experience some pain, this pain is enough to make a professional fighter to tap out so this guy shouldn't be able to handle it properly.

Julian "I won't give you a second chance, talk"

He said with a very threatening voice.

Leader Grunt "Yes, they gave me this power and told me to cause a lot of chaos in Icirrus City, they didn't say how to do it and left the method to me, I just decided to terrorize the citizens"

Julian "Why did your superiors wanted this?"

Leader Grunt "They said I had to get the attention of the Elite four or the champion and make them come here"

Julian "Continue, don't leave me hanging"

Leader Grunt "The superiors are planning something huge in Opelucid city and they didn't want any interference from the Elite Four or the champions, they asked me to cause as much trouble as I can create"

Julian "Well you were very close to your goal, if this had continued, the gym leader would have had to ask the Elite four or the Champion for some help"

Julian said.

The Leader Grunt didn't say anything and stayed silent, it was indeed true, if he had pushed a little more, the gym leader of the city would have had no other option than to call for the Elite four or the Champion.

Julian "One last question, do you know who the real leader of Team Plasma is?"

Julian asked.

Julian knows that the leader is one of the seven sages but he didn't know which one, from what he has learned till now, the seven sages are not that bad compared to what Julian has faced, they are just very powerful influential people with too much power and very little respect for people who are below them, meaning the general population and they don't care what happens to them until the seven sages can profit from them.

Julian realized that the seven sages are not that stupid to risk everything for just Unova, their influence is worldwide and their small action in Unova can ruin their influence if the information gets out.

That is why the real leader is also hiding his identity, he needs his influence to fund the shenanigans he is coming up with.

Leader Grunt "Huh? The real leader of Team Plasma? Isn't it supposed to be Emperor N?"

He asked in confusion.

Julian 'Looks like he doesn't know about it as well'

Julian thought.

Julian [Knock him out and tie up each and every one of the grunts inside the headquarters and throw them out of here]

Hearing him, Gengar quickly knocked out the leader grunt and started to work on his current task.

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