Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 521 - Cyrus's Tantrum

Cyrus started to go wild again, he looks furiously at Julian and screams at him.

Cyrus "Are you the one who brought me here to kill me, do you work for the monster, I will kill you" ​​

Cyrus said and jumped at Julian.

This caused everyone outside to get scared out of their wits.

If Julian got hurt it would be a huge disaster but before they could stop Cyrus he had already made the move that is when they suddenly noticed that Cyrus isn't able to move from his spot at all, they looked at his legs and saw two black hands coming out of his shadow and grabbing them, he couldn't move an inch, as Cyrus struggled to get his hands on Julian he fell on the ground and looked at his legs to see what is happening.

That is when he froze on the spot, he saw red crimson eyes staring at him coldly, he felt scared again, he suddenly pissed his pants as he saw Gengar's cold eyes, Gengar couldn't except Cyrus laying even a single finger on Julian.

Julian [Gengar put him to sleep, no need to waste any time]

Hearing Julian Gengar put Cyrus to sleep and went back into Julian's shadow, he then walked out of the room as the people outside of the room looked at him with a surprised expression, they though Julian would get attacked, instead he put Cyrus to sleep without even moving.

Julian "As I said, I can keep myself safe"

He said and stood next to Cynthia and looked at Cyrus who is currently sleeping on his own piss.

Julian "I think someone should go inside and clean that or it will stink"

He said and laughed awkwardly, he didn't expect Cyrus to see Gengar and get scared, well Gengar was also giving off very bad signals to Cyrus, there was no way he wouldn't have been scared by a cold stare from Gengar.

Julian 'He said he saw a pokemon with six wings and it was a mix of blue, yellow, and black color, I don't think I know any pokemon of such color, maybe it's really not one of the legendary trio and some pokemon of different dimension, well I cannot still take his words seriously, I need to prepare myself for everything'

He thought and looked at Cynthia.

Julian "Hey, let's go, we have other things to do"

He said.

She nodded and they both left the mental hospital and told Sesko to inform any changes in Cyrus's behavior to Cynthia if it happens.

After leaving the mental hospital they decided to have lunch back at Cynthia's place so they headed there, as usual, Julian is the one to cook as Cynthia doesn't know how to, she is a complete amateur when it comes to cooking as she has dedicated her whole life to be a pokemon trainer.

Cynthia "What will you do now?"

She asked.

Julian "Now, it's time for me to go and convince the guards to join the faction"

Cynthia "What are you going to name it?"

She asked.

That is when Julian realized he needs to come up with a name for a faction but he is very bad at these kinds of stuff, naming factions is not what he is good at.

Julian "I don't know, I will come up with it in the future when everything is ready"

He said and laughed awkwardly.

Cynthia also chuckled and they continued eating their lunch, once lunch was over both of them headed towards the League headquarters as that is where the Elite Guards of the underworld are being kept, these guards are as good as abandoned people by the Underworlds, their faces have been seen by the League so the underworld won't bother to save them anymore.

The Guards also realized that this was a suicide mission for them.

If they got captured no one is going to save them so they were already waiting for their deaths, to the underworld these guards are just used and thrown items, they won't bother even if a thousand guards are killed because they have many more guards under them all over the world.

Julian and Cynthia soon arrived at the League Headquarters, when they arrived their many staff members there stared at Julian and Cynthia, there was already a rumor going around Julian and Cynthia's being in a relationship before they even got into a relationship and seeing them so close together many staff members thought that the rumors might be true.

They both ignored the stares and headed upstairs where the main members of the league are at, once they got inside the room they saw Charles Goodshow in the main seat which is extended at a very high level as he is a very small man, and with him are other main executives of the League.

They all came to Sinnoh after they learned about the chief being a spy of the underworld and to pass judgment on him.

When Charles saw Julian he smiled from ear to ear.

Charles "Young Julian, look at you still haven't changed one bit, I heard that you have already defeated all the gyms in Sinnoh, hehehehehe"

Julian "I think I don't need to confirm that as you already know about it, old man"

He said and smiled.

Charles "Look how strong you have gotten and now you have quite an army on your side with all those powerful pokemons, why don't you send us some of your pokemons"

He asked while looking at Julian.

Julian's pokemon are one of a kind, they are stronger, bigger, and faster, anyone with enough influence would want to have their hands on them but they know that they will be meeting their doom if they tried anything funny.

Julian "No can do, they don't like being under anyone"

He said and took a seat along with Cynthia.

Charles "I get it, so are you here for the little team you are about to build?"

Julian "Indeed, I just hope that this matter would only stay between the people in this room and no one else, not even the members of my faction or our deal is off"

He said.

Charles "Don't worry we will give you a written document if you want"

He said and laughed loudly, even the few people next to him said the same, two old men and one middle-aged woman, they are the main executives of the league, they run everything in Sinnoh and its neighboring regions along with Kanto, Johto and few other regions.

Julian "Then I have nothing to worry about"

He said and they proceeded to do all the main paperwork before Julian meets the future members of his faction.

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