Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 636 - Yesh Vs Lenora (3)

Yesh has won the first bout but the battle is not over yet, his Croagunk is in not in a good condition and it won't last long during the battle, but Yesh still holds an advantage as he still hasn't revealed his second pokemon.

Lenora also seems pretty calm even though her Watchog has been taken down by Yesh and his Croagunk, she didn't say much and sent her Watchog back to its Pokeball. ​​

Lenora "You are good kid, it's been a while since a young trainer like you has been able to take me down on their first attempt"

She said and sent out her second pokemon, a Herdier, the Herdier came out of the Pokeball and took a stance and growled at Croagunk.

Lenora "Let's see how you perform now" Lenora provoked Yesh further.

Yesh didn't say much and continued with his attack.

Yesh "Use Poison Jab"

His Croagunk charged at Herdier with full speed, it moved like a ninja from one spot to another trying to confuse Herdier and land an effective hit.

Lenora just smiled and waited for Croagunk to get near, Julian noticed this and realized that Yesh made a bad call, Yesh doesn't know what this Herdier has up its sleeve and went for a direct attack, this can be dangerous as he has no idea what kind of counter Lenora can make.

Lenora waited for the perfect timing and made her call.

Lenora "Now, down and Psychic Fang"

As Croagunk moved in with its Poison Jab, Herdier suddenly lowered its body and head by bending its four legs easily dodging the Jab, it then went for the bite, its fangs are covered in Psychic energy as they bit into Croagunk's arm.

Suddenly a burst of Psychic energy traveled across Croagunk's body and exploded sending it flying backward and crashing into the ground, it fainted right after that.

Yesh was surprised but he didn't seem to mind losing his Croagunk, without saying much he sent it back to its Pokeball and sent out his Mawile.

Yesh Mawile clearly has the advantage but Lenora's Herdier seems to be very strong as well, Julian wondered how this battle to unfold.

The battle started and Yesh made his first move.

Yesh "Use Astonish"

Mawile moved forward towards Herdier to attack and just like before Lenora made her Herdier stand its ground, as Mawile got closer a shadow hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slammed into Herdier sending it backward.

This came as a surprise to everyone, even Julian, but Yesh didn't stop there, his attack seems to have worked really well and it caused Herdier to flinch so Yesh continued with his attack.

Yesh "Now use Slam"

Mawile used the massive jaws that are behind its head and swung it at Herdier who is trying to get itself together but it gets hit anyway and is sent rolling on the ground.

Lenora "Herdier on your feet and use Thunderbolt"

Herdier soon got back to its feet quickly as the momentum of it rolling on the ground slowed down, as soon as it got on its feet it blasted a powerful Thunderbolt at Mawile and since the attack was too fast Mawile couldn't dodge it and took it directly.

Mawile is injured but Yesh is in luck because Herdier is not a special attacker so its special attacks won't do too much harm but Yesh is not an idiot, he knows he cannot continue taking those Thunderbolts.

Yesh "Mawile, use Icy Wind"

Mawile attacked again and this time trying to freeze its opponent on the spot, Icy Wind being a wide range attack Herdier had very little space to dodge it so it got caught but it.

The temperature of the surrounding gradually fell down as Herdier tried to move around so that he won't get frozen, its speed and power is slowly decreasing as the cold winds continue to blow.

Lenora had enough and went for an attack, she knew this could clearly be a trap forcing her Herdier closer to Mawile's jaw but if she doesn't do anything her Herdier will get frozen.

Lenora "Use Fire Fang"

Herdier rushed towards Mawile using Fire Fang but that is what Yesh wanted, using Icy Wind to force Lenora into attacking him, as Herdier got closer Yesh attacked.

Yesh "Sucker Punch"

As Herdier got closer it got hit by a hard Sucker Punch, Sucker Punch is the type of attack that always lands first so no matter what Herdier does it will get hit unless it was trying to defend itself in the first place. Since it is attacking Mawile with Fire Fang, it got hit by a Sucker Punch first.

Herdier staggered back on its feet and tried to attack Mawile again but suddenly noticed's Mawile's massive jaws opening right in from of its face.

Yesh "Use crunch"

Mawile's jaws such down and completely gobbled up Herdier inside, an explosion accused inside and when Mawile opened its mouth Herdier crashed on the ground fainted.

Yesh won the battle with his Mawile.

Julian is also impressed by how Yesh forced Lenora to move for an attack by using Icy Wind, Yesh realized that Herdier was clearly a physical attacker and isn't great with special attacks, even the Thunderbolt didn't cause much damage to his Mawile which is clearly a very powerful electric type attack.

So using Icy Wind was a wise choice, forcing Lenora's Herdier to get closer then hit it with a Sucker Punch, there was no way it would have gone wrong unless Herdier was able to take the hit which it didn't.

Lenora just smiled, even though she lost it was the way of a gym leader, they face lots of wins and loss in their career, it doesn't matter if they lose or win, gym leaders are meant to take it easy on trainers so they can move forward.

If they didn't go easy many young trainers would just give up on their dream to become a strong pokemon trainer with all those losses.

Lenora could have been much harder on Yesh, Julian noticed several times Lenora held back knowing Yesh is not still there to take her on in a serious battle and Yesh had already impressed her enough by beating her pokemons.

She didn't want to crush a young man's dream by bullying them, she is a gym leader, not a bully, her job is meant to shape the young trainers of today so they can be the responsible veteran trainers of tomorrow.

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