As the video started playing Julian and Cynthia saw Cyrus being held by four guards as he screamed and tried to claw the guards, he seems to be going berserk, the guards sedated him and put him inside his cell.

Once he was in there he didn't wake up for an hour, during that time a nurse entered his room to take his blood samples when he suddenly got up from his sleep and attacked the nurse and he bit her on her forearm which started to bleed a lot, the guards once again got inside the room and put Cyrus back to sleep and escorted the nurse to the emergency center where she would get treated. ​​

Seeing this Julian was really surprised.

When he saw Cyrus back then in his cell he was very calm and didn't bother with anyone but seeing how he was when he got here, he could tell that Cyrus's condition is way worse than he thought it would be.

The video ended with that, the next video soon started to play as they saw Cyrus getting up from his sleep once again, this time when the nurse entered she was followed by four guards right behind her, ready to protect her if Cyrus did something again.

Cyrus just stayed still as he saw the nurse and the guards coming towards him, this time the nurse was here to check his current condition, as they got closer to Cyrus he did nothing, seeing that Cyrus was not acting up the guards let their guard down.

When the nurse was going her job and checking his condition, Cyrus suddenly lunged at the nurse and held her hair tightly, the nurse screamed in pain, Cyrus suddenly let go of her hair but he suddenly had something in his hand, a hairpin, seeing the hairpin in his hand the guards charged at him before he could stab himself in his eyes.


Cyrus screamed.

One could tell clearly that Cyrus is scared out of his mind right now, his voice is filled with fear, seeing that they cannot do anything right now, Sesko and the nurses decided to leave Cyrus alone, during the time he was alone he tried many things to kill himself, by banging his head on the wall, on the sharp edges of his bed, biting his tongue and many more.

Luckily the guards were around to stop every time he did something, during this process many guards got hurt, some of them were bitten and scratched by Cyrus.

Julian and Cynthia saw many videos similar to this where Cyrus was being a danger to himself, after hours he finally stopped and calmed himself down.

Cynthia was horrified by seeing this, she felt pity for Cyrus, even though he is a horrible person in her mind no one deserves to suffer like how Cyrus is suffering.

Julian "Can I talk to him now?"

He asked.

Sesko "I don't think that is a good idea, he is very aggressive at times and we cannot guarantee your safety even with the guards around"

He warned Julian about the danger of going into Cyrus's room.

Julian "Don't worry, I have ways to keep me safe"

He said.

Seeing that Julian is confident in being safe inside the room with Cyrus, Sesko decided to go with it and he can even learn some more about Cyrus's condition.

Sesko "Ok then, let me take you there"

He said and escorted Julian and Cynthia back to the bottom floor where Cyrus is being held right now, Julian looked at the guards around his cell, they seemed much more experience than the others around here and they also have a pokemon backing them off.

Julian entered the room and told the guards to stay outside as he wants to talk to Cyrus alone.

Julian "Stop right here, I will go inside alone, so many people entering at once my intimidate him and he won't speak or he might do something worse again"

After saying so he entered the room and walked towards Cyrus who is rocking on his bed with his legs curled around his arms.

Cyrus looked at Julian and went back to his normal position, Julian then told Gengar to hide in Cyrus shadow and keep an eye on him.

Julian [If Cyrus tries to do anything stop him]

With the order given, Julian sat down on the bed next to Cyrus while everyone outside is looking at him with a worried expression.

Julian "Cyrus"

He called him.

Cyrus slowly lifted his head and looked at Julian and nodded his head slightly, his actions were now like a timid 10-year-old kid.

Julian "Do you know who I am?"

Julian smiled and asked, he didn't want to scare Cyrus by putting on a serious face, Cyrus looked at Julian smiling and eased up and nodded his head saying that he knows who Julian is.

Cyrus "You are the one who saved me, big brother"

He said in a very timid voice.

Hearing Cyrus call him big brother, Julian's brows twitched but he didn't say anything, Cyrus is acting completely different right now, as a 10-year-old kid.

Outside the room, Sesko looks at Cyrus's behavior and is surprised.

Sesko "This is a completely new behavior, he seems to be going through some kind of immature personality disorder, this is the first time I have seen a mental patient go through these many changes in behavior"

He said being fascinated by his new patient, this is a completely new case for him, one he has never experienced before which made him excited about his field again.

Inside the room, Julian continued to ask Cyrus question.

Julian "So do you remember what I saved you from?"

Hearing the question Cyrus nods his head once again timidly.

Julian "So can you tell me what it is?"

Cyrus then shakes his head left and right saying he doesn't want to.

Julian "Why?"

Cyrus "Because it is scary"

Julian "Don't worry nothing will happen, I am here right, I saved you before, I will save you again"

Julian said while trying to make Cyrus tell what he really saw.

Cyrus "Ok, I saw a very very big monster, it had yellow, black and blue colors on its body and it was very scary, it also had six pointy arms on its back"

He said and shuddered.

Cyrus "Big brother save me, it will kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me"

Suddenly Cyrus started to repeat himself again and again while his behavior changed once again, his eyes constricted and he started to shake in fear once again.


He started to scream again.

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