Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 563 - Julian Vs Brian (2)

This is Brian's first defeat in this league but he had expected this to happen but no so easily, he knew that if he wants to take Julian's title from him he has to expect some casualties from his side as well.

He expected this but it was too fast for his Spiritomb to go down, he wanted to use his Spiritomb a lot more during this battle but it got taken down by Lucario after taking that Counter head-on. ​​

Brian called his Spiritomb back to its Pokeball and stared at Julian.

Julian "If that is all you got then forget about even putting a scratch on my pokemons"

He said and taunted Brian, Brian is pissed but he won't give in to anger which has already impressed Julian but Brian's skills are still lacking.

Brian "This isn't over, Dusknoir, let's go"

He sent out his Dusknoir into the battlefield, Julian smirked and decided to continue with Lucario as she hasn't even shown her full potential.

Julian "War Axe"

The swords in Lucario's hands turn into a ball of energies, she then brings them together and a giant war Axe with two blade ends forms in her hand, this Axe is even bigger than her by few centimeters, she grabs on to the middle of the handle and slams the end of it on the ground causing the ground to crack a little.

The pressure is on as Brian starts to think about his next move.

Julian "You are thinking again, Lucario smash it"

Since Lucario is currently using her weapons she cannot use moves such as Metal Claw, Shadow Claw or any other moves that require an empty hand but she has a way to deal with it.

Lucario charges at Dusknoir but the huge weapon in her hand doesn't seem to affect her speed at all, as she reaches Dusknoir she lands a powerful swing from the side on Dusknoir, Dusknoir gets hit and sent crashing on the ground by the attack.

Brian is confused while Julian is disappointed, when he saw Brian battle in his early matches he was really good but right now he is acting like an amateur.

Julian "Stop thinking or this will be the end, I thought you will at least put up a little challenge but it looks like I was wrong"

He said.

Hearing Julian Brian clenched onto his fist tightly as his nails dug into his skin, he felt frustrated, he looks at his Dusknoir who managed to get up ever after that hit, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

Brian "Dusknoir, use Fire Punch"

Dusknoir charged at Lucario with a powerful Flaming fist.

Julian "Shield"

The Axe in Lucario's hand chance into a thick shield around her left arm, the Fire Punch landed on the shield and Dusknoir is able to push Lucario back but that is all, it is unable to deal even a little bit of damage on Lucario.

Julian "Aura Sphere"

As Dusknoir was right in front of her, Lucario created a sphere from her aura in her right hand and blasted it on Dusknoir's stomach that has a mouth on it.

Dusknoir gets blasted again, it rolls on the ground injured from the two attacks landed by Lucario, Brian is feeling pressured how as he goes back to thinking.

Julian "This is boring, Lucario, finish this, Sword, Shadow Blade"

Lucario transformed her shield into a long sword and pointed its tip at Dusknoir with her eyes locked on the target, Shadow Energy starts to cover her long sword, this is her version of Shadow claw when she is holding a weapon.

Since her hands are holding the weapon, she will infuse her weapon with the element, Lucario burst forward leaving behind a sonic boom and the next moment one could see, the long sword goes right through Dusknoir.

Suddenly an explosion takes over the battlefield and when the scene clears up Dusknoir is on the ground knocked out with Lucario still standing with the long sword in her hand.

The crowd burst into cheers again as they see how cool Julian's Lucario is right now.

Referee "Dusknoir is unable to battle, Lucario wins"

Brian is shocked and isn't able to think what he should do, he planed a lot for this battle but he couldn't even use one of his strategies as Julian didn't let him do so at all, it was as if the whole battle is going as Julian wants it to be.

Now Brian realized why Julian has remained undefeated till now, he realized that Julian is able to control the whole battle from start to the finish, if he wants he can end the battle in one move or he could drag it the whole way till the opponent gives up.

Julian looks at Brian and realizes that he broke Brian, this teenager who was praised by everyone his whole life for being a Prodigy suddenly came across an opponent he cannot defeat even if he gives his all, Julian knew Brian lot better than this.

He is just thinking too much, in a battle the opponent won't let his opposition time to come up with a strategy, this is not a gym battle anymore.

Julian "As I said, stop thinking, this is not a gym battle anymore, this is a real pokemon battle, your opponents won't wait for you to come up with strategies to defeat them, they will attack continuously to take you down.

You will never grow stronger if you always keep thinking during your battle, sometimes you just have to go with your guts"

As Brian heard Julian he didn't know what to say, but he realized that he cannot give Julian time to attack, his previous opponents were weak, they didn't put up a challenge at all, he had a lot of time to think about a strategy and some of them didn't need one at all, they went down in one hit.

But when facing with Julian was something else, he didn't get even a chance to come up with a strategy, whenever he tried to think of it, his pokemon would get hit, he felt pressured and got startled and confused.

He knew he had to forget about strategy and battle as he sees fit for the current situation.

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