Since was already dark Julian decided to rest for the day, he went to sleep to wake up next day very early, he walked out of his tent and saw most of the agents are already up and doing their morning training, Julian decided to leave them alone and feed his pokemons before doing anything.

After feeding his pokemons he sent them back and approached the leader to discuss their strategy on how to handle the guards that have been camping outside and slowly closing in. ​​

Julian "Do you have any plans?"

Julian asked the Leader.

Leader "No we don't, they have more men, more pokemons and more firearms, we are completely outnumbered and outmatched, that is why we asked for reinforcements"

He said looking hopefully at Julian.

Julian avoided the leader's look and nodded his head, it was obvious that these people couldn't hold off the attack for much longer but Julian is surprised that they don't have any backup plan, he wondered what would have happened to them if he didn't come here.

Julian "Did anything happen yesterday night?"

He asked.

It's better to be informed of everything that has happened so he won't be in a mess if something happened that he didn't expect.

Leader "Nothing much, there was an explosion but it must have been the pokemons battling for territory, these part of the forest is filled with powerful pokemons and these battles are common at night"

He explained.

Julian "Fine, get ready I will be in front and attack them head-on, you just cover me"

He said.

It will be a waste of time for him to come up with a plan to deal with guards who won't be able to even put up a fight against his Garchomp.

The leader nodded and informed his men to gear up, Crystal seems to have woken up as well and looked around popping its head out, it saw that it was already morning, it remembered what it did last night and went back into the pocket trying not to stand out, it felt guilty.

Julian didn't notice this behavior from Crystal and continued with his own preparations, once the whole team was ready they set off, Julian got on top of Garchomp and flew up in the sky and towards the direction where the Elite Guards of the Underworld have set up their camp, he decided to launch and quick and swift air attack on these people and completely destroy them before they could even retaliate, Julian had already plans for other things, such as catching up with Cynthia and finding Cyrus, he had called her right before heading here but her answer was that she is still searching for him.

She also seems to have encountered a bunch of Elite Guards who tried to block her path, he already knew that Cyrus has already made the Elite Guards turn side and support him, he didn't know what was the reason the Elite Guards were supporting him but it didn't matter.

Cyrus has to go and along with him, anyone that supports him.

Soon he arrived above the Elite Guard's camp but what he saw surprised him, he saw the black charged ground and lots of craters around the area, there were men sitting around in a circle with their pokemon completely disappointed in themselves.

Julian "What happened here?"

He thought and patted Garchomp's head signaling him to fly down, Garchomp dove down and landed on the ground within a second causing the ground to quake startling everyone who is sitting here.

The Elite Guards looked at Julian and his black Garchomp, they realized that it was the same man that entered the camp of the Elite Agents of the league that they were supposed to suppress.

Julian looked at them in a confused expression, and the guards understood why Julian is looking at them with such expression, even they would have the same expression if they were a reinforcement team and the ones they were about to battle have been destroyed before they even got into the battlefield.

The Captain of the group got on his feet and looked at Julian.

Captain "Hey? aren't you looking down on us, just coming here by yourself, even though most of our weapons have been destroyed doesn't mean that we are helpless as we still have our pokemon"

He said and pulled out his Pokeball but he suddenly paused as he saw the League's Elite agents surrounding them with guns in their hand and their fresh and healthy pokemons right behind them, the Captain realized that it was useless to resist, due to their bad luck they lost their main source of battle, their pokemons worked overnight to put out the fire and now they are completely exhausted.

Captain "We surrender"

He said and went on his knee letting go of his Pokeball, Julian on the other hand still doesn't know what happened here, he saw the Leader of the league agent handcuff the guards and ordered his men to take them away, the leader then walked towards Julian and bowed his head.

Leader "Thank you very much, Sir Julian, I didn't think you would have finished them before we could even make a move, as expected of the strongest trainer"

He said and started to praise Julian.

Julian "Huh? You got it wrong, this place was already in ruins when I got here, integrate those men and ask what happened here"

He said clearing the misunderstanding.

The Leader nodded and walked away without saying anything, even though he mistook that situation, it didn't matter, the enemy is now captured, it doesn't matter who did this, it was their advantage.

Julian "Let's head back then, I want to ask them some questions as well"

He said and got on his Garchomp and flew back to the camp.

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