Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 497 - Saving The Elite Agents

Cynthia knew it was no time to sit around and feel guilty about her actions and failures, she needs to move and try to track down Cyrus before things get out of hand.

Julian let her adjust herself till she got back to her sense and told her to stay strong and concentrate on the current situation. ​​

Julian "I think it's dangerous for you to go alone, take my Absol with you"

He said and called out Absol, Absol has been training none stop to reach the level of his seniors but he is not able to gauge their power at all, it is all blur to him, his seniors are literal nuclear weapons that could explode at any time from just one world from Julian and he wants to be at that level as well and help Julian in future.

Julian "Absol protect Cynthia and her pokemons at all cost, I except great things from you"

He said and patted his head and gave his Pokeball to Cynthia.

Julian "He knows how to battle on his own, you don't have to command him, just concentrate on your pokemons and he will back them up"

He said.

Cynthia nodded and took the Pokeball and looked at Julian's Absol, one of the champions of the Ever garden conference, Absol had displayed firepower far above any of her pokemons during the conference and a lot of time has passed till then, she cannot imagine how strong Absol has gotten.

Cynthia "Please take care of me"

She said and patted Absol's head causing him to blush, he is not used to other people being affectionate to him except Julian so it was awkward for him, Absol knew that Cynthia is an important person to Julian so he decided to protect her at all cost, no matter what happens.

Julian "Ok, you should leave now"

He said and waved her goodbye as he watched her leave on her Garchomp, Julian also decided to leave soon after, he has already received the location of the base where the stalemate is taking place, the Elite agents of the league are able to hold their own for now but it won't take too long for the Elite guards to take them out, even though this might be a stalemate, Julian would do anything to save the lives of innocent people.

The elite agents have risked their lives for the region and maintained its safety for the people that live here, Julian can at least help them come out of this unscathed.

He also leaves the village on his Garchomp as few villagers watch him leave, the kids who were playing with Garchomp tried to chase him but it was of no use Garchomp is way faster than anything they have ever seen.

It didn't take long for Julian to arrive at the location, a few minutes of flight and Garchomp is already hovering over the camp that has been built by the Elite Agents of the league.

Julian looked around and noticed that these agents have really been surrounded by enemies everywhere, there are traps all over the place and nowhere to escape.

Julian "Garchomp, go down"

Julian orders Garchomp to go down and see what happens, and as he expected as soon as he got near the camp some people started to shoot at him with powerful guns but there were all useless, Garchomp used Protect to block them off.

The ones who were shooting at him where the Elite guards of the underworld that have surrounded the place. This, of course, grabs the attention of the agents who are trying their best to remain calm and hoping for reinforcement to arrive and save them.

When they saw a Garchomp flying towards them they thought it was the Champion herself who is coming to rescue them as Cynthia is the only one capable of training one and also the only person in the whole league to have one.

But when they saw a man riding the Garchomp they frowned and pulled out their guns, they had to be prepared, this person could be an enemy and seeing that he has a Garchomp with him this person is dangerous to them.

Garchomp landed on the ground creating a mini shockwave that traveled over the ground and blew away the dust around in a circular pattern.

They all pointed their guns at Julian and slowly backed off while ready to shoot down if this person pulls of an attack, their pokemons were also ready to attack as well, ready to attack as soon as their trainers commanded.

Julian "I am Julian, I came to help, Cynthia sent me"

He said and put his hands up in the arm to show he was not holding anything and he came in peace and to help them.

When they heard this the leader of the group walked forward to see if Julian is telling the truth or not but as soon as he saw the person's face he got stunned, he didn't even think in his wildest imagination that the Julian himself has come to help them.

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