As Julian decides to leave and turn around he notices the change in the surroundings and quickly turns around to notice Infernape charging at Sudowoodo as red sparks like lightning bolts burst out of Infernape's flames as the Flame Wheel turns into Flare Blitz.

Ash's Infernape's speed increases by several folds all of a sudden and crashes into Sudowoodo who is unable to Defend against this Flare Blitz as its Defense is destroyed and it gets sent flying backward and crashes into the ground and rolls till it hits a tree and gets knocked. ​​

Everyone is surprised by seeing this, even Julian, the power in that Flare Blitz is really something.

Julian 'Impressive, that Infernape is special, Ash got a strong partner, hope he gets to the finals'

He thought and watched the excited expression on Ash's face, Ash rushed towards Infernape and hugged him in happiness, learning a powerful move before their battle is a huge thing for any trainer, now they have an extra move in their arsenal.

Brock "Ash that was really a very strong Flare Blitz but I will warn you to not use it too much as the recoil from it will be too much for Infernape to handle if he overuses it"

Ash "I understand"

He nodded his head and continued smiling with happiness and excitement, the blond kid Barry also joined in as he saw the Flare Blitz and power behind it.

Barry "Ash, are you training to face off against Paul?"

Ash "Huh? No, before I face off against Paul I have to defeat Conway"

He said with a determined voice.

Barry "I see, then I will defeat my opponent as well and meet you in the finals and win the league, hahahahaha"

Ash "In your dreams, I will be the one who will win the Sinnoh league"

Both of them started to quarrel against each other, showing off their passion for pokemon battle, seeing this Julian just smiled and walked away, it is time for the next battle.

On the way, he got some sandwiches, chips, and cola from the three idiots of the team rocket trio who are selling these to earn some money for themselves and headed straight to the VIP section where he will watch the last and final battle of the day while he eats.

After getting a huge room from himself Julian laid down on the couch type recliner and waited for the fourth battle to start.

The people in the audience started to gather up again for today's last battle, many people believe that this will be a huge one, both trainers are very strong and Ash is also known very well by hardcore pokemon battle fans, him battling Julian in the Ever Garden conference is a huge deal, he even has some of his own loyal fans.

The announcer got back to the mic and started the event, after introducing both the trainers the referee walked in and asked both Ash and Conway if they are ready or not, once both of them gave their approval, the battle started as the crowd cheered for their favorite to win.

Julian suddenly noticed a commotion from somewhere in the audience, he looked towards the direction and noticed that his girlfriend Cynthia is sitting in the normal seating area along with the audience and is currently deciding to weather to buy Sandwich or Ice Cream from the team rocket trio, seeing Cynthia there the crowd around her got excited and this also helps the boost in sales for the team rocket trio, Julian shakes his head as he sees this, sometimes Cynthia forgets her own identity which causes her to get swarmed by her fans and render her motionless.

Luckily for her, the battle has started as the people in the audience go back to their seat to watch the battle, Cynthia also gets her ice cream and sits down to watch the battle.

The battle started with Conway sending out Shuckle as his first pokemon, seeing this Julian is surprised, Shuckles are known for their ridiculous Defense but their attack is pitiful, even a Caterpie might come out unscathed from an attack from a Shuckle, Julian wondered what Conway is planning.

Ash also sends out his first pokemon, a Noctowl and it is a shiny pokemon, seeing the shiny Noctowl the crowd gets excited.

Julian 'A shiny Noctowl, this is my first time seeing one as well, let see what it is capable of'

The battle started with Ash calling of an Air Slash but Conway asked his Shuckle to retreat into its shell, as the Air Slash landed on the Shuckle, there seems to be no damage on it.

Ash continued with Air Slash but Conway just continued to increase his Shuckle's Defense by using Defense curl, people got confused seeing this, why is Conway rising his Defense if he is getting hit by Special Attacks.

As Shuckle's Defense reached its maximum Conway smiled, Ash is also getting restless as the battle is not going anywhere, he decides to attack Shuckle head-on.

Ash "Use Arial Ace and grab Shuckle"

Ash's Noctowl listened to Ash and dove downwards towards Shuckle with blinding speed but Conway had expected this to happen.

Conway "Use Power Trick then Roll Out"

Shuckle suddenly lost all its Defense and Special Defense while its Attack and Special Attack became ridiculously powerful, especially its Attack due to all the boost in Defense that Conway had implemented during the battle.

Shuckle suddenly used Rollout and charged towards Noctowl with full power and both clashed creating a shockwave that traveled all across the battlefield, Ash's Noctowl got sent flying backward from that exchange but Ash's hasn't given up.

Ash "Not so fast, Noctowl use Extrasensory"

Noctowl with its last bit of power used Extrasensory and lifted Shuckle up in the air and then slammed it hard on the ground knocking it out in one hit.

Noctowl survived that attack while Conway's Shuckle got defeated.

Referee "Shuckle is unable to battle, Noctowl wins"

After the Referee gave his call Ash called his Noctowl back as it is in no shape to continue battling, the damage it took from that Roll Out was big, if it was not the very First Roll out things would have been different as Roll Out becomes powerful the more it is used.

Conway didn't expect the first exchange to end in his defeat, he wanted to know what other pokemons Ash had before he could come up with a perfect plan to face him off.

The battle continued and Conway sent out his Lickilicky while Ash sent out his Donphan, at first this round seems to be Conway's as his Lickilicky had got a hold of Donphan with its long tongue but Donphan escaped by using Rapid Spin and then Ash asked Donphan to use Gyro Ball.

With several powerful Gyro Balls, Donphan knocked out Lickilicky and won the second round as well, Conway is down to his last pokemon and Ash still has all three.

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