Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 631 - Looking Into Lenora The Gym Leader

Julian "Look Yes, I know you want to learn from the best but I can't I don't think I will be able to take you with me"

Julian gave a direct answer this time, he really didn't want any trouble relating to this kid following his around. ​​

Yesh "I can help you with taking care of your pokemon and do other stuff for you, it will be a win-win situation"

Yesh still didn't want to give up so he proposed the idea of taking care of everything for Julian and his pokemons, hearing this offer Julian thought about it for a few seconds.

The offered is very tempting, he still remembered how easy it was when he has Daisy by his side as she helped him take care of his pokemons, he still did some work but Daisy did the most, this also helped him focus on his pokemons training more.

He thought about it and decided to put this idea on a trial period.

Julian "Ok, I will give you one month, for one month you can follow me but if I don't like it you will have to leave"

Julian said.

Since Yesh is being so forward into helping him on everything in exchange of just standing on the side and watch his training process and battles, it was no big deal, his training was not anything special, it was hard and intense physical and mental training that made his pokemons strong, that was only half of their strength, the other half is his Omniforce strengthening them slowly and with Julian's knowledge, they become very strong.

Observing his methods won't matter, at the end of the day it is up to the trainer on how he or she wants to grow stronger, teachers are just meant to show the way, the rest needs to be done by the trainer themselves so Julian wondered what is Yesh's mindset.

From what he has seen, Yesh is a lot better than Ash and Paul when it comes to pokemon battles, he wanted to see how he actually trained his pokemons, what is his mindset and what he wants to achieve as these are the key factor for every trainer.

Now that Julian has found a trainer, he needs to find another one trainer for the last Drilbur, as Julian walked out of the trainer's park he realized that Yesh is still following.

Julian "Don't you have somewhere to go?"He asked to which Yesh shook his head saying no.

Julian "Where are you from?"

Yesh "Johto"

Julian "Why did you come to Unova then?"

Yesh "To find you"

Julian "That's all, you came all the way to Unova just to find me?"

Yesh "Yes and also to participate in my first ever league"

Julian felt helpless.

Julian "How many badges do you have?"

Julian asked as he has no idea what to do with this kid.

Yesh "Just one, the Trio Badge"

Julian "Then will you challenge the Nacrene gym now?"

Yesh "Yes"

Julian "Then go and challenge the gym"

Yesh "I am not ready yet, I need a little more training, since you are my teacher you should battle with me"

Yesh said.

Julian "Hmm, you know what, meet me tomorrow here and we will start out training, I hope you have a room here in the city"

Julian said to which Yesh nodded and just walked away, for some reason Julian felt that Yesh was just a robot or a cyborg but it was just his thought, Yesh is indeed a human, it is only the way he acts like a cold robot would.

Julian felt that kids these days are weird, after getting rid of the problem Julian headed back to his hotel, today he didn't give any training to his pokemons, he will do that in the evening and he also hopes to find a new trainer who he can give the last Drilbur to.

After returning to his hotel room Julian didn't do much except looking into the Nacrene gym and its leader, the leader's name is Lenora and she is a normal pokemon type user, it was rare to see normal type gym leaders as they are very few, most of them stick to a certain element while normal typing was just mediocre in everyone's eyes.

In the pokemon world, people like to shit on bug type users because bug type pokemons are known to be the weakest, but when it comes to other typing no one can tell which is the best or which is the second-worst, but when it comes to normal typing people just don't care about it, its neither good nor bad to them, it's just there.

Many people even tell young trainers to start with a normal type pokemon as they are the easiest.

Julian continued looking into Lenora's team and saw that her first team is made up of three pokemons Herdier, Watchog, and a Dunsparce, this team of hers are meant to battle trainers who only have one or two badges with them, while her other team consists of Braviary, Kangaskhan, Lickilicky, and Sawsbuck.

These four pokemons of hers are said to be very strong and if the trainers didn't challenge her early in their journey they would only challenge her once they had six to seven badges with them.

Julian was impressed by this as he went through her information, a good gym leader, he wondered if she is really as good as this information say or are people just exaggerating.

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