Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 559 - Quarter-Finals (Julian Vs Barry)

Its the second day of the quarter-finals and Julian is waiting in the waiting room as he watches the first battle of the day currently going on.

It Tobias vs the girl named Cara, the battle was the same as usual as Tobias will defeat his opponent's whole team with just his Darkrai. ​​

Julian just smirks and massages his fingers as he gets ready for his battle against the blond kid Barry. Since it is the semi-finals Julian did some research on Barry, he knows that this kid is the son of the leader of the Sinnoh battle tower but as a trainer, he knows nothing about the kid.

He did some research and realized that the kid is decent, his ace is his Empoleon, he also has other strong pokemons in his team like Heracross and Skarmory.

Julian still hasn't decided which pokemon to use so he calls out all his pokemons and asks them.

Out of all of them, Victini seems to be the most excited one so he decides to go with Victini.

Gliscor, Lucario, Manaphy, Togekiss, and Rampardos have already battled, the ones who haven't still battled in the conference league are Garchomp, Victini, Luxray, and Crystal.

The first battle comes to an end just like Julian and the others had expected, Tobias's Darkrai won the whole exchange against six pokemon singlehandedly.

Seeing this Julian smirked and looked at Victini.

Julian "What do you say Victini? Want to do this single-handedly?"

Hearing Julian Victini gets excited and does a victory sign with its fingers agreeing to Julian, seeing Victini Crystal also tries to do the same but realizes that its fingers are too small, Julian laughs as Crystal acts still like a little born baby.

He has spent so much time with Crystal but he hasn't seen even an inch of growth in Crystal, just like the very first day it came out of the egg, it is curious about everything that is surrounding it.

Julian ate his lunch and waited for his queue, after an hour the second round finally started as the announcer took his seat and started to introduce the challengers for the final battle of the Quarter-Finals.

Julian got on his feet with Victini's Pokeball in his hand and walked towards the door that will lead to the battlefield, first the announcer introduced Barry, Julian's challenger.

Next, the announcer hyped up Julian's entrance as the crowd went wild for him, the door in front of him opened as he walked out, the sunlight hit his face as he saw thousands of his fans screaming his name out of their lungs.

This feeling never got old for him, as he steps into the battlefield, the smell of burned and destroyed ground lingered in the air, Julian took his place and looked at his opponent, the blond kid Barry looked nervous as he tries to keep eye contact with Julian.

Julian "Don't get nervous now, or it will be a very boring battle"

He said.

Barry shook his head and nodded at Julian and held tightly to his Pokeball.

The Referee then started to explain the rules of this battle and then asked both Julian and Barry if they are ready or not.

Julian decided to show his future opponents what they are facing against so this time he will go a little harder than before.

Julian "Your name is Barry right?"

Barry "Yes"

Julian "Let me tell you sorry in advance"

Barry "Why?"

Julian "This league has got me excited and I wanted to show my future opponents who they are going up against, so I won't hold back even one bit against you"

Julian said with a smile and a straight face.

Seeing the smile one Julian's face Barry felt chills down his spine and cursed his bad luck, he is lucky that he got this far in the tournament but he is also very unlucky as he is going to be a punching bag for Julian.

Hearing Julian's declaration the whole crowd went silent, Brian and Tobias who are watching frowned and started to pay more attention to this battle.

Referee "Let the battle being"

Barry sent out his Hitmonlee for the first battle while Julian sent his Victini.

As Victini took the stage with flames bursting around it, the crowd is in shock once again, another Mythical pokemon and that too a Victini, they know the legend behind Victini, whoever owns a Victini is nearly unbeatable.

Seeing Victini both Tobias and Brian frown, they have only heard of Victini in the legends, this is the first time seeing one and they are already feeling the pressure, the fire around Victini is causing the surrounding air to warm up causing the light to refract around it.

Barry decides to go all out at once and asks hi Hitmonlee to use Mega Kick, Hitmonlee bolts at Victini with blinding speed ad aims its powerful Mega Kick at Victini.

Julian "Flamethrower"

Before Hitmonlee could even touch Victini, Victini blasts a powerful Flamethrower at Hitmonlee, the flame engulfs Hitmonlee then continues forward and hits the ground which starts to melt and turn into a liquid state as the surrounding becomes very hot.

Hitmonlee is on the ground chard and fainted.

Barry is shocked along with the whole crowd who then suddenly burst out of cheers as they see Victini's power.

Barry quickly sends out his next pokemon, Staraptor, but it also gets knocked out in one hit as Victini teleports right behind Staraptor and lands a powerful Psyshock which sends the Staraptor crashing into the ground and getting knocked out.

Barry then sends out Roserade and asks it to hit Victini with a Poison Jab but Victini uses Flame Burst and blasts Roserade right back to Barry's feet, by now Julian is just bullying Barry and he couldn't do anything but curse his bad luck once again.

Barry decides to send out his strongest pokemon, his Empoleon and asked it to use Hydro Pump.

Julian "V-Create"

Hearing Julian, Victini smiles and makes a victory sign with its fingers as its ears suddenly start to glow orange, suddenly a flame-shaped like a V is formed, the V then starts to grow bigger and bigger until it becomes massive.

As the Hydro Pump touches the flaming V it evaporates and turns into steam, the V then head towards Empoleon and hits it with a huge explosion, during the explosion, Barry feels something just went past him with incredible speed.

He turns back and sees his Empoleon planted on the wall deep and knocked out cold, seeing this Barry loses all his hope and goes on his keen and submits.

Barry "I submit"

Referee "The winner is trainer Julian as his opponent submits during the battle"

A submission finish, the rarest way a pokemon battle to end.

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