Julian got back to the camp and waited for the rest to come back with the captured guards, it didn't take them long before they were back in the camp, they put the guards next to the team galactic members who were captured by the agents before.

When the Leader was about to enter and interrogate the Guards Julian stopped him. ​​

Julian "I have some questions for him, you don't mind do you?"

He asked the leader.

The leader hesitated for a moment before finally agreeing to Julian, even though Julian had nothing to do with the capture of these guards he still came to their rescue and someone of status like Julian is not a person he could afford to offend/

Julian entered the tent and found the captain of the guard handcuffed into a table so he cannot escape, all of their pokemons have been confiscated by the agents as well, the captain saw Julian entering the room and ignored him.

Julian sat down right in front of him and looked at the captain.

Julian "So you work for Cyrus huh? why? what did he offer?"

Julian asked.

Hearing this the captain got surprised, he hadn't told this to anyone, only his team knew about this, not even the Underworld is aware of it but this man in front of him knows.

Well Julian is just taking a guess out of the blue and he is 99 percent sure that is the case, he just wants this man to confirm it that is all.

Seeing the captain struggle Julian already got his answer, as he expected Cyrus was the one behind this, seeing Julian staring at him even without moving a muscle the captain got more intimidated by this.

Captain "Yes we are working for Cyrus"

He answered at last.

Julian "Why? What did he offer?"

Julian is still not moving from his spot, his eyes are fixed on the captain glaring him, trying to intimidate him.

Captain "Cyrus told us that he would give us and our family freedom if we helped him, he will help us get out of that island"

He said.

Hearing this Julian finally understood what was happening, Cyrus must have given all these men false hope, Julian had seen the people living on the island, even though everything seemed normal they were all slaves at the end of the day.

They had no education, no entertainment and the most important, no freedom, Cyrus can easily manipulate these men as their desire for freedom is more than anything but they didn't have the power to rebel against the leader of the island, they all had weapons and pokemons while the locals living there didn't have such privilege, they were not allowed to rear pokemons, the only ones who could do so where the elders who have already contributed all their life to the Underworld's cause and sacrifice their youths.

Julian "Hmm, I understand, the hunger for freedom is something one cannot resist"

He said and sighed pitying this man in front of him, his whole life he spent inside that island, training like hell, giving up his youth for a cause he had no idea about.

The Captain was surprised by Julian's words but he didn't say anything, Julian is his enemy right now, he cannot show weakness.

Julian "What happened in the camp?"

He asked.

He felt it was really weird, why were there so many craters on the ground, he remembered smelling the gun power in the air but didn't think much about it at that time, he didn't understand why would these people blow up their own camp.

Captain "It was because of a fire caused by my pokemons, they suddenly started fighting and causing my tent to catch on fire, the explosives that were under my bed blew up and it blew up the other explosives in the camp along with all the firearms and guns that were stored there"

He said and sighed.

Hearing this Julian didn't know what to say, two pokemons fighting and causing trouble, it was just like his pokemons always causing mischief.

Julian 'Thank god my pokemons haven't blown up anything yet'

He thought and pitied this man in front of him once again.

Julian "How man guards have come to the Sinnoh mainland?"

He suddenly asked this question thinking about something that just came to his mind.'

Captain "About hundred"

He said.

Julian "Are all of them working for Cyrus?"

Captain "I don't know, we haven't kept contact with another group, we didn't want to get exposed for betraying the Underworld"

He said.

Julian thought about something and got up from his chair and walked out, as he walked out he saw the Leader waiting outside.

Julian "I don't want anything to happen to that man or his team, tell the league that I will be responsible for them"

Julian said.

Hearing this the leader is shocked but he didn't say anything, he was not in a position to argue, now he just has to relay Julian's words to the league and let them decide.

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