Julian is now waiting in the waiting room inside the rock battle stadium as he waits for his call, he can hear the voice of crowd screaming outside and waiting for the battle to begin.

The Announcer starts to talk as he introduces the competitors, hearing his queue Julian gets up and walks towards the gate leading to the battlefield. ​​

Announcer "Today in the second day of the Indigo league qualifying round and taking place in this very stadium are two of the most popular contestant the fans speculate to enter the top 16 and above, Introducing first, she is from the celadon city and an old face in the league, she had participated in the last Indigo league and was in the top 8, making her way into the battlefield is Kassandra"

Kassandra walks into the battlefield and waves her hand at the crowd as she takes her place on the battlefield and waits for Julian.

Announcer "Next contestant is a newcomer to the Indigo league and had shocked everyone in his match yesterday by defeating Alan one of the fan favorite with just one pokemon, give it up for Julian"

Julian walks into the battlefield as he hears the crowd cheering for him, he takes his place on the battlefield and waits for the referee's call to start the battle.

Referee "This will be a three vs three pokemon match, the trainers are allowed to switch pokemon during the battle, the person who will have all three of his pokemon unable to battle will lose and get eliminated out of the tournament"

The Referee looks at Kassandra then at Julian.

Referee "Trainer Kassandra, are you ready?"

Kassandra "Yes"

Referee "Trainer Julian, ready?"

Julian nods his head in agreement.

Referee "Then let the battle begin"

Kassandra "Go Sandslash"

Kassandra sends out a Sandslash, seeing this Julian gets dumbfounded at her choice.

Julian 'Is she stupid, even though she should not trust the words I said, she should not ignore it also, who would have thought she would make such a rash decision, even though I had expected the possibility of this scenario but it was only 15%, well this battle is going to quick'

Julian "Go Pidgeot"

Kassandra 'What he sent Pidgeot just like he said, I actually sent Sandslash to fight without even thinking, Ahhhh, I see he said it on purpose so that I will get angry and make a rash decision, how could I fall for such a trick, I was too angry to think it clearly at that time, what do I do?'

Julian looks at Kassandra and couldn't help but sigh.

Julian 'Looks like she got really angry at my words and now seeing me use Pidgeot, she is having a mental breakdown, well its better for me an easy victory and I can go and rest for the day'

Announcer "Oh, look at this Kassandra is at a really big disadvantage, her Sandslash is a ground type and its ground type moves will have zero effect on Julian's Pidgeot, looks like this battle is going to be over before it even started"

Julian "Pidgeot use Air Cutter"

While Kassandra is thinking what to do Julian already made his moves as Pidgeot sent out numerous Air Cutter at Sandslash and each and everyone landed on Sandslash as Kassandra was not focusing at all, Sandslash was hurt badly, one Air Cutter could be handled but numerous Air Cutter would leave any pokemon in a bad state.

Announcer "Those Air Cutters where really powerful, looks like Sandslash has very little chance, what will Kassandra do in such a tight situation"

Seeing her Sandslash being hurt Kassandra came back to her senses as she started to focus on the battle.

Kassandra 'I should focus on the battle or I will just fall into his trap just the way he wanted, I will not let this happen'

Kassandra "Sandslash hang in there, use Stone Edge"

Sandslash slams the ground as large rock rises up from the ground and targets Pidgeot who is flying low to the ground.

Julian "Pidgeot use Quick Attack while gliding between those rocks"

Pidgeot's body glows white as his speed increases as he glides between those rocks created from Stone Edge and hits Sandslash with super speed and sends it rolling on the ground.

Kassandra "Quickly use that momentum and use Rollout"

Sandslash who was sent rolling on the ground quickly rolls up into a ball and performs a Rollout and heads towards Pidgeot with astonishing speed

Announcer "Look at this Sandslash used the momentum from Pidgeot's quick attack and used it as its own"

Julian "Now use Sand Attack to make Sandslash lose sight of you"

Pidgeot gets close to the ground and starts to beat his wings rapidly making sand fly everywhere as he blends into it and disappears from everyone's sight.

Sandslash goes into the cloud of sand to hit nothing as it returns back to its normal posture as it looks for Pidgeot left and right.

Announcer "Pidgeot has disappeared inside the could of sand, what is Julian planning to do?"

Kassandra "Sandslash, concentrate don't panic"

Julian "Finish this, Steel Wing"

Pidgeot suddenly appears behind Sandslash and delivers a crushing Steel Wind sending it crashing into a rock pillar of the battlefield as it faints from the impact.

Referee "Sandslash is unable to battle, Pidgeot wins"

Announcer "It's over Sandslash bits the dust, now let's see which pokemon will Kassandra send to face Julian"

Kassandra 'What do I do, should I send an electric type to fight that Pidgeot, but what if this is also his plan and he switches his pokemon or is he making me think like this so that I will send another pokemon which has a disadvantage against his Pidgeot, I don't know what to do? I am falling deeper and deeper into his plan even though I am aware of it'

Seeing Kassandra frustrated Julian knew that it was already over, there is nothing Kassandra could do to go against him.

Julian 'Human psychology, what a weird phenomenon, they just make it so difficult for themselves even though everything is so clear in front of them, they always make everything complicated making them fall deeper and deeper into such a state'

Referee "Trainer Kassandra, send out your next pokemon or are you going to forfeit?"

Kassandra "No, I will battle, go Rhydon"

Announcer "Kassandra has chosen Rhydon, It has resistance to flying type attacks putting it in advantage against Pidgeot but will this help? we know from previous experience Julian always seems to have a backup for everything, we will only know what will happen as we see the battle"

Kassandra "Rhydon use Rock Blast"

Julian "Dodge"

Pidgeot easily dodges the incoming small rocks by adjusting his wings and tail to stair in midair.

Julian "Air Slash"

Pidgeot sends a huge blade shaped like a crescent moon, as it passes through the air towards Rhydon is hums indicating its sheer sharpness and it won't be pleasant to take it head-on.

Kassandra "Use Hammer Arm to deflect it"

Rhydon waits for the Air Slash to come near it and delivers a Hammer Arm right on top of it making it explode and sending shockwaves everywhere.

Julian "Sky Attack"

Before Rhydon and Kassandra could realize it Pidgeot was already in front of Rhydon and delivered a powerful Sky Attack which sent it crashing to the ground, even though flying type moves are weak against Rhydon, Pidgeot's attack power was way above Rhydon's capacity and causing damage.

Kassandra "Rhydon, quickly get up"

Julian "Twister"

Pidgeot flapped his wings vigorously as the wind started to get stronger and stronger forming a raging tornado which starts to rip and break the rock pillars in the battlefield as it heads towards the struggling Rhydon, as the twister get close it picks up Rhydon from the ground and traps it inside it and spins it around inside it.

Announcer "Look at that Twister, it is destroying everything and it even traped Rhydon inside it, looks like Rhydon's all hopes are lost"

Kassandra "RHYDON"

Julian "Finish it, ride the twister and use Steel Wing"

Pidgeot flies into the raging twister as his speed increases by the second as he finally finishes it with a Steel Wing causing Rhydon to be thrown out of the raging Twister and slamming onto a Rock Piller which was still standing.

Referee "Rhydon is unable to battle, Pidgeot wins"

Announcer "Who would have thought that Pidgeot would ride the Twister to deliver the final blow.

Kassandra grits her teeth as she looks at Julian and his pokemon, she really wished she didn't talk to him before their battle.

Kassandra 'This is really bad, why did I have to talk to him, if only I didn't I could have put a decent match, I know that I wouldn't have won even if I didn't talk to him but now it's just me making it more difficult for myself'

Kassandra is frustrated at the outcome, she had never performed so badly in a battle. she starts to go through everything that happened today, then she finally realizes

Kassandra "What was I doing, I was so focused on figuring out how to get out of Julian's trap that I completely forgot the most important thing, I completely abandoned my pokemons, I didn't even notice things that were so clear, it doesn't matter what type of pokemon he uses, it depends on the trainer to guide their pokemon through this tough situation, Julian is also doing just that, he easily defeated my Rhydon using his Pidgeot which clearly had the disadvantage, he guided his pokemon and avoided it from getting into a tough spot, that's it I know what to do I just have to battle like I normally do and show him I am not just some trainer who will fall for his scheme"

Kassandra's mood changes in a second and from frustration it changes into a determined look, Julian who is always watching every change in the surroundings also notice the changes in Kassandra and becomes surprised.

Julian 'Who would have thought that she would realize it so quickly, this is a pokemon battle where both pokemons and trainers need to be one in a battle, she was so busy thinking what I will do that she completely abandoned her pokemons in the battlefield, but now it looks like she realized it, it looks like I have to put a little bit of effort now'

Kassandra looks at Julian with eyes full of determination, now she wants to battle with full concentration then she sees a smile on Julian face.

Kassandra 'He knew it from the start that I was frustrated and even now he knows that I have realized my mistake, what a scary guy, you want a good battle don't you, then so be it'

Kassandra "Go Jolteon"

Announcer "Kassandra's final pokemon is Jolteon, let's see what tricks it got up its sleeve"

Kassandra "Jolteon use Thunderbolt"

Jolteon charges up and sends a cracking Thunderbolt towards Pidgeot.

Julian "Dodge"

Pidgeot evades the Thunderbolt easily as he moves away from his previous place by gliding away.

Kassandra "No you don't, Jolteon use Discharge"

Jolteon sends out cracking lightning everywhere but they were still no use as Pidgeot evades each and everyone as he glides swiftly left, right, up and down.

Julian "Quick Attack"

Pidgeot dives down towards Jolteon with super speed to finish it off.

Kassandra "Meet it head-on, Wild Charge"

As both get closer and closer towards each other Pidgeot suddenly slides away from the side by turning his body and avoid a direct collision as Jolteon goes and hits a rock boulder causing it to shatter into pieces.

Julian "Air Cutter"

Kassandra "Jolteon counter with Swift"

Jolteon quickly changes its direction and sends multiple swifts to counter the incoming Air Cutters as it cause several explosion and shockwaves.

Julian "Air Slash"

Suddenly a huge crescent blade tears through the smoke and dashes towards Jolteon and delivers a successful hit sending it rolling on the ground.

Julian "Finish it Sky Attack"

Pidgeot dives down, a large amount of energy cover Pidgeot's body and this time Pidgeot's intention is to finish it.

Kassandra "Jolteon don't give up, jump and grab onto Pidgeot"

When Pidgeot reaches near Jolteon, it jumps and lands on Pidgeot's back and grabs on to it tightly.

Announcer "Jolteon has gotten hold of Pidgeot, this may be bad for Pidgeot"

Julian "Pidgeot fly up"

Pidgeot sores into the sky while Jolteon is still holding his back.

Kassandra "Now Thunderbolt"

Jolteon zaps Pidgeot as they still continue to fly straight up towards the sky.

Julian "Use quick attack to speed up"

Pidgeot uses quick attack as his speed increases as they reach very high up into the sky, Jolteon's start to feel uneasy due to lack of oxygen, it is used to the amount of oxygen on the ground now being suddenly exposed to less oxygen causes it to feel dizzy.

Julian [Now Spin]

Julian send a telepathic message as they are too high to shout out moves, Pidgeot suddenly starts to spin as he folds his wings inwards and Jolteon loses its grip and starts to fall down.

Julian [Finish this, Brave Bird]

Pidgeot rises high as he spread his winds and his body starts to glow blue and dives down and meets Jolteon falling, Pidgeot smashes into Jolteon's body and dives down pushing Jolteon to the ground, as they reach the ground Jolteon gets planted deep and next followed by an explosion causing the rock battlefield to shatter like glass, the smoke rises high up to the sky as blinds everyone's vision, the ground tremors as the referee struggles to keep his balance.

Announcer "What a devastating Brave Bird, it has sent tremors everywhere looks like its over"

As the smoke clear everybody could see a Pidgeot hovering above the ground and Jolteon planted into the grounded completely fainted.

Referee "Jolteon is unable to battle, Pidgeot wins making the winner of this match Julian"

The silence in the battlefield is broken as the crowd blows up into cheers.

Announcer "What an awesome battle, and Julian has done it again, just using a single pokemon to defeat his opponent"

Kassandra walks towards her unconscious Jolteon and kneels down to lift it up.

Kassandra "Thankyou Jolteon for giving such a great battle"

As she hugged her Jolteon she heard Julian's voice.

Julian "I didn't think you would be able to pull that out but it looks like I was wrong"

Julian walks towards her and extends his hand, seeing this Kassandra takes his hand and gets up and looks at Julian.

Kassandra "Next time I will defeat you"

Julian "I will be waiting"

He says this and walks away leaving Kassandra with her Jolteon as the crowd is still cheering him on.

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