Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 639 - Julian Vs Lenora

Julian took out his Pokeball and got ready to battle, as he looked around the battlefield he noticed Yesh was actually sitting on the viewer's area waiting for them to start the battle.

Julian turned and looked at Lenora once again, ready for his battle. ​​

Lenora "I think I don't have to tell you the rules, right? It is, after all, a 2 on 2 pokemon battle"

Julian "It's all right I have heard them too many times during all my visits to different gyms around different regions"

Lenora "Ok then, let's not waste any time, I will choose my pokemon first"

She said and tossed out a Pokeball up in the air sending out her first pokemon, as the Pokeball opened a small bird came out flapping its wings, it has a big head and big legs with sharp talons, its head and legs seem too big for this pokemon's body.

It is Rufflet, it started to fly around the battlefield while staring at Julian, waiting for him to send out his pokemons, looking at the Rufflet Julian knew Roggenrola will be the better opponent and sent him out.

As Roggenrola came out he looked around and found his opponent in the sky, Roggenrola got a little tense as it is his first time facing against a pokemon that can fly, he has no experience when it comes to fighting flying type pokemons.

Julian "Get ready, this is where you prove that you can grow strong"

Julian told Roggenrola to concentrated in the battle, Roggenrola nodded and got ready.

Lenora "Enough waiting, let the battle begin. Rufflet, use Aerial Ace"

Her Rufflet didn't waste any time and dove down towards Roggenrola and appeared right in front of him to land a hit but Julian was ready for it.

Julian "Use Harden"

Roggenrola used Harden and suddenly his outer body shone brightly and it increased his defense, he was already resistant to flying-type attack and now they did very little damage to him which didn't even concern Julian.

Rufflet went back up in the sky and looked at Roggenrola in surprise, it used all its speed and power behind that attack and it was only able to push Roggenrola back.

Julian "Use Harden again"Roggenrola did as Julian said and used Harden to increase his Defense again, Lenora knew what Julian is doing and became a little concerned, her Rufflet is a physical attacker. If Roggenrola continues to increase his defense her Rufflet's attack won't even be able to put a scratch on him.

Wasting no time Lenora made her move.

Lenora "Use Air Slash"

Rufflet blasted a lot of Air Slashes at Roggenrola since Roggenrola has very weak special defense Julian went on the defense and called out Protect.

Roggenrola created a forcefield in front of him which blocked the incoming air blades but it also gave Lenora the chance to attack.

Lenora "Now, Crush Claw"Her Rufflet dove down with its claws aimed at Roggenrola right behind its Air Slashes, as Roggenrola continued to protect himself the Air Slashes started to ware the shield off.

The Protect broke after the last Air Slash hit and Rufflet went right through it and used Crush Claw on Roggenrola, he got hit hard by it but he came out fine, since it was a normal type attack and with 2 times harden he was able to brush it off but the Crush Claw did something else to him.

It managed to lower his defense by one stage, Crush Claw can lower a pokemon's defense by a stage and it has a 50% success rate, Julian didn't expect this at all.

Julian "That was a surprise but you came to close for your own good"

He said and smiled and Lenora realized that Julian baited her into close-quarter combat but she cannot do anything now because Roggenrola was already prepared.

Julian "Use Smack Down"

As Rufflet got closer to Roggenrola he jumped up with his tiny feet and crashed straight into Rufflet's back and brought it down crashing as its body was covered with rock type energy, as they crashed down it created cracks on the battlefield, smoke and dust rose up and blocked everyone's vision.

As the dust disappeared both pokemon could be seen again, Roggenrola is doing fine but Rufflet is in a bad position, it got damaged by that Smack Down, having weak defense and weakness to rock type moves wasn't good for it.

Lenora "Rufflet, quickly back off"

Rufflet listened to Lenora and tried to back off quickly but Julian didn't want to let go, this was a serious battle, there is no way he would let Lenora escape from this.

Julian "Roggenrola, use Rock Tomb"

Roggenrola creased multiple rocks and sent it crashing at Rufflet who is trying to create distance between them but the rocks were too fast, they are now trying to bury Rufflet underneath them.

Lenora "Use, Protect" Lenora also called out a Protect before the rocks could crush Rufflet, a protective layer appeared between Rufflet and the rocks, the rocks continued to press down and the Protect started to crack.

Rufflet got luck as the rocks soon exploded but it also destroyed the Protect along with them leaving Rufflet vulnerable.

Lenora "We can't give up Rufflet, use Rest"

Having no other option Lenora called out a risky move, hoping she can survive this, her Rufflet closed its eyes and fell asleep using Rest, soon its health and energy got restored in an instant but it is now asleep and it won't be able to get up for a few seconds.

Julian "You underestimate my Roggenrola's power"

He said and made his move to finish this round, a sleeping target is something Roggenrola cannot miss.

Julian "Finish it, Stone Edge"

Roggenrola charged up his rock energy and slammed his little legs on the ground which caused large blue glowing rocks to come ripping out of the ground straight towards the sleeping Rufflet.

Lenora is shocked by seeing this, a Roggenrola using Stone Edge is something out of commonsense, they are not powerful enough to handle such power but this Roggenrola did it.

Even Julian was a little surprised when he found out that his Roggenrola can use Stone Edge at such an early stage, he also knew that it is considerably weaker than a normal Stone Edge but it's still ridiculous.

The Stone Edge hit the sleeping Rufflet and sent it flying into the sky, it woke up from its sleep only to get knocked out after hitting the ground hard.

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