Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 62 - I Will Only Use Pidgeot!

Next day Julian woke up early so that he can go and see who is gonna be his next opponent and the type of battlefield he will be fighting in.

He went to the place where he checked in yesterday, he walked in to see that the place is filled with trainers even though it's early, he walks towards a receptionist and checks in himself. ​​

Julian "Who is going to be my next opponent?"

Julian asks and presses the button as the computer starts to generate the battlefield and an opponent for his next battle, as the selection box stops it displays Rock type battlefield and his opponent is a lady named Kassandra.

Receptionist "You match will be at 1 pm at the rock battle stadium, hope you be there in time"

Julian "Sure"

Julian walks out and finds himself in front of Ash and his friends, Julian sighs at his misfortune but he doesn't display it on his face.

Ash "Hey Julian"

Ash calls and waves his hand to gain Julian's attention, Julian has no choice to look at him.

Julian "Hey Ash how are you?"

Ash "I am fine, By the way, I saw your battle yesterday, you were so awesome and your Venusaur was also soooooo strong, I couldn't believe you could defeat your opponent so easily..."

Julian 'Man this Kid talks too much, when is he gonna stop?'

Julian waits patiently until Ash finishes his talking.

Ash "...and so I wanted to ask you, could we have a pokemon battle?"

Julian 'He really doesn't quit does he, even though he knows he is not gonna win, well he is the main character and was made to be like this I cannot change him even if I wanted to'

Julian "If we are able to meet inside the battlefield while facing each other then only will I battle you, so try to at least enter top 16"

Julian then looks at his Pikachu and pats him.

Julian 'This Pikachu was kept by Professor Oak and didn't let it out much often, I always wondered why is this Pikachu so strong even though it doesn't seem much different from the others'

Julian "You have a very unique Pikachu here, I hope you take great care of him"

Julian rubs Pikachu's cheeks and walks away leaving Ash and his friends staring at his back.

Brock "Ash, let's go and check in yourself so that you can know who you are battling next"

Ash "Ya lets go"

They run off towards the registration hall to check themselves in for today as they walk near the receptionist they see a lady with dark purple hair looking at her next battle opponent, seeing her opponent on the screen, Ash recognizes him.

Ash "Its Julian"

The lady who was looking at the screen turn around to see Ash looking at her opponent in the screen and walks towards him, Brock who sees this beautiful lady walking towards them goes on his usual flirty mood and welcomes her to be completely ignored by her then he is dragged away by Misty.

Kassandra "Hey my name is Kassandra, do you perhaps know my next opponent personally?"

Ash "Hello my name is Ash and this is my buddy Pikachu"

Misty "I am Misty"

Brock "And you can call me Brocky if you want"

Ash "Yes, I know Julian, we live in the same town"

Kassandra "Oh then can you tell me about him?"

Ash "Julian is really strong, I once saw his Gengar which was also super strong and you might know about yesterdays match right how Julian's Venusaur wiped the floor single-handedly"

Misty "Hey Ash what are you doing you cannot tell other people about other's information, are you out of your mind?"

Ash "Ahh, I am sorry I forgot"

Kassandra "No, No I am sorry I should have not asked about this stuff, I was just curious about my opponent that's all, I will take my leave"

Kassandra walks away leaving Ash and his friends behind.

Misty "Look what you did, smart ass, you just gave away information about Julian's team how can you be this stupid?"

Ash put his head down in embarrassment.

Brock "Misty lets not take it far, and even if she knew about Julian's two pokemon that doesn't mean she is gonna win"

Misty "I guess you are right"

Brock "Ash lets go and look who is your next opponent"

Ash and his friends do their work while Kassandra Julian's next opponent is sitting in a restaurant and thinking about her strategy on how to face Julian.

Kassandra 'My next opponent is not something I can take on lightly, I have to give it my all to defeat him, all I know about him is that he has a Venusaur and a Gengar, I cannot just make a fighting strategy based on only this much, I have to find something else'

As Kassandra was thinking what to do, she saw her next opponent walking inside the restaurant in a casual manner.

Julian walks towards the counter and orders something to eat, he pays and then takes a sit near a window with his food, as he was about to eat he hears a voice.

Kassandra "May I sit here?"

Julian turns around to see a lady and it was none other than his next opponent Kassandra, seeing her he nods his head indicating her to sit.

Kassandra "You must be Julian, I am your next opponent, it must be a coincidence for us to meet here?"

Julian "It sure is, then how can I help you, Miss Kassandra"

Kassandra "I just wanted to talk to my next opponent, that's all nothing else"

Julian "Ah, I see you are here to get some information from me, well then I will tell it to you"

Kassandra becomes serious after hearing Julian, she never thought that she was going to be seen through so easily but what surprised her, even more, was that he said he will reveal his strategy to her.

Julian "Well you see Miss Kassandra, I will only use my Pidgeot in the battle, if you are able to defeat my Pidgeot I will surrender my self and quit from the battle, making it your win"

Julian says this and stares at her eyes, Kassandra gets dumbfounded by Julian's answer but she started to feel a weird sensation as if she is getting trapped in something even though she doesn't know what it is, she looks at Julian's crimson red eyes and feels as if she is a pray being targeted by a predator but her mind is thinking something else.

Kassandra 'Is he joking, does he think that I will not be a match him, he is only going to use his Pidgeot, that's bullshit, he is just trying to trick me into thinking it, does he take me for a fool to believe that, just you wait I will defeat you in our battle'

Kassandra gets up angrily and walks away as Julian enjoys his meal.

Julian 'Well I said her what I will do, I don't know if she is going to take the advice or not'

Julian resumes his meal as he waits for time to pass for his next battle.

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