Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 645 - Going Through The Floors

Seeing how easily one of them was defeated by this young man in black they knew it was no use to hold him back any further, he could easily clearly levels above them with ease.

They didn't say much and just opened the door to let Julian in, Julian sent Darumaka back to his Pokeball and walked into the 4th floor and what he saw inside was a little interesting, this floor was dedicated to making normal pokeballs, he saw many unfinished Pokeball passing through different types of machines. ​​

The whole floor was surrounded by the sound of conveyor belts moving the pokeballs around, Julian also saw some trainer looking around, he had expected to see few of them as the 4th level was not that hard to beat.

Julian looked around for a while on how pokeballs are made and became impressed, the technology was very advance, if Julian had learned about how it worked then maybe he could understand it but with no knowledge on how this process takes place, he was just like any other trainer in the room who are fascinated by the process.

These small balls are the same devices that people use to store their pokemons, no matter how big a pokemon is they can easily fit inside and the living condition inside these pokeballs also seem to favor the pokemon a lot.

Just going inside a Pokeball and resting a little will allow them to recover all their lost every from their activities.

After looking around for a while Julian decided to move forward, he didn't understand the advanced process of how the concept of space worked inside these pokeballs but it was still something new and interesting to him.

Leaving the 4th floor Julian arrived at the entrance of the 5th, just like before there are workers chatting and taking a break, Julian noticed that the workers around here follow a routine, some of them work while others don't, they take turns doing the same thing, while one rest the other work and vice versa.

The workers outside the 5th-floor entrance noticed Julian, they quickly discussed among themselves and sent one of them to represent them, they sent a middle-aged woman with glasses wearing a white coat.

"If you want to enter you have to defeat me"

The woman said and stood before Julian, Julian nodded his head and sent out Roggenrola to battle her, seeing Julian's Roggenrola the woman smiled and tossed her Pokeball up in the air revealing her pokemon, a Sewaddle.

Just like before this is the first time Julian has seen a Sewaddle in real life, he knows its a bug/grass type but he isn't worried much, but these pokemons are known for their thought defense at their level.

Julian "Roggenrola, use Tackle"

Listening to Julian his Roggenrola charged at Sewaddle and bashed into it, the Sewaddle is not a fast pokemon so it couldn't dodge the tackle from Roggenrola, and on top of that, the tackle caused a lot of damage.

Julian overestimated the Sewaddle defense, they are known for their defense but sometimes there are special once that are not so good with one of their defense and focus their energy on attacks or speed.

Worker "Sewaddle, use String Shot then Bug Bite"

Sewaddle shot a line of silk at Roggenrola which wrapped him up and pinned him to the ground, Sewaddle then moved towards Roggenrola trying to use Bug Bite but Roggenrola used Harden and protected himself.

Julian "Now use Rock Blast"

After successfully defending himself Roggenrola shot multiple rocks at Sewaddle and that was the end of it, another easy victory for Julian.

He now has access to the 5th floor, once he walked in he saw that there were making trainer gears such as GPS bands and other products that will help trainers to navigate around the world.

These devices were very important to trainers as they travel around the region and sometimes they can get lost, these things are a lifesaver to them, and if they come across a natural disaster or casualty, these devices are also known to send distress signals to the nearest police station for help.

Seeing this Julian knew that Battle Company has a lot of influence in the pokemon market, from trainer gadgets to Pokeballs, they made everything.

After looking around the floor he decided to move forward to the 6th, floor and the same event took place, he was challenged by a worker before he could go any further, he used Karrablast and dealt with the worker quickly, 6th floor was also assigned with building trainer gadgets.

He then moved to seventh where he used Drilbur and defeated his opponent, 7th floor actually made electronic chips that are used in almost every electronic gadgets from phone to tv.

Battle Company was indeed a massive corporation, even though they only have one branch here in Unova they are pretty huge and they make a lot of these chips and supply them around the world.

Julian continued his streak forward by winning every battle but soon it had to end, when he reached 20th floor his pokemons could no longer win the battle very easily, their opponents were twice as strong as them, and sometimes even stronger but with Julian behind them they somehow pulled off a victory.

After defeating the workers on the 20th floor, Julian entered and saw pokeballs being made here but these were not normal pokeballs, these were pokeballs like a dusk ball, quick ball, netball, nest ball, etc.

Julian knew these balls are special and they help in catching pokemons depending on their ability, like Quick ball, if the pokemon is caught by this ball by surprise at the beginning before the pokemon can even notice the trainer, the capture rate is exceptionally high.

All these balls have different abilities and there was a lot of information related to them that Julian didn't understand, he could figure out the basics just by listening to it once but to fully understand it, he has to go through all the files.

After he was done with the 20th floor Julian knew it will be hard for him to advance any further, his pokemons are tired and they will not be able to battle the pokemons who are beyond this level as they are stronger and faster.

No matter how good Julian is when it comes to commanding his pokemons in battle, he cannot magically make his pokemons take down opponents who are overwhelmingly higher level than his pokemons.

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