After the long day Julian headed back to his room to rest, he needed to clear his mind from all the things that happened today, sometimes he better to think nothing and stay blank up there than constantly thinking about something.

He cleared his mind and fell into a deep meditation state, improving the flow of Omniforce in his body, since he learned that the system in his is much more capable and can do anything that just gives and read information, he wanted to unlock the next stage but he realized that he was not even an inch closer to getting near it at all. ​​

He could feel himself walking inside a very long dark cave for years and still not able to find the ending to this dark cave, it felt like a very lonely journey.

While he was meditating Crystal woke up after noticing the overflow of Omniforce around it, it popped out its head and saw that Julian is meditating, it also then started to copy Julian in what he is doing and closed its eyes taking in the flowing Omniforce around Julian's body.


Time flew by just like that, Julian opened his eyes and looked at the clock hung on the wall and noticed that it is 4 am in the morning, he didn't know what to do now, he is not feeling tired or sleepy, he was zoned out for more than 12 hours, there was no sign of exhaustion in him.

So he decided to stroll out in the city and see what it is really like at 4 am, he noticed that Crystal is sleeping peacefully in his pocket and didn't disturb it much, as he walked out of the hotel he noticed some night staff sitting around and talking with each other.

Working at night is not much work so most of the staff tend to laze around and have fun with each other, there is rarely an emergency during night time as all their guests are sleeping and not bothering them.

Some of them noticed Julian and got to their feet to bow to him, they knew who he was as no guest can stay in their hotel without revealing their identity, they also have to be careful to not disclose their guest's identity as well or they can be sued, so hotels like this followed strict rules.

Julian nodded at them and walked out of the hotel, the wondered why Julian is going out this late at night but they couldn't figure out anything.

After walking out of the hotel Julian looked at the empty roads under the street lights, the only notice he could hear is the sound of insects and bug pokemons making noises.

There are occasional sounds of vehicles moving around the street but very few, even though the city seems to be asleep many people are wide awake doing some kind of work, the lights from huge skyscrapers light up everything in high altitude making the night less scary for people.

As Julian continued walking down the alleyway into the main city he noticed that a few people are actually following him, Julian thought this would happen as no normal person would roam around the city during dark all alone and whoever does might just get robbed and worst-case scenario, killed by some crazy lunatic.

Julian stopped and turned around to see who is really following and to his surprise, it was the gangster who he had battled yesterday, he was with five other goons who were part of the gang.

Julian "Would you look at that? why are you following me?'

Julian asked and smiled.

Gangster "Of course, to beat you up and break your legs, once we are done with you you will never be able to participate in a pokemon battle again"

The Gangster said and laughed while rubbing his baseball bat with his hands.

Julian "So you guys camped outside my hotel and waited for me to get out, just so you can beat me up when no one is watching, what kind of pathetic people are you, idiots? Don't you have a life, or is it just you idiots roaming around the streets and marking your territories like dogs?"

Julian mocked him and chuckled after seeing how pathetic this gangster, this is his first time meeting someone like this, even Cyrus had a goal in his life and that is to create his own world to rule but compared to him this gangster is clearly the most pathetic a human can get, having no life goals and troubling others.

Julian never understood this mentality, how can a person be so free that he has nothing to do but ruin other people's life.

Hearing Julian the gangster got even angrier, he really wanted to bash Julian's head on the concrete wall that is next to him.

Gangster "Don't you see what you got your self into, I have five people with me, each of them holding a bat and they also have their pokemons by their side, don't you feel the need to run from us, calling for help and begging for mercy?"

The Gangster said in a cocky tone.

Julian "Are you idiots really so dumb, you saw a man walk out from his hotel all alone without any person behind to protect him, don't you idiots even consider how strong I really am, if I was a weak person, I would have clearly brought bodyguards with me, but I didn't.

Don't you idiots even think about you guys failing at doing something and there can be serious consequences for those actions that you take?" Julian asked while looking at the bunch of idiots.

Listening to Julian the gangsters knew that Julian is talking some sense and some of them started to hesitate, they thought that Julian could be right, but their group leader is the biggest idiot of them all.

Gangster "You bunch of idiots, why are you all scared, he is clearly bluffing, he is making up excuses to escape from us"

Julian "Trust me, I am not bluffing. Can you all feel it?"

Julian asked.

Gangster "Feel what?"

He asked while frowning.

Julian "The temperature, it's getting very cold here, why do you think that is?"

Julian said while looking around.

"It really is getting colder here, what the fuck, why is it getting so cold out here?"

One of the goons said as he started to rub his shoulders to generate some heat.

Julian "It doesn't just stop there you see, soon you will feel your heart beat faster and faster as fear creeps into the depth of your soul itself, you will be so scared that you might go into a trauma, so I warn you to fuck off or it might happen"

Julian gave one final warning but he knew the biggest idiot will not let that happen, he just wanted to see the big idiot's reaction.

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