The whole stadium is waiting for Julian to send out his next pokemon as they wait in anticipation, Julian looks at Assunta who is also waiting in anticipation for her opponent's next move.

Julian "Since you have come all the way to the finals, I will honor you to face my first ever pokemon" ​​

Assunta 'His first pokemon? is he talking about Venusaur, no he is referring to some other pokemon, is it Charizard or Blastoise, what could it be'

Julian "Go Infernape"

Julian tosses Infernape's Pokeball up in the air as it opens and Infernape comes out of it, his flames are running wild on top of his head as he stares down on his opponent, Golduck suddenly feels some sort of heavy pressure on top of it as it takes a spet back.

Announcer "Julian's second pokemon is an Infernape, Professor Oak can you tell us about this pokemon as I have only seen it in pictures"

Oak "Yes of course, as we all know I give new trainers their new pokemon when they want to start their journey and those pokemons are respectively Charmander a fire type, Squirtle a water type, and Bulbasaur a grass type, these three pokemons are also known as Kanto starters. Infernape here is also the final evolution of a starter pokemon from the Sinnoh region and it is called a Chimchar a fire starter, the other starter pokemons of Sinnoh region are Piplup a water type and Turtwig a grass type"

Announcer "So Infernape here is a fire starter from the Sinnoh region, now this match is going to become more exciting"

Assunta 'Infernape, this is the first time I have ever seen one, I don't know anything about it but one thing and that it's strong, just by entering the battlefield it made my Golduck take a step back, I have to be careful'

Assunta "Golduck use Water Gun"

Golduck shoots a big stream of Water Gun at Infernape and lands a direct hit

Announcer "Infernape is hit, what is Julian thinking"

Suddenly the surroundings become covered with fog as it gets cleared slowly everyone could see Infernape standing still as water vapors slowly evaporated of his body.

Assunta 'What the Water Gun had no effect'

Announcer "Unbelievable, that water gun just evaporated into thin air after getting in contact with Infernape's body"

Assunta "But how?"

Julian "What is the use of pokemon having a type if they don't know how to utilize it properly, my Infernape has trained himself to the peak to have complete control over his fire element allowing him to easily control its temperature, normal water attacks are useless they will just evaporate just by the heat generated by Infernape"

Assunta 'Complete control over an element?'

Julian "Infernape use Fire Punch"

Assunta didn't even have the time to react as Infernape suddenly teleported in front Golduck and delivered it to Golduck sending it flying back as it was smashed into the wall behind Assunta.

The whole stadium was in complete silence, they couldn't even process what happened right now, they all just saw a red blur and the next thing they saw was Golduck planted into a wall completely knocked out.

The referee came to his sense and looked at Golduck with was not moving at all.

Referee "Golduck is unable to battle, Infernape wins"

As soon as the referee announced the result the crowd burst into cheers, they had never seen something like this before, it was just over in a second.

Announcer "Just one move and it was over, can you believe that I couldn't even see Infernape move and it was already over"

Assunta was shocked she couldn't even react and it was already over, she didn't really know what to do, she called back Golduck and looked at Infernape as he was staring at her, she knew Infernape was waiting for her to send out her next pokemon.

Assunta "Go Rhydon"

Announcer "Assunta's forth pokemon is Rhydon"

Assunta "Rhydon use Earth Quake"

Rhydon stomps the ground with its legs as the ground starts to shake and cracks form on the battlefield.

Julian "Infernape jump then Blaze Kick"

Infernape jumps up and launches towards Rhydon as his leg is covered by fire.

Assunta "Grab Infernape's legs and use Seismic Toss"

As Infernape is attacking air born his speed is severely limited so Assunta used the Earth Quake to take Infernape in the air where he cannot increase his speed.

Julian 'Nice strategy but is it gonna work?'

Julian was impressed by Assunta's quick thinking and finding a key flaw about Infernape speed, Infernape cannot use his legs to increase his speed in mid-air, Julian had clearly seen through Assunta's plan but he didn't stop Infernape and played along with her.

Infernape arrived in front of Rhydon to deliver the Blaze Kick, Rhydon took this chance and grabbed onto Infernape's leg.

Julian "Blaze Kick"

Assunta didn't expect this but as soon a Rhydon grabbed on to Infernape's leg, Infernape turned around and delivered a roundhouse kick right to Rhydon's jaw using his other leg with Blaze Kick, the kick stunned Rhydon as it struggled to stand straight.

Julian "Focus Punch"

Infernape landed on the ground and soon catapulted himself up towards Rhydon and delivered an uppercut using Focus Punch, Rhydon was lifted from the ground and sent up in the air and fell down on the ground with a bang, Rhydon was completely out after that Focus Punch.

Referee "Rhydon is unable to battle, Infernape wins"

Announcer "Another one of Assunta's pokemon bites the dust, now she has only two pokemons remaining whereas Julian still has all six of his pokemons ready to go"

Assunta 'Looks like it's over I cannot win but I will fight till the end'

Assunta "Go Fearow"

Announcer "Professor Oak what do you think about Assunta's choice"

Oak "Well Fearow is a flying type so it should have an advantage against a fighting type such as Infernape but we will only know what will happen after the battle is over"

Assunta "Fearow Air Slash"

Julian "Counter it with Focus Blast"

Air Slash and Focus Blast meet each other head-on and create a huge boom then suddenly Assunta makes a move.

Assunta "Arial Ace"

Julian "Meet It head-on, Flame Charge"

With Infernape's speed and the Flame Charge in use both Fearow and Infernape collide with each other the next second and the results were very clear, Fearow was sent flying back, even though its Arial Ace dealt damage it was not anything that Infernape couldn't handle.

Julian "Finish it, Fire Blast"

Infernape puffs his chest and sends a massive Fire Blast as it crashes onto the falling Fearow knocking it out completely.

Referee "Fearow is unable to battle, Infernape wins"

Announcer "Assunta is now only left with one pokemon, looks like its over for Assunta"

Assunta clinches her fist, it's not from frustration or anger, it's from sadness after coming all the way up to the finals she knew she lost but she still wanted to finish it.

Assunta "Go Hypno"

Hypno was Assunta's final pokemon and also one of her strongest, she had already decided to go all out.

Hypno "Use Psychic"

Hypno used Psychic and lifted Infernape up in the air so that it could slam him to the ground.

Julian "Flamethrower"

While Infernape was still in the air he launched a powerful Flamethrower towards Hypno

Assunta "Hypno, use Teleport"

Hypno disappeared from its place and reappeared far away from it, but it didn't know what happened but the Flamethrower still hit it, Infernape manipulated the Flamethrower and directed it towards Hypno's reappearing spot, after being hit by Flamethrower Hypno lost control over Psychic and Infernape became free.

Julian "Flame Charge with Mach Punch"

Infernape accelerated towards Hypno and delivered a Mach Punch sending it rolling on the ground.

Assunta "Hypno try to get up"

Julian "Finish it, Flare Blitz"

Infernapes body covered in red hot flames as he charged towards Hypno who was struggling to get up as soon as it was on its feet it was bashed by Infernape and didn't gate any chance to counter, Flare Blitz is a very powerful move and Hypno received all of it, Hypno tried to get up with all its power remaining but it was useless as Flare Blitz effect took place and Hypno was engulfed by fire and was knocked out completely, it fainted and fell on the ground.

Referee "Hypno is unable to battle, Infernape wins meaning Julian is the winner"

Announcer "Its over Infernape is victories, Julian is our new Indigo League Champion"

The crowd burst into cheers as they cheer for their winner of the Indigo League, Julian.

Everybody stands on their feet as they clap for Julian, the fireworks are launched as the night sky is lighted by their lights, Julian walks up to Assunta and shook her hand.

Julian "You fought well"

Assunta was sad but she didn't feel any regret, she knew that she fought the strongest opponent she ever faced and won his appreciation.

Assunta "Thankyou"

The Night Sky was still blooming with light from the fireworks as the awarding ceremony was about to start soon, Julian head back to the waiting room to get himself ready for the awarding ceremony.

Julian 'She was really impressive, she was not fazed by this big loss, it looked like she gained something from our battle today, now that is over I should quickly freshen up to and go back to the stadium'

Julian washed and wore another pair of the black coat as he walked back to the stadium, he saw rows and rows of trainers filled the battleground, they where all the trainers who participated in this league, everybody was given a special participation badge from Goodshow himself.

Announcer "Now is the time to award the top 3 of this year's league"

The Announcer started to talk while Julian was escorted on top of the platform where he saw Kurt and Assunta there, he nods at them and stood there.

Julian saw Goodshow standing right in the middle and beside him was a lady wearing a red dress holding the trophies.

Announcer "Now let's begin, the trainer to take the third place in the league is Kurt who showed his specialty of training Psychic type pokemons, congratulations"

Kurt walked forward as the lady handed a Bronze Trophy to Goodshow.

Goodshow "You did well young man congratulations"

Kurt "Thankyou"

Kurt lifted his trophy and showed it to the crowd as they clapped for him.

Announcer "Second place goes to the beautiful Assunta who fought with hard work and determination to earn her this place, Congratulations"

Assunta walked forwards as Goodshow hands her over a Silver Trophy to her, she hugged it and raised it high in the air as a round of applause could be heard from everywhere

Announcer "Now finally the moment has come to crown the winner of this year's Indigo League, its Julian, he has shown the world how strong of a trainer he is and remained undefeated throughout the league with not even one of his pokemon being eliminated, everybody welcomes our champion of the Indigo League"

Julian stepped forward as everyone cheered for him, he went towards Goodshow who handed his the Gold Trophy.

Goodshow "Now that you have shown the world of how good you are, the Elite Four will be waiting for you"

Julian "I understand"

Julian takes the Gold trophy and lifts it high in the air.


The awarding ceremony is finally over as the flame of Moltres is finally extinguished indicating the end of the league, every trainer starts to head back to their home town, some of them happy, some of them sad but that's just how life is filled with happiness, sorrow, success, and failure.

Except for our MC Julian.

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