Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 698 - Elesa Vs Glen (3)

Once again Glen and his Sirfetch'd surprised Elesa and Julian, he won the second round with his Sirfetch'd just like he wanted.

While others couldn't figure out what happened, Julian saw it clearly, he saw the Throat Chop landing before the Bounce, because of the reach advantage that Sirfetch'd had with its leek sword, it connected first and the explosion took place. ​​

Sirfetch'd only suffered from the backlash of the clash, Galvantula was the one who took the whole damage, both from the explosion and the Throat Chop from Sirfetch'd, It couldn't take all that and fainted while Sirfetch'd escaped from heavy injury due to its reach.

Julian looked at Glen and saw that he is still smiling, it was as if he expected all this or he was just too happy about winning the second round with his Sirfetch'd.

He then shifted his sight to the Sirfetch'd and realized something, this pokemon still had enough energy to continue moving forward and battle, Julian is now really surprised, the amount of toughness and stamina this pokemon has shown is ridiculous even for Julian's standard.

Even only a few of Julian's pokemon are able to do so, this made Julian excited a little, he wondered if Sirfetch'd can handle his Darumaka's onslaught, Darumaka being his strongest pokemon is no joke, he alone can take down all the pokemons that Elesa has sent out till now.

Julian wanted to really battle this Glen as he would be a tough opponent to crack, defeating him won't be a problem but how long will it take for Julian to take him down is the biggest question he has right now.

Elesa is pretty shocked by the outcome of that exchange, while her Galvantula was taken down, she could clearly see that Glen's Farfetch'd is still on its feet ready to battle further, others may think that Glen is pushing his pokemon to the edge but an experienced trainer like her knows the difference being pushed and wanting to battle further.

This pokemon of Glen is a real battle maniac and it won't back down no matter who it is against, the only way of stopping it completely is by draining it out of all its power till it tiers down and gets knocked out, till then this pokemon will keep going.

She called her Galvantula back and sent out her last pokemon for the battle, her strongest pokemon at this level, her Zebstrika.

Julian looked at this pokemon and nodded his head, he could tell that this was clearly very strong, just the aura around it was different compared to her previous pokemon, a very fast physical attacked, he knew this one will be as exciting as a battle as before.

Glen stuck with his Farfetch'd as he was clear on clearing this challenge with only one pokemon.

With both trainers ready the referee signaled for the third and final round between them, once again Elesa made the first move and made it a big one.

Elesa "Zebstrika, use Wild Charge"

Julian 'Going big, does she wants to end it in one go, too bad that is not gonna happen'

Julian thought as he saw the smile on Glen's face.

Glen "Sirfetch'd look, she wants to challenge up based on pure strength, let's show them what we got, use Night Slash"

Zebstrika sneered and raised its two hooves up in the air while electricity ran thought and over its body, it slammed its hooves on the ground, cracking it, then it charged at Sirfetch'd with full power as it left behind a trail of lightning.

Sirfetch'd cried and pulled its sword back as dark energy covered the whole sword, its hand, then its body, it was clearly a very powerful concentrated one hit move from Sirfetch'd.

Sirfetch'd ready to swing its sword as Zebstrika got closer to it under seconds, once they were in range, Sirfetch'd swung and Zebstrika bowed its head pointing its horns at Sirfetch'd.

Both of them clashed and the explosion from it was massive, it covered the whole battlefield and it was followed by a thunderous sound that shook the whole stadium, Julian felt it through his legs and into his body, this was a clash between two of the most powerful attacks at their level and it was enough to cause a vibration to travel through the whole stadium.

As the smoke cleared up both pokemon could be seen standing on their feet glaring at each other, Sirfetch'd was clearly in bad condition but it had been battling from the very beginning while Zebstrika was a little better but it did take a lot of damage from that Night Slash, it was clear that Sirfetch'd won that exchange even though its opponent had used a stronger move.

Julian was now really impressed by the capability that this Sirfetch'd showed, this Glen could easily take down both Ash and Yesh at the level they are now, but he cannot say anything about their future.

It didn't stop there as the backlash from the Wild Charge hit Zebstrika and its legs became weak, Zebstrika was about to go down but stabilized itself again and sneered at Sirfetch'd.

Glen "Let's finish this, use Solar Blade"

Glen decided to end this battle once and for all with his Sirfetch'd strongest move, Solar Blade.

Solar particles started to collect in the leek sword and got charged up.

Elesa "Use Agility"

Elesa asked Zebstrika to increase its speed as she was clearly up to something right now.

As Sirfetch'd Solar Blade charged up completely, it moved towards Zebstrika and swung its sword.

Elesa "Wild Charge"

Zebstrika also attacked with another Wild Charge, seeing this Julian frowned as it is very clear that Elesa will lose this exchange and even the battle if both attacks collide, he wondered what Elesa is thinking as he knows she is a very experienced pokemon trainer.

He waited for the result as he knew that Elesa is up to something or she wouldn't have set up that Agility before.

As both pokemons collided something happened, all the energy that was inside the leek sword suddenly disappeared, it was as if it got transferred into Zebstrika.

Seeing this Julian suddenly realized what just happened, Elesa's Zebstrika's ability kicked in, some Zebstrikas are known to have the ability, Sap Sipper. This ability gives them immunity to Grass-type moves and when every they get hit by a grass type move, their physical attack strength increases.

Julian 'So that's why'

Julian thought and smiled as he watched the Sirfetch'd getting blasted back and then crashing into the ground.

That Wild Charge had more power behind it due to the sudden power up and on top of that, Zebstrika didn't even take any damage. Glen frowned as he saw this, he then looked at his Sirfetch'd to see if it is able to continue or not.

Julian thought it was over but he suddenly noticed the Sirfetch'd got back on its feet again, it struggled a little but it still got to its feet and Julian is shocked.

Julian 'What the fuck, how much can this pokemon even take?'

He thought. Now it was completely ridiculous to him, even his pokemons won't be able to get up after taking such a big hit, maybe some of them like Garchomp, Tyranitar, etc, all the bulky ones.

Having such a small structure, it is clear that it doesn't have a ridiculous defense and it has already suffered a lot of damage and it is clearly visible but it is still able to get up.

Glen "That's it, yes, this battle is not over, use Sword Dance"

Sirfetch'd cried and activated Sword Dance and increased its attack significantly.

Elesa was also shocked by this and couldn't believe her eyes, her opponent was too hell-bent on winning, but she has already come this far and she is not giving up so easily as well.

Zebstrika was already suffering from that last Wild Charge.

Elesa "Let's do it, Wild Charge, one last time"

Zebstrika didn't care and charged up for another Wild Charge.

Glen "Get ready, use Throat Chop"

Sirfetch'd used its last bit of energy and pulled its sword back as dark energy surrounded its whole sword alone with its whole body, its eyes fixed on its target Zebstrika, ready to just pierce through it.

Zebstrika's hooves landed on the cracked ground and shattered it while electricity coursed through its body, lightning sparkled and it charged at Sirfetch'd with full power.

Both pokemons cried out, trying to put as much power as they can behind their attack, both trainers were also very tensed, Elesa had a serious expression the whole time while her sweat was being sent flying back just from the force of these attack.

Glen was grinning with excitement, his eyes wide as he covered them with his arm so nothing gets in his eyes.

Then it happened, both pokemons collided and what happened next was big, white light escaped from the top of the stadium, Julian had to put up a barrier before him so that his clothes don't get burned, the referee had to hide behind a protective shield that are provided to them.

The whole battlefield crumbled under the pressure from these two attacks colliding and after a second there was complete silence.

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