Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 658 - Ash Vs Yesh (2)

Yesh gets serious since he knows that he cannot put his opponent's pokemon in any kind of statue condition, he will have to rely on his Croagunk's power to take this opponent.

Yesh "Croagunk, use Brick Break" ​​

Ash "Block it with your head and use Counter"

Yesh "What?"

Yesh didn't expect Ash to just take the hit but it was too late to back out, as his Croagunk brought its arm down using Brick Break, Scraggy used its head to take it head-on, it then challenged all that power into its fist and punched Croagunk's stomach.

Croagunk backed off while holding onto its stomach, it took more damage than it did to Scraggy.

Scraggy also backed off and shook its head to shake away the pain, it used its strong head to take that damage but it cannot do that forever, Ash made a good choice by doing this, he inflicted more damage to his opponent as soon as the battle started putting him in an advantage over his opponent.

Yesh calmed down and thought about it and nodded, he is not panicking because he knows he cannot afford to, one more hit like that from Scraggy and the battle is over, he has to be more careful now, since he didn't have much data on Ash he couldn't tell what Ash will do.

And all the data that is present on Ash doesn't make sense, he makes stupid decisions and they work, that is how Ash won most of his hardest battles, while the others he used his skill that he has been honing from quite a while now.

Ash "This is our chance, Scraggy, use Feint Attack"

Ash used another good move, a move that cannot be dodged no matter what Yesh does unless he counters it with another move which is stronger than what Scraggy is using.

Yesh "Counter with Venoshock, then use Thunder Punch"

As Scraggy got closer for using Feint Attack it got hit by a wave of poisoned aura which slowed it down a lot and weakened its attack, Croagunk then used Thunder Punch and punched Scraggy right on its stomach.

A tit for tat, Scraggy moved backward while grunting a little, the loose skin on its belly protected it from getting badly hurt but it still did some damage, now both sides are even, anybody can win, the only way is to outdo their opponent.

Even Ash got serious as he knew that the opponent in front of him is very strong, tactics like before cannot work right now.

They continued to exchange moves again, most of these exchanges were countered by both of them, none of them are getting a clear hit on the other and they are exhausting themselves, even the people and trainers around the battlefield are hooked to this battle as it has become very exciting, both trainers are not giving the other to get higher ground.

Ash "Let's end this, Scraggy, use High Jump Kick"

Yesh "Use Cross Chop"

Both trainers called out their moves and their pokemons moved for an attack, Scraggy jumped high up in the air and its leg started to glow covered with brutal fighting force, same with Croagunk, its arms were glowing with the same energy.

Once they came in contact, the sound that came out of it was thunderous, followed by a massive shockwave that caused all the hats worn by people to fly away all the skirts worn by girls to blow up.

Even the battlefield cracked and created a web-like pattern, as the smoke cleared up both pokemon simultaneously went on the ground and got knocked out, it was a draw.

As the battle ended everyone cheered for both Ash and Yesh, both of them put on an awesome battle that everybody enjoyed watching, battles of this scale were very rare in parks like this, people would have to go to an official battle that is held in stadiums to witness such battle and sometimes even they don't deliver in such scale.

Julian who watched the whole battle was impressed by both of them, just like he expected, Ash had the advantage at the beginning due to his experience but he lost his chance, while Yesh is a quick learner and quickly adjusted his style to the current battle.

If this battle had dragged on a little longer, Yesh might have won but there was a limit, no pokemon can keep on going, at one point they will tire and they will lose their energy to perform powerful attacks and this is what happened.

Both pokemons got tried and finally lost all their energy after their last exchange.

Now that the battle is over, Julian got up from the park bench and walked away, back to his own hotel room to get ready for his next gym battle.

Yesh looked at his fainted Croagunk and sent it back to its Pokeball and noted down all the things he learned into his head just like that, Ash walked towards his Scraggy and praised it for its hard work and sent it back to its Pokeball for resting as well.

He then looked at Yesh and smiled while showing his teeth.

Ash "I totally forgot, what's your name?"

Yesh "Yesh"

Ash "Yesh, nice to meet you, my name is Ash, well you already know that, and you and your Croagunk are very strong, we should battle again"

Yesh "I train, that's all, next time I will defeat you"

Yesh said and turned away and left leaving Ash dumbfounded.

Ash "No chance, next time we battle, I will win, just you wait"

Ash shouted at Yesh, Yesh turned around and looked at him for one last time before walking away.

Iris "What a weird guy"

Ash's new friend said while looking at Yesh.

Ash "What do you mean, he looked normal to me"

Ash said while scratching his head.

Iris "The way he talks, like a robot, there is no emotion in his voice at all"

She said

Ash "I didn't notice it"

He said looking confused.

Cilan "I think I remember him, he challenged my gym once and easily won against my brother"

Cilan remembered Yesh who had previously defeated his gym.

Ash "Whatever, let's go I am very hungry after that awesome battle I had with Yesh, I want to eat a lot now"

Saying so he sprinted out of the park in a hurry leaving his friends behind.

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