Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 562 - Julian Vs Brian (1)

The grand stadium became silent as the two participants stared at each other, one is an undefeated trainer who has proved the world that he is the strongest while the other is a born prodigy who still needs to prove himself to the world.

Julian "Do you think you stand a chance against me?" ​​

Julian asked with a smile on his face.

Brian "I know I can and I will defeat you right here in this battlefield in front of everyone and show the world that I am the greatest trainer in the whole world"

Julian "Confident, I see, but that is not enough, tell me something else, I have heard people claiming that they will defeat me many times but none have even come close, what's so special about you?"

Brian "I am a Prodigy and I will show you what kind of advantage I have against you compared to your other opponents"

Julian "Then show me, what a self-claimed Prodigy really has up his sleeve"

As they exchanged their worlds the crowd became interested in this battle further, they heard Brian claiming that he would defeat Julian, of course, none of them believed him but it was still interesting, most of the time Julian's opponents would just give up before the battle even began.

Announcer "Looks like this battle will be an interesting one, will trainer Brian triumph over the undefeated Julian?"

While the announcer tried to hype up the battle, the referee informed both of them about the rules of this battle, this will be a six on six battle, both trainers are allowed to switch pokemons during their battle, the same old rules that every pokemon battle has.

After confirming that both trainers are ready the referee started the battle.

Like always Brian sent out his Spiritomb, seeing this Julian smiled and sent out his Lucario, Lucario took the battlefield and stared at her opponent, a ghost type, as being a fighting type her fighting type moves shouldn't work on Ghost types, well it doesn't matter as she knows Foresight, with this she can even hit Ghost-type pokemons with fighting type moves.

Seeing that Julian sent out Lucario, Brian smiled, he had the obvious advantage and he is going to make full use of it.

Brian "I am going to end this with one hit, use Shadow Sneak"

Hearing Brian, his Spiritomb when into the ground and disappeared from everyone's view but everyone knows that when the time is right the Spiritomb will attack with a powerful attack.

Julian "Sword"

As Lucario heard Julian she focused her aura and created two swords which looked like cutlasses, seeing Lucario creating swords out of her aura the audience was shocked, even Brian didn't expect this as he has never seen a Lucario do this.

As Lucario's back was turned against it Spiritomb saw its chance and pounced on Lucario with a ghostly claw from behind, as the claw was about to hit Lucario, a blue flashed appeared right behind Lucario and blocked the attack.

As the motion came to a stop everyone could see Lucario blocked the attack by deflecting it with one of her swords.

Julian "Attack"

Lucario suddenly turned fast and did a horizontal slash from her other sword and managed to land a powerful hit on Spiritomb and sent it flying backward, since her Foresight is in effect the aura can touch Spiritomb, it has no way of escaping Lucario.

Brian "How?"

He is shocked, he understands Lucario's aura, its a fighting element so how can it come in contact with a ghost type Spiritomb.

Julian "How? Of course, my Lucario knows Foresight"

Julian said and smiled.

Brian "That explains it but it won't change the fact that I am going to win"

Julian "The only thing in which you are winning right now is......, Ah wait you aren't really winning at all"

Julian thought about it and said it with a sincere voice, hearing Julian really pissed of Brian but he knew that Julian is trying to get to him, he calms himself and looks at Lucario once again as he tries to figure out how can he take this pokemon down.

Julian "Lucario, use Agility till our opponent decides to attack us"

Seeing Brian is not making a move Julian decided to force him to make an exchange, Lucario started to use Agility as her speed started to grow rapidly.

Brian "Shit, Spiritomb, use Dark Pulse"

Spiritomb blasted a Dark Pulse but Lucario just dodged it and stood there and continued to use Agility, seeing he has to attack Lucario head on Brian realized that he fell in Julian's trap, he thought too much during the battle, sometimes thinking helps but sometimes it also gives the opponent a lot of time to set up a trap just like Julian, if Brian lets Lucario continue using Agility, her speed to become too much for Spiritomb to handle.

Brian "Use Sucker Punch"

Brian knows that Julian wants to confront his Spiritomb head on so he decided to go with Sucker Punch.

If he lands the first hit it will give him a chance to launch another powerful attack, Spiritomb charges at Lucario as a ghostly hand covered with dark energy charges at Lucario.

Julian "Counter"

As Lucario hears Julian, she opens up her guard and exposes her chest to Spiritomb as her swords are ready to attack, Brian realized that he fucked up as he heard Julian, but it's too late.

Lucario's swords vibrate from all the energy being stored in them, as soon as the Sucker Punch lands on her chest, Lucario brings down the two swords at Spiritomb from a 75-degree angle with double the force of the Sucker Punch she just took.

Spiritomb's face gets sliced into four while Lucario gets pushed back.

The tombstone under the ghostly energy of Spiritomb falls on the ground and a new face is formed above the tombstone of the fainted Spiritomb.

Referee "Spiritomb is unable to battle Lucario wins".

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