Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 635 - Yesh Vs Lenora (2)

Julian wondered what Yesh is going to do If it was him he would have gone with Mawile as it is stronger and more reliable than his Croagunk, with better attack and defense it can tank many hits and take down a normal type pokemon easily as they rely on more physical attacks.

With Mawile Yesh could have had a better physical attack and higher physical defense, it could also take some normal type special attacks from Lenora's pokemon because it is resistant to normal types. ​​

Julian didn't think much and decided to continue watching the battle as he wanted to see what Yesh is up.

The battle started as Lenora made her first step, being at a disadvantage here she has to act smart and fast and being a veteran she knows how to start it off.

Lenora "Watchog, use Bite"Her Watchog charged at Croagunk using Bite, as Julian saw this he is surprised by the power behind Lenora's Watchog, it was more powerful than he expected.

Seeing the attack coming Yesh made his move as well.

Yesh "Croagunk, move back and use Mud-Slap"

Croagunk jumped back and punched the ground and blasted wet mud at Watchog which were about to hit its eyes but it clearly saw it coming and moved its head to the side and continued forward with its Bite Attack.

Seeing his move fail Yesh didn't react much and called out his next move to counter.

Yesh "Use Venoshock"

Croagunk suddenly used Venoshock catching Watchog by surprise, the dark jaws in front of hits mouth suddenly exploded and Watchog was sent back rolling on the ground but it soon got back to its feet and stared coldly at Croagunk as its eyes glowed yellow.

Julian smiled seeing Yesh moves, it was one of his moves, to counter with a special attack when the opponent moves in with a physical one.

If his attack is strong enough it should be able to deal damage and avoided getting hit by the opponent as well, Lenora also didn't expect this and just smiled, her Watchog still has a lot to show as well.

Lenora "Impressive but you have to do better than that. Watchog, use Crunch" Her Watchog moved again and this time it is much faster than before, seeing the attack coming, Yesh tried to perform the same counter with Venoshock but something happened which took Yesh by surprise.

Lenora "Abandon Crunch and use Confuse Ray"

Watchog suddenly dispelled Crunch and sent a Confuse Ray at Croagunk which went right past the Venoshock and hit Croagunk but Watchog also took damage from the Venoshock.

Croagunk is now confused and it might just hurt itself if it tries to perform any attacks while Lenora's Watchog is also not doing so well, getting hit by two powerful Venoshock is bad news, even for her Watchog which seems pretty strong but she has the edge now.

Lenora "Good, Croagunk is confused, use Super Fang"

Her Watchog charged at Croagunk again and this time with Super Fang, Julian noted this down in his head, Super Fang is a very good move, no matter how strong the opponent if this attack hits it will take down half of the opponent's health.

This time Croagunk is not able to escape from Watchog's attack and gets hit by the Super Fang and gets badly damaged, with its energy and health refused to half Croagunk is in a bad spot.

Lenora "You need to do more than this, kid if you want a badge from my gym"

She said and smirked, Yesh didn't seem to mind the provocation and just watched as if nothing has happened, it looked like he is waiting for the Confusion to ward off.

Lenora "Let's finish this, use Hyper Fang"

Watchog moved for the finishing blow but Croagunk suddenly snapped out of its confusion, with such a big hit from that previous Super Fang the confusion wasn't going to last for much, and Yesh now had his opportunity.

Yesh "Croagunk, dodge and use Poison Jab"Croagunk being quick on its feet moved to the side and avoided the Hyper Fang and jabbed its hand straight into the Watchog's stomach with Poison Jab, Watchog staggered back while holding onto its stomach, its completion soon started to turn purple showing signs of Poison.

Than Poison Jab did what it needed to do and poisoned Watchog, it started to grow weak and went on its knee, it was already damaged by those precious Venoshock and now this Poison Jab did it bad.

Yesh didn't even give Lenora time to think before finishing the battle with another Venoshock"Lenora's Watchog collapsed on the ground after getting hit by another Venoshock as the poison inside in flared up because of it and it fainted.

Julian is pleased by Yesh's performance, he is not perfect but he gives very little chance for his opponent to get the upper hand, he is very tactical during his battles.

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