Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 640 - Julian Vs Lenora (2)

Roggenrola got excited as he saw his opponent crashing on the ground and being knocked out, it means that he won his very first gym battle, he got excited and started to run around the battlefield happily, even though he is tired he didn't care much about it.

Julian smiled and sent Roggenrola back to his Pokeball and looked at Lenora who is a little disappointed after her loss in the first round, she was just caught off-guard by that Stone Edge or her Rufflet could have lasted a little longer, she made a mistake calling Rest but she had no other options either. ​​

Her Rufflet was already in a very bad condition.

Julian "I think we should continue"

He called her out from her thought process, Lenora looked at Julian and nodded her head and took out her next Pokeball and tossed it up in the air, as the Pokeball opened a small green deer came out of it, this pokemon is none other than a shiny Deerling as it has a pink flower on top of its head, right between its ears.

Deerlings are very unique pokemons as they change the color of their fur depending on the season, pink during spring, green during summer, orange during autumn, and brown during winter.

As it is the beginning of summer Deerlings will turn green just like this one.

Julian looked at this Deerling and was impressed, it has a lot of potentials to grow into a very strong pokemon in the future, and with Lenora as its trainer, it won't be long before it can stand its own against an elite level pokemon.

Julian also took out another Pokeball and sent out his Drilbur to continue the battle, with both pokemons on the field they didn't waste anything and went for the attack.

Julian "Brick Break"

Lenora "Jump Kick"

With both of them calling out a move at the same time, their pokemons charged at each other using their move, Drilbur focused all his energy into his right claw ready to slash at Deerling while Deerling jumped high in the air and pointed its hooves at Drilbur, as they came in contact it created a thunderous sound and both of them backed off after the impact.

Deerling's move had more power but physically Drilbur was stronger making it a draw.

Julian "Dig"

Julian didn't want to waste time and went for Drilbur's signature, Julian knows that Deerlings cannot use moves such as Earthquake and Magnitude so his Drilbur is safe until he is underground unless Lenora has some way to force him out which will be very hard.

Lenora "Ger ready, as soon as you feel any movement near you use Seed Bomb"

Hearing Lenora, Deerling got ready and started to collect a lot of energy in front of the flower on top of its head forming it into the shape of a seed.

It waited for any movement it could feel from the ground, being a solid object it will create some vibrations when Drilbur is moving through it and a skillful pokemon might be able to sense these vibrations and pinpoint the location from where Drilbur might come and not it is up to the Deerling to display how good it really is a tracking an opponent that is underground.

Julian "Drilbur let's go"

Drilbur could hear Julian's voice and as soon as he heard the command he charged at Deerling by tearing through the ground at high speed, Deerling sensed from where Drilbur is coming and shot the Seed Bomb at the ground.

Julian "Stop"

Before the Seed Bomb could hit the ground Drilbur stopped in his tracts and waited for the Seed Bomb to hit, once it did, it created a massive crater on the ground and nothing happened to Drilbur.

Julian baited Lenora once again.

Julian "Metal Claw"

As the smoke from the Seed Bomb is stilling lingering on the ground, Drilbur made his move and shot out from the crater with his claws covered in metal energy, he swung his claw at Deerling and landed a successful hit, Deerling backed of injured, the Metal Claw did some damage but Deerling could still take the hit.

Lenora "Deerling, use Leech Seed now"

As Drilbur just got out from the ground he has not created enough distance between him and Deerling and Lenora made her move at the right time, her Deerling shot a seed at Drilbur which suddenly bloomed and lots of green vines came out of it and wrapped around Drilbur.

Leach Seed is the type of move that slowly suck energy and health from the opponent and pass it to the user, as time passes Drilbur's energy and health will be transferred to Deerling if Drilbur doesn't take it out.

Julian isn't much worried about it and he is already planning a counter for Lenora.

Julian "Use Fury Swipe"

Drilbur moved forward and started to slash at Deerling furiously without giving it a chance to retaliate, being a four-legged pokemon it didn't have move movement to make quick turns and dodge attacks from Drilbur.

After getting blasted with so many fury swipes it backed off weakly, badly hurt but the leech seed is still giving it some energy to continue.

Julian "Now, use Dig"

After successfully pushing Deerling behind Drilbur dug into the ground for another attack, as Drilbur's energy slowly got sucked away by the leech seed, after getting underground, he rushed out with a lot of energy behind his claws for one powerful attack.

Lenora "Not this time, Deerling, use Protect"

As Drilbur burst out of the ground Deerling used Protect and created a protective shield in front of it and stopped Drilbur's attack, the Protect shattered by Deerling got enough time to move back.

Lenora "Now use, Energy Ball"

Deerling blasted an Energy Ball as soon as possible trying to get the upper hand on Julian.

Julian "Drilbur, use Iron Defense"

Drilbur activated Iron Defense and took the Energy Ball head-on, he was pushed back and came out with a little injured from it.

Julian "Finish this with Submission"

Drilbur moved in and grabbed onto Deerling's neck and wrapped his hands around it to used Submission, being pinned down on the ground Deerling has nowhere to go, it tried to kick with its leg and struggle out but it was of no use.

The energy inside Drilbur bursts our pinning Deerling down harder, Lenora could just watch gritting her teeth, if her pokemon is not strong enough they cannot break through Submission.

Too bad for her, her Deerling is not strong enough, it struggled until it couldn't anymore and got knocked out, and with this Julian won his gym challenge.

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