Julian returned to his hotel room after the battle, since his goal has been achieved in Nimbasa city, he is ready to head out of the city and go to his next destination, he still doesn't know where to go yet, Yesh also seems to be a little busy and hasn't still done his gym challenge.

After he is done with his gym challenge Julian will leave the city, till then he decided to plan his route, goals, and objective for the next few months. Since he has time he decided to do so. ​​

Currently, he is in Nimbasa city that is the center of the Unova Region, from here he can either go to the west side of the region or the east side of the region, the west side of the region is dedicated to all the massive cities of Unova and that is where he can find most of the gyms and complete his badge collection.

Or he could go to the east side and do some exploring and the east is home to some of the most ancient towns and civilizations in Unova.

There is still a lot of time before the league even starts and Julian can easily take his own time and explore the region and catch some pokemons and focus on evolving some of his pokemons that are still being held back due to the complicated ways of their evolution process.

After thinking about it for some time, Julian decided to go east and explore the region rather than taking on the gyms, right now his main focus is to catch some pokemons and train them to the level of Darmanitan and Excadrill as they have clearly become overpowered after their evolution, while the rest of his team is still lacking behind because Boldore's species is a three-stage evolving pokemons, Karrablast needs to be along with a Shelmet to evolve and his Volcarona's egg still hasn't hatched.

He could tell that it is very close to hatching and he is excited about it, the dragon stone that is also called the light stone has been very helpful and is speeding up the process, Julian didn't interfere with the egg's growth with his Omniforce this time because he knew he couldn't do that or he would kill the fetus inside the egg.

It worked on Crystal but it mutated Crystal into a special pokemon, the only reason Crystal survived is that it is a legendary pokemon and was already exposed to Omniforce. When it comes to Volcarona's egg, it is a normal one with nothing special about it, being exposed to Omniforce in such a fragile state could clearly harm it and Julian won't do anything so stupid and put a life at risk.

Since he had nothing to do he decided to look into the towns and cities he will be visiting, the east side of Unova is a very rural area, there are not many cities as they are populated with small towns which have been in Unova before the last king that lived thousand years ago.

Julian thought that maybe he would be able to find something related to the legendaries here in Unova, after hours of research Julian found many things that grabbed his interest, not one, not two but twelve.

Unova has legends about 12 special pokemons, six of them are Mythical pokemons and the other six are legendary pokemons, in the Mythical category are Victini, Meloetta, and a group of mythical pokemons called the Swords of Justice which consisted of Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo.

While the Mythical group was still a myth and people of Unova have never seen them and only heard of them, the legendaries, on the other hand, are real, even though there has never been any visual proof of their existence, several historical events and happenings are easily related to them and their existence have been documented by ancient historians.

The first group of the legendaries is called the Forces Of Nature which consists of Thundurus, Landorus, and Tornadus.

And then there are the main legendaries of the Unova region, who are Reshiram, Zekrom, and the mysterious Kyurem.

When he looked more into these pokemon he noticed that some people on the internet claimed to have seen one of these pokemons, well no one believed them and on top of that, they were bullied by the people and asked for proof.

While anything on the internet couldn't be trusted, Julian noticed something, all these sightings were actually happening in the east side of Unova, even though this doesn't prove anything, Julian still thought that this could lead to something and maybe he could encounter one of them at least.

And even if he doesn't the ancient towns will still provide him with lot of information about them.

Now that everything is decided Julian needs to figure out what Yesh wants. If he wants to continue with his gym battles, Julian and Yesh will have to part ways here and meet up after some time. If he wants to join Julian on his little exploring expedition, Julian has no problem either, an extra hand is always helpful during a journey.

He waited for Yesh to return so he can ask him what he wants to do. If Yesh wants to continue with gym battle, Julian will leave Nimbasa city, if not he will have to stay and wait for Yesh to finish his gym battle here in Nimbasa city.

The sun was about to set and Yesh returned back to the hotel, when Yesh arrived near his door he noticed Julian waiting for him.

Julian "We need to talk, let's go inside"

Julian walked into Yesh's room while Yesh followed him.

Yesh "What is it?"

He asked.

Julian "Well I plan to head east for some exploring and there will be no gym there so I want to ask you, will you come with me or head west and continue with your gym battle?"

Hearing Julian's question, Yesh sat down on the bed and gave it some thought before coming to a decision.

Yesh "I will head west, I want to see how much I can grow without you being around, during these few months my progression has been very fast, I want to see how much I can grow on my own and test my limits"

Hearing this Julian was not surprised, he has been observing Yesh for quite a long time now and he has noticed that Yesh cares about nothing except growing stronger as a trainer and improve his ways, the speed of progression that Yesh has displayed is very scary.

So hearing that he would rather continue with gym battle and see how much he can grow on his own didn't surprise Julian, he just nodded his head and said his goodbye to Yesh.

Julian "I will be leaving tomorrow then"

He said and left Yesh's room and walked into his and started to prepare for tomorrow as he decided to leave early.

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