Conway still believes that he has this battle in his hand as he sends out his third pokemon, a Dusknoir, this is the first time Conway has revealed his Dusknoir which caused the crown to cheer for him more, Dusknoirs are powerful pokemon and they do have a very good reputation among pokemon trainers.

Only strong trainers can really train a Dusknoir or they will just get consumed by the Dusknoir and the Dusknoir will then proceed to enslave its trainer, so many amateur trainers never try to capture a Dusknoir. ​​

The third battle started as Ash told Donphan to use Gyro Ball once again but Conway made his move.

Conway "Trick room"

Suddenly Donphan seems to have slowed down as a massive cube took over the whole battlefield, on the other side Dusknoir seems to have become really fast.

Julian "Trick room, this will allow the slower pokemon to become faster than its opponent, I see, this Conway is decent"

He said and continued watching.

Dusknoir then blasted Donphan with multiple Shadow Balls and knocked it out, Ash knew he is in trouble as Conway's Dusknoir is will be the faster pokemon and all his pokemons are faster than Dusknoir outside this Trick room.

Having no other choice Ash decided to stick with his plan and sent out his next pokemon, it's a Gabite.

Seeing the Gabite everyone is surprised as this is the first time Ash is using this pokemon in this league.

Julian 'When did he get a Gabite?'

Julian thought as he knew that this battle got interesting.

Conway "What are you even thinking, there is no way your Gabite can catch my Dusknoir"

Ash "Who said I am going to catch you, Gabite Draco Meteor"

Hearing Ash's attack Conway got surprised as Gabite blasted a ball of energy up in the air, the ball of energy then suddenly started to shower beams everywhere in the battlefield, some of them hit Dusknoir, even though it is fast it cannot escape all.

As Dusknoir crashed on the ground, Ash took his chance and called out his next move.

Ash "Now finish it, Dual Chop"

Gabite rushed towards Dusknoir and landed two powerful chops on Dusknoir and knocked it out cold.

Referee "Dusknoir is unable to battle, Ash Ketchum, moves on to the quarter-finals"

With this Ash moves on to the top 8, Julian finishes his cola and goes back to his room as the day comes to an end, the next day starts as the remaining four battle is held.

Tobias gets another easy victory over his opponent, the blond kid Barry also makes to the top eight as well along with the other two trainers.

Now that the top 8 are selected the organizers soon interfere with the sorting system and come up with the battles for the quarter-finals.

As Julian is resting in his room with Cynthia who came over to spend time with him, he gets a notification on his phone, he takes it out and sees that his next opponent has been selected.

His next opponent is the blond kid Barry, somewhere else in the Lily valley Barry is cursing at the computer as he looks at his next opponent.

Barry "Fuck, looks like this will be my last battle"

He said and sighed.

Back to Julian, he looks at the other trainers and their opponents, seeing the card Julian gets excited as he sees Ash Vs Paul is on the card and it is the first battle of the quarter-finals, the next battle is Brian vs a guy named Kennedy, Tobias is facing off against a girl named Kara and the last battle is Julian Vs Barry.

Cynthia "So the card of the quarter-finals is selected huh?"

Julian "Looks like it"

Cynthia "Anyone interesting?"

Julian "Well there is Ash or Paul as one of them will lose, this Brian is also hiding his true power and then there is Tobias the dark horse of this tournament"

He said and chuckled.

Cynthia also smiled and looked at Julian when suddenly she got sad, Julian noticed this.

Julian "What is it?'

Cynthia "You will leave Sinnoh after the league ends right?"

Julian "Yes"

Cynthia "I see"

Julian "Don't worry I will come to visit you and there is also that new teleportation machine currently being manufactured, soon we will be able to meet daily, even if we live far away from each other"

He said and patted her head.

Cynthia got happy as she realized that what Julian's saying is true, with the new type of transportation being created, it will be a lot easier for them to meet each other even if they are living in faraway regions.

Julian "With my company being one of the funding organization got the machine along with several billion-dollar companies, it won't take long before the teleportation machine gets complete"

Cynthia "I know"

Julian "For now I only need to concentrate on one thing"

Cynthia "And what is it?"

Julian "You"

He said and grabbed her waist and pushed her on the bed and got on top of her and kissed her and made love with her for the rest of the day.

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