Since he could no longer use his Unova pokemon he has to cheat by going with Victini and Garchomp and with their level it would be just like a breeze.

Passing through the hallway and up the staircase he reached the 21st floor ready to battle any worker that challenges him but to his surprise, there was no one here, except a janitor who is currently moping the floor. ​​

Julian looked around if there is anything that would allow him entry to upper floors but he couldn't it was just a long empty hallway with no doors, only windows on the side that let him see the city.

Julian walked towards the Janitor expectation some answers as he is the only one present here, as Julian walked towards the Janitor, the Janitor lifted his head and looked at Julian carefully.

This Janitor is an old man who seems to be in his 60s, when he saw Julian walk towards him he put his mop on the side and stared at Julian.

Julian "Excuse me, sir, do you know how to get through this floor?"

He asked.

Janitor "Of course, but you have to wait for a little as I am moping the floor, the workers are locked inside"

The Janitor said, listening to him Julian sighed, he didn't want to stay on the same floor with a stranger because he felt awkward.

Janitor "There is one more way you can go through this floor but you will directly be sent to the 55th floor"

The Janitor said and smiled.

Julian "How?"

Julian asked curiously.

Janitor "By defeating me, of course"

The Janitor said and took out a Pokeball from his back pocket and showed it to Julian.

Julian "This is unexpected"

He said surprised.

Janitor "What? Can't an old man have a pokemon battle?"

He asked.

Julian "No, not that, why would a janitor put his work to the side just to battle a random stranger, and defeating you will grant me access to the 55th floor, even a little kid will think this is unusual"

Julian said shaking his head.

Janitor "Anyways, are you ready to battle or not, you should use your strongest pokemon or you will lose"

The Janitor said and sent out his pokemon, a Klinklang, Julian is surprised by seeing this, not because of the pokemon itself but its level, it was clearly an elite level pokemon, Julian then started to wonder what is the identity of this old man was.

Could this man be someone influential or just a powerful janitor, Julian didn't want to differentiate so he killed the thought and sent out his pokemon, Victini.

Julian wanted to get this done in one go and it was better to use Victini.

The Janitor became serious as he saw the Victini, he knows about Victini, it is one of the mythical pokemons native to Unova, many places in Unova is filled with legends regarding Victini and its power, this is also his first time seeing one in real life.

Janitor "Klinklang, use Gear Up then Gear Grind"

His Klinklang used Gear Up and increased its attack and special attack, then charged at Victini using Gear Grind, Gear Grind is a power attack that hits twice, each hit is power and can cause serious damage.

But it was all for nothing.

Julian "Use V-create"

Listening to Julian, Victini started to collect massive amount of firepower on its forehead which caused its forehead and ears to glow brightly and a massive V made of scratching flames appeared in thin air and started to descent on the Klinklang, seeing this attack coming towards it the Klinklang panicked but it has nowhere to run.

The V-create engulfed the Klinklang and disappeared, as the smoke cleared Klinklang could be seen on the ground fainted with smoke rising from its body.

The Janitor was shocked and froze on the spot, the battle ended as soon as it began and with one hit.

Julian "Looks like I won"

Julian said flatly to the Janitor, the Janitor took his time to process it before finally sighing.

Janitor "You really are strong, just like in the TV, I thought I will behold on for a little bit, guess I was wrong"

The Janitor said.

Julian "So you know me?"

Janitor "Of course I know you, after your challenge to the whole world, every big shot in Unova is keeping an eye on you, I am one of them and lucky me, you came walking right into my company"

The Janitor said.

Julian "So this is your Company"

Julian emphasized.

Janitor "Yes, let me introduce myself, I am the president of the Battle Company, William Bendover. Nice to meet you Mr. Julian, how about we go to my office"

William said.

Julian "Sure, Mr. Bendover"

William then guided Julian to a wall that suddenly slid open revealing an elevator, William scanned his key card on the scanner and the door opened, William gestured Julian to walk in and followed him.

William "Only members of the company can access this elevator so it cannot be seen by the normal public"

Julian "I see, I noticed that the way your company works is quite different, can I know the reason?"

William "What can I say, I am just a huge fan of pokemon battle, I have never missed even one league from the day I was introduced to the miraculous world of pokemon battle, let's go to my office and I will tell you everything about it"

William said and laughed and for some reason, Julian felt that he has made the biggest mistake of his life by asking this old man this question.

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