As Julian had promised Yesh he will be there at the trainer's park to battle with him he went to the park very early, before Yesh could come Julian wanted to see if he could find any other trainer that is eligible for the last Drilbur.

When he reached the park he saw Yesh waiting for him, he is surprised, he didn't think he would come so early, Julian walked towards him. ​​

Julian "Why did you come so early?"

He asked. He didn't understand this kid at all.

Yesh "You didn't specify the exact time of our meeting so I came as soon as dawn broke"

Julian sighed and said nothing, he walked towards a battlefield and took his position.

Julian "Take your position and send out your pokemons that you will use for your battle against the Nacrene gym leader"

Yesh nodded and took his position, he took out a Pokeball and sent out his first pokemon, it was the Mawile that Julian had seen yesterday, he had soon how good it is compared to a normal pokemon but it still had room for improvements.

Julian "The gym leader of the Nacrene gym is a normal type user so going with Mawile is a good choice but that doesn't mean you will win, they can use fire and ground type moves as a counter, are you ready for anything they throw at you?"

Julian questioned to which Yesh pondered for a second before nodding his head, Julian smirked and sent out his Darumaka on the battlefield, Darumaka came out excited ready to make some explosions, he looked at his opponent and grinned with his tiny mouth.

Julian "Let's have a mock battle, then we will continue on how you can improve on your technique"

Hearing Julian, Yesh nodded and got ready to battle, this is his first time battling Julian so he is extra cautious, he knows Julian is the toughest opponent he has ever faced and his chances of winning are none but if he can last long enough it is enough for him.

Keeping this mindset the battle started with Yesh calling out the first move with his Mawile with Fairy Wind, Mawile opened its jaws behind its head wide open and blew out a stream of wind which is filled with fairy type energy.

Julian saw this and didn't do much, Mawile was clearly a physical attacker and this Fairy Wind will have very little effect on him as he is also resistant to fairy type moves, seeing the Fairy Wind coming towards him Darumaka rolled up and turned himself into a ball, the Fairy Wind hit him and caused him to roll back and that was it.

Yesh wanted to see how Julian and Darumaka will react to an attack so he can base his strategy on that but seeing the result he gave up on the idea, Julian was too hard to read, while other trainers might move away or counter the attack Julian let his Darumaka just take it because he knew it would have little to no effect on his Darumaka.

Yesh didn't show any emotions at all and continued the battle with another attack.

Yesh "Use Bite"

Yesh realized that it was useless trying to figure out Julian, he needed to engage them in a real clash before he can figure out anything, his Mawile charged at Darumaka and suddenly turned around exposing its massive jaw behind its head which is trying to snap down on Darumaka.

Julian "Use Flamethrower"

As Mawile got closer Darumaka used Flamethrower right inside Mawile's jaw catching it off-guard, Darumaka being a physical attacker was not very good at using Flamethrower but it was still decent, Mawile being a steel type also made a difference.

Mawile got blasted back to Yesh's side with burnt marks inside its rear jaw.

Julian "Sometimes it better the counter then dodge a move, if you are confident in your pokemon's ability to counter then do it, think before calling out a move, for example right now I used Flamethrower a special type move to counter your Bite a physical move. If I had used a physical move both Darumaka and Mawile would have been affected by it but maintaining my pokemon's distance from his opponent made a great difference"

Yesh nodded noting it down, these were all useful information he can learn from Julian, his Mawile did suffer from damage but it is still in good condition to continue.

Julian made his move this time and called out an attack.

Julian "Use Flame Wheel"

Hearing Julian Darumaka started to run then suddenly went face down on the ground turning and started to roll, flames covered his body as his speed increased, soon he turned into a spinning fire wheel which charged at Mawile, seeing the power behind the attack Yesh knew he had to dodge.

Yesh "Dodge and use Brick Break"

Mawile moved to the side and turned around quickly and used Brick Break trying to hit Darumaka from the side.

Julian "Jump"

As Mawile was about to land the Brick Break on Darumaka he suddenly jumped up in the air using his tiny feet escaping the disaster by an inch.

Julian "Now Flamethrower"

Darumaka canceled his Flame Wheel and used Flamethrower which went all over the battlefield as he is still spinning in the air, Mawile couldn't dodge it and got hit by them and backed off with more burned marks, Darumaka landed on the ground and got to his feet"

Julian "Sometimes the opponent can come up with unpredictable moves, most of them cannot be avoided but the trainer should be vigilant and try to come up with something very fast before your pokemon gets hit"

Julian gave another point which Yesh noted down, he also noticed that his Mawile's condition is getting worse at it cannot continue for long, being weak to fire type moves, it was clearly at a disadvantage so Yesh decided to call Mawile back.

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