Darmanitan in his Zen Mode is really powerful and with the ability to shift his stats like this during a battle can be very advantageous to Julian.

Darmanitan in his base form is already a physical powerhouse and in his zen mode he is a ridiculous special attacker with very good defense and special defense, now there are only a few things that can hold him back. ​​

Seeing that Elesa's Luxray was out, the referee called off the battle in Julian's favor and the battle ended, Elesa sighed, she tried her best but she wasn't able to defeat Julian at all, her Luxray has never been defeated at this level and this is its first loss.

She will have to be there for it because a first loss can be very brutal to both pokemons and trainers.

Glen who was watching the battle was also shocked by the scene, he couldn't believe the power behind Darmanitan, he didn't think his Sirfetch'd to take that at all.

He also wondered how long can he last against Julian, even though he single-handedly took out Elesa's whole team with just his Sirfetch'd, it was because his Sirfetch'd is because of their nature, these species of pokemon are known to battle till they get exhausted, even after getting badly injured they still continue to battle, while other pokemons might faint with so much stress on their body, a Sirfetch'd will want to and will continue to battle till the end.

But when it comes to Julian's Darmanitan, its different, there is still a limit to how much his Sirfetch'd can handle, the power that Darmanitan displayed was way stronger compared to the pokemon at his level.

A pokemon that just evolved shouldn't be able to display that much power but he did it anyway.

Glen frowned.

When he watched Julian's battle on tv and his phone, he could tell that he was very strong but he also thought that his pokemons were also over-leveled when compared to his opponents, that is why he thought he could take down Julian with his own over-leveled pokemons.

But now things looked a little different to Glen, a Darmanitan that just evolved showed powers that a normal one couldn't no matter how hard it tried, this difference was huge and Glen could clearly see it, he knew he had to up his game if he really wants to take on Julian.

He realized that they didn't call Julian the strongest of the current generation, even though there is some debate about this topic, the people who have seen Julian battle right in front of their eyes have no objection about Julian being the strongest.

Back to Elesa, she sighed as she saw her Luxray laying down on the completely destroyed battlefield, even though there was a lot of support put behind the battlefield to prevent it from getting destroyed, it at the end of the day was in a worse state than she predicted, well it didn't bother Elesa because all the cost will be handled by the league itself.

She then took out the Bolt Badge and walked towards Julian and handed it over to him, being so close to her idol, Elesa felt a little pressured and embarrassed, even though their battle just ended a minute ago, it was a completely different thing, for Elesa that didn't matter at all, her job of a gym leader was over and now she is just a fan.

Julian saw Elesa's cheeks getting red, he could tell that she is blushing and is struggling to talk to him, he decided to take it easy on her and took off the badge from her hand and thanked her.

Julian "You are a really good trainer, I hope you will be the part of Unova's elite someday"

She said.

Elesa had impressed him a lot, her Luxray was very strong, if not for his Darumaka evolving into Darmanitan, his Darumaka would have gone down before Luxray.

Elesa was escalated after hearing Julian praise her.

Elesa "Thankyou, I will try my best"

She said while shuddering.

Julian just smiled and decided to walk away and leave her alone, as he turned around he heard Elesa voice which stopped him in his track, he turned around and looked at her as she was holding a small diary in her hand with a pen.

Elesa "Can I have an autograph?"

She asked embarrassed as her face was red from it.

Julian smiled and signed it for her and left. Glen who was watching this all was confused, he didn't understand why Elesa was acting like this, she was so much bolder and straight forward while talking to him but very different when talking to Julian in person.

Glen "Women are mysterious"

He said and decided to chase after Julian.

As Julian walked out of the gym and was thinking of his next destination, he heard a familiar voice from behind, he turned around and noticed the massive young man, Glen, running towards him, Julian wanted to escape as he didn't want to battle Glen now, knowing the type of person these muscle heads can be, they really don't care about what other people are thinking.

Julian "What is it, Glen isn't it?"

Julian asked.

Glen "Ha, you remember my name, good, I just want to tell you that I will be the one who is going to defeat you in the finals of the Unova League"

Julian "Aren't you filled with confidence, do you really think you can defeat me after watching me battle?"

Julian said with a smile behind his mask, Glen's character was very close to Ash, just a little bit more brutish.

Glen "I will admit, I cannot defeat you now, but in the Unova League, watch out for me as I will destroy everyone that stands in my way and then finally take you down"

Julian "I see, I will be waiting then, but let me give you a small reminder, I have seen many trainers who are as good as you and one of them is being personally trained by me, so I would not be so confident if I were you"

He said and decided to leave, Glen just watched and recalled what Julian just said, not about other trainers, but the one who is being personally trained by Julian.

Glen "What a man, since he couldn't find anyone that could defeat him, he is training someone to find a challenge, hahaha, great, I want to see who this trainer is and how good he really is"

Glen laughed as he wanted to face off against the trainer who is being trained by Julian.

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