Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 558 - Quarter-Finals (Ash Vs Paul 2)

Now Ash has three pokemons on his side and Paul has one, Ash takes out his Pokeball and tosses it up in the air as his Torterra takes the stage once.

The battle starts with Torterra starting off with a powerful Energy Ball but Electivire just destroys it with a powerful Fire Punch. ​​

This battle doesn't last long as Torterra is very slow when it comes to dodging, it tries to attack Electivire with a Leaf Storm but Electivire advances forward by using Fire Punch and destroys it, after it gets close to Torterra it lands a devastating Ice Punch on Torterra's head and knocks it out with one hit.

Seeing this everyone is surprised, they realized that Paul's Electivire is very strong to defeat both Gliscor and Torterra with one hit is a huge deal, well Gliscor was exhausted but Torterra was still in full health, even though Ice Punch is four times effective on Torterra, it shouldn't have knocked it out cold in one hit.

Seeing this Ash calls back Torterra and takes out his next Pokeball and tosses it up in the air as his Infernape takes the stage.

Both pokemon stared at each other, they were also clearly rivals, once they trained under the same trainer, Paul.

But Paul abandoned Infernape and Ash took it in and trained it to grow strong, Infernape glared angrily at Paul as it wants to show Paul how strong it has gotten.

The battle starts with both pokemon exchange punch moves, Infernape uses Fire Punch while Electivire uses Thunder Punch, the collision of the attacks causes both pokemon to fly back, while Electivire is still ok, Infernape's condition is a little bad from its previous battle and its use of Flare Blitz.

The battle continues as it is one epic battle, the grand stadium is quite as no one dares to speak a word as these two pokemons exchange moves one after the other, explosions after explosions.

Even Julian and Cynthia didn't talk to each other as they saw this battle, both pokemons are giving their all, as Infernape uses Mach Punch and Electivire uses Thunder Punch during the exchange, Electivire gets the upper hand and sends Infernape flying backward.

Seeing this the whole crowd thinks that Infernape lost, even the referee thought so but before he could give his verdict, Infernape suddenly started to move and got back to its feet as its eyes burned with fire as it turned red, Blaze kicked in as Infernape's flames rose high up in the sky.

Seeing this Paul also decides to powerful Electivire up as he orders Electivire to use Thunder on itself, Electivire does this as a massive lightning bolt crashes on it, seeing this the crowd is shocked but they soon notice that Electivire didn't take any damage from that Thunder, instead it seems more powerful.

It's Electivire's ability Motor Drive, it increases Electivire's speed after getting hit by an Electric-type move.

Ash "Infernape, let's end this, Flare Blitz"

Paul "Thunder Punch"

As Electivire is faster, its punch is faster, a fast punch from a heavy built like Electivire is always devastating, both pokemon clash with each other creating a massive explosion.

As the smoke clears up both pokemons are seen still standing, suddenly the recoil of the Flare Blitz hits Infernape and everyone thinks it's going down but Infernape keeps its balance.

On the other hand, suddenly Electivire's body gets engulfed in flames as the burn effect takes over and Electivire goes down to the ground.

Ash wins as the referee calls out him as the winner after seeing Electivire fainting.

Hearing the result the crowd burst out in cheers as they fully enjoyed this battle, Ash wins with two pokemons still remaining on his side.

On the VIP section, Julian smiles after seeing the end of this battle, this was the first time he felt this excited seeing a pokemon battle.

Julian "A strong rival huh? I wonder if there is anyone out there who can give me a battle of this scale"

He said and chuckled.

Cynthia "Don't count me out still, after you win the league you will have to battle with me, who knows who will win, I am a lot stronger than before"

She said while pouting.

Julian "Of course, so can I use Infernape during our battle?"

He asked.


She shouted and pulled his cheek.

Julian "Ok, ok, I won't"

He said and laughed.

They both then eat their lunch together in the VIP room and wait for the next battle, it's Brian Vs a guy named Kennedy.

The battle starts with Brian sending out his Spiritomb, he then continues to knock out three of his opponent's pokemons with just his Spiritomb, he then calls it back and does the same thing with his Dusknoir and wins the whole battle with just two pokemons.

Seeing this Julian is surprised, even at the stage of the quarter-finals, the Brian is still holding back.

He knows that Brian will be his next opponent after he defeats that blond kid Barry.

Julian "I am excited to see how much is this Brian really holding back"

He said and smiled.

Cynthia "Me too, his Spiritomb and Dusknoir is clearly as strong as the pokemons of Elite Four, maybe even stronger"

She said as she watched Brian walk away.

Julian "Well, I will know when I battle him"

He said and watched as everyone was leaving the grand stadium.

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