Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 699 - Dumber Than A Kid

After the massive explosion came silence as the smoke tried to escape through the ceiling, once everything was clear the result of the exchange was visible, both pokemons were on the ground fainted.

Finally, the Sirfetch'd went down but it took down Zebstrika with it, Julian was really satisfied with the result, Glen proved himself to be more than better, he was one of the best trainers Julian has ever seen, his way of battling is nothing new but the way his pokemon kept on attacking showed his training was quite different and it showed results. ​​

His pokemon didn't go down, no matter how strong a pokemon is they should not be able to handle hits like Sirfetch'd did but it still stood its ground and brought down three opponents which were equal or even stronger than it.

Julian was so satisfied that he started to clap which broke the silence as everyone looked at him, Julian didn't mind their staring and continued to clap, the referee also snapped out of his confusion after hearing Julian's clap and gave the result.

Referee "Both pokemons are unable to battle, this leaves the gym leader with no pokemon while the challenger still has two pokemon remaining, hence the winner of the battle is Glen from Galar"

As the referee gave his result both trainers looked at each other with respect, Elesa knew she lost fair and square, she gave it her all but her opponent still defeated her.

She smiled and took out the Bolt Badge and handed it over to Glen for defeating her.

Elesa "I hope I will be able to see you in the top 32, don't lose to anyone"

She said. Glen was the first opponent who overwhelmed her so she decided to support him in this league and see him face the ultimate challenge that is Julian.

Glen "Ha, I am going to win the whole thing"

He said and took the badge and looked at it with a big smile, Julian sighed as he looked at the state of the stadium, it was totally destroyed and it will take some time to repair or replace it so he decided it was time to leave.

He got up from his seat and walked away, Elesa who had been keeping her eye on him noticed him leaving and sighed in relief.

Glen "What happened?"

He asked confused as he saw Elesa take a deep breath in relief, it was as if a big pressure was lifted off of her.

Elesa "You are very lucky, you battled right in front of Champion Julian and even got a round of applause from him, you must have entered his radar"

She said.

Hearing her Glen's jaw dropped and he looked at the audience area to look at the person in the red jacket but he was gone.

Glen "Wait, you are not joking right, it was the Julian?"

Glen asked in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Elesa "I am hundred percent sure, it was him, I am a huge fan, I can never mistake those eyes anywhere"

She said proudly.

Glen "Holy shit, I need to catch up to him and ask him to battle me"

Glen suddenly said and rushed out of the stadium in search of Julian leaving behind Elesa.

Elesa "I need to get ready as well since he was here to watch me battle, he will come and challenge me soon after, I need to get ready"

Elesa also bolted off in a hurry as she needs to prepare herself for her big gym battle against Julian.


Julian walked outside the gym and found no one around, since its around working hours no one seems to be around the area, as he was about to walk through the gate someone suddenly called him out from behind.

Glen "Hey wait, you are not going anywhere"

Julian turned around and look at this person, it was none other that Glen, he got confused as to why he is stopping him here and why.

Glen "You are Julian, right? Battle with me"

Glen declared loudly, luckily no one was around to hear it and cause a commotion here, what Julian was more surprised was how this man found out that it was him.

Julian "Julian? I don't know any Julian"

He said while deepening his voice, trying to get away from here, he didn't feel good talking here, he felt something will go wrong if he stays here any longer.

Glen "You are not Julian?"

He asked confused.

Julian "No, I don't, who is Julian?"

He said. He is really nervous, he didn't want to give away his identity and he definitely didn't want to battle this bulky man right now.

Glen "Ah, man, I got duped, shit, she is a terrible woman"

Julian "Who?"

Glen "That gym leader, she said you were Julian, now that I think about it, why would he be here?"

Julian "I don't know what you are talking about, I am leaving"

He said and turned around and started to walk away.

Glen "Ya, whatever, I am hungry as well, need to eat something"

He said and left.

Julian sighed as he saw Glen walk away.

Julian "Wow he is dumb, even a kid wouldn't have believed me"

He said and laughed awkwardly and left the area before Glen returns back realizing that he got really duped this time.

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