Julian is currently in a room with Professor Oak as they both prepare for today's event.

Julian "Why does this battle have to be in the evening, this is really tiresome" ​​

Oak "Haha, the league finals is just like a festival after a trainer wins he will be awarded the league trophy with the second and third place holder respectively, after that there will be a firework show as the flame of Moltres is extinguished until the next league starts"

Julian just shook his head and continued his work, time passed very soon and Julian was now on his way to the Indigo Stadium for his final battle of the league, on his way many people recognized him as they took his pictures some reporters tried to approach him but he let out a small strand of Omniforce and kept them at bay which made them hesitate to approach him.

He directly went inside the waiting room as he listened to the noise of the crowd gathering around the stadium, it was already evening the stadium was filled with decorative lights as the flame of Moltres burned wild in the light of dusk.

Some fireworks were lit up as people watched them in enjoyment, Julian was sitting in the waiting room as his eyes were closed when he heard someone entering the room, it was Professor Oak, Ash, and his friends with him.

Oak "It looks like you are ready for tonight"

Julian "Same as usual, just going there and winning it"

Oak "Oh you are confident, that's good go and win that battle"

Ash "Yes Julian go and show her who's the boss, we all will be cheering for you"

Misty "Yes, we will be supporting you the whole night"

Brock "All the best out there"

Julian looked at them and thought that even though they were annoying they weren't so bad.

Julian "Thank you"

Oak "Then I will be leaving now I have been called by the league committee to accompany them"

Professor Oak walks away leaving Julian, Ash and his friends.

Misty "We will be leaving as well, we need to quickly find the seats or they will be taken away"

Misty drags Ash and Brock away out of the room leaving Julian alone in the room.

Soon time goes by as the Announcer starts his usual announcement accompanied by Professor Oak

Announcer "The moment has finally come the one we all have been waiting for the finale of the Indigo league where Julian and Assunta will face of each other for the title of Winner of the Indigo League, both of our competitors and the best amongst their peers as they have proved it by becoming the finalist of, now I will now present you our special guest for today's event Professor Oak who is alongside Mr. Goodshow who is the president of the league committee, Professor Oak any words you have for out finalist?"

Oak "Ah, I just hope that both of them have fun battling each other today"

Announcer "Now let's introduce our finalist, first is Assunta who has worked harder and defeated all her opponents to finally reach here"

After the announcer calls out her name Assunta enters the battlefield.

Announcer "Next is Julian who took everybody in this league by storm, he has remained undefeated without losing a single pokemon in a battle"

Hearing his call Julian gets up from his chair and walk towards the gate leading to the battlefield, he sees a man opening the gate for him as he enters the battlefield as well, when he looks around he is surprised by the huge attendance of crowd screaming out of their lungs as they cheer for him, he sees cameras everywhere as the current movement is being broadcasted live all over Kanto and different regions, he sees helicopters of different news channel hovering over the stadium constantly updating their information on today's main event.

Announcer "Now that both our competitors are ready, let's begin"

The Referee steps forward as he looks at both the finalist.

Referee "This pokemon battle is to determine the winner of the Indigo League, each trainer will use six pokemons to battle, both the trainers are allowed to switch their pokemons in the middle of the battle, trainers are you ready?"

Julian/Assunta "Yes"

Referee "Then let the battle begin"

Assunta "Go Venomoth"

Julian "Kabutops"

Both Venomoth and Kabutops enter the field as they look at each other.

Announcer "This is the first time we are seeing Julian's Kabutops, Professor Oak can you tell us about Kabutops"

Oak "Yes, Kabutops is actually a pokemon that lived in ancient time but now they can be revived from their fossils, Kabutops is a rock and water type pokemon so it has an advantage against Venomoth"

Announcer "An actual living fossils, this is my first time seeing one"

Assunta "Venomoth use Sludge Bomb"

Julian "Counter it with Ice Beam"

Venomoth launches multiple Sludge Bomb towards Kabutops and so Kabutops answers back by countering it with Ice Beam freezing them solidly in the air as the fall to the ground and shatter into pieces.

Julian "Use Metal Sound"

Kabutops clings his two claws creating a humming sound which irritates Venomoth which is hovering in the air as its special defense falls down.

Julian "Ice Beam"

Kabutops charges up and sends a powerful Ice Beam towards Venomoth.

Assunta "Venomoth dodge"

Venomoth quickly snaps out of its irritated state and dodges the Ice Beam inches away.

Julian "Don't stop keep on using Ice Beam"

Kabutops starts to shoot multiple Ice Beam even though they are not as powerful as the one before they were extremely fast.

Assunta "Venomoth use Protect"

Venomoth uses Protect while making a sphere out of it and escapes from the barrage of Ice Beam.

Julian "Stone Edge"

Kabutops slams his claw on the ground as large rocks start to rip open the ground and slams onto Venomoth which is still under Protect as cracks start to form on it.

Julian "Water Pulse"

Kabutops sends out multiple Water Pulse as it continuously assaults the protective shield around Venomoth as it finally gives up, Venomoth couldn't hold any longer and the Protect shatters then a Water Pulse lands on it sending it flying backward, as its special defense is already lowered the Water Pulse had left a very impactful damage on it.

Julian "Finish it, use X-Scissors"

Kabutops accelerate forwards towards Venomoth which is falling down, X-Scissors is delivered as a huge green X flashes in front of everyone's eyes, then everyone sees Venomoth is on the ground unconscious and Kabutops standing few meters away from it.

Referee "Venomoth is unable to battle, Kabutops wins"

Announcer "Assunta's first pokemon is down, who is she gonna send to face Kabutops"

Assunta "Go Ivysaur"

Announcer "Assunta is sending her Ivysaur to battle Kabutops, Professor Oak what is your view on this"

Oak "It's actually an excellent choice, grass type moves have 4 times the effect on Kabutops if Ivysaur manage to land a hit with a grass type move it might have a chance"

Assunta "Ivysaur use Razor Leaf"

Julian "Counter with Ice Beam"

Ivysaur's numerous Razor Leaf charged towards Kabutops but Kabutops countered it with one fell swoop by launching an Ice Beam and moved his head from left to right and froze each and everyone in their path.

Julian "Kabutops use Blizzard"

Kabutops raised his claws as it started to snow then it turned into a powerful Blizzard as it started to freeze everything, the battlefield was covered with snow as the temperature started to drop continuously.

Announcer "A brilliant strategy by Julian, to cover the whole battlefield with snow will have a huge effect on Ivysaur if Ivysaur doesn't have a strategy it will be in huge trouble"

Assunta "No so fast, Ivysaur use Sunny Day"

Ivysaur who was shivering suddenly activated sunny day and the sun started to shine brightly which slowly started to melt the snow on the battlefield as it completely turned into water.

Julian smirked seeing this.

Julian "Kabutops now's your chance X-Scissors"

Kabutops suddenly bolted towards Ivysaur as his speed was even faster than before and X-Scissor hit hard on Ivysaur as it sent it rolling over the water puddle.

Julian 'Kabutops speed increases whenever he gets exposed to water, with his ability Swift Swim his speed has increased greatly'

Ivysaur was hurt, the damage done by this X-Scissor was very devastating.

Assunta "Ivysaur hang in there you can do it, don't give up"

Ivysaur struggled to get up but it was hurt badly, it really wanted to battle, it remembered how hard it trained with Assunta, it finally stood on its four legs then suddenly it started to glow as it got bigger and its flower finally bloomed, it evolved into a Venusaur.

Assunta "Ivy- No Venusaur lets do this let's win this battle"

Venusaur nodded at its trainer and stared at Kabutops seriously.

Julian "Kabutops, Ice Beam"

Venusaur suddenly sent out an energy ball and countered it.

Assunta "You learned Energy Ball"

Venusaur nodded.

Assunta "Great, now use Energy Ball"

Julian "Cut through it Metal Claw, then finish it with Night Slash"

Kabutops blots with super speed towards the incoming Energy Ball as he raises his claw and slashes down straight on it cutting it into two, then he sprints forwards towards Venusaur as his claws glow dark while the two pieces of Energy Ball explode behind him.

Assunta "Venusaur full power, counter it with Bulldoze"

Venusaur starts to run towards Kabutops as it stumps the ground causing mini vibrations on it, its head glows as it wants to counter Kabutops with full power with its Bulldoze.

Both Kabutops and Venusaur clash creating a huge blast followed by a shock wave as dust rises everywhere when the dust gets clear everyone saw Kabutops standing as he flinched slightly and Venusaur on the ground fainted.

Referee "Venusaur is unable to battle, Kabutops wins"

Announcer "What a showdown between Kabutops and Venusaur, this is really a battle to be in the finals"

Oak "Yes indeed a great battle"

Julian 'That Venusaur was quite a surprise, never had I imagined that it would make Kabutops flinch'

Announcer "Now that two of Assunta's pokemon are eliminated let's see which pokemon is she going to send next"

Assunta "Go Golduck"

Announcer "Her third pokemon is Golduck, what strategy does she have to send it"

Julian "Kabutops return"

Julian suddenly returns Kabutops back to his Pokeball startling everyone.

Announcer "Would you look at that Julian has called back his Kabutops, which pokemon will he send next, is it going to be his Venusaur, Pidgeot, Gengar or Electivire or will it be a new pokemon which he has not revealed yet"

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